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Thailand Bus Tickets
Vietnam Railways
Ferry tickets
Indian Railways
General questions
Thai Railways
Sri Lanka Railways
Payments and Refunds
Cambodian Bus Tickets
How to use our system
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass)
Myanmar Railways
China Railways
New Zealand Railways
Lost and Found
How to use our system
How to book tickets using 12Go?
Ticket confirmation process
I do not have a 12Go account. How do I get one?
How to use the credits?
What are the 12Go credits and how do I get them?
I want to book for a large group of people. How can I do that?
How do I get from A to B?
How to check the balance in my account?
What if the new trip is more expensive than my balance?
Payments and Refunds
Payments in The Philippines
How to make an extra payment
There was the amount of 30 Baht / 1 USD deducted from my account. Why did this happen?
Sri Lanka Railways
Is it possible to deliver the original train ticket to my hotel in Sri Lanka?
Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass)
How can I make a SEAT reservations?
Until when is my Rail Pass valid on the last day?
What happens if I have to delay / cancel my trip?
How do we provide Japan Rail Pass?
About Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass)
Japan Rail Pass Conditions
Is it possible to deliver our Exchange Order paper to the hotel in Japan or Worldwide Shipping?
Can I make seat reservations on particular train?
Do I need a Rail Pass for children?
How to collect Exchange Order Paper and redeem it to Japan Rail Pass?
Japan Rail Pass compensation policy
How long The Rail Pass Exchange Order Paper / Japan Rail Pass valid?
Busy Times
What are the advantages of a Green pass?
Can I use Japan Rail Pass to all types of trains?
I’m Japanese. Can I get a Rail Pass?
How to use Japan Rail Pass?
General questions
How do I cancel my ticket?
I cannot pay or have canceled/failed payment