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I usually do the same, tailor the return to print the same for all copies. I usually don't mask the SSN, but since I am emailing many returns to clients (throug...
Nothing. I have changed it to say "Client Copy" so it's not as big across the page, and not as wordy. I just prefer no watermark.
Thank you, I'll try that. I did try unchecking "Mask Data", then I checked "Watermark". I deleted the default watermark so it was blank, and then I checked "Mas...
Does anyone know if there is a way to mask sensitive data without having any kind of watermark on the client's printed copy? When I select "Mask Sensitive Data"...
Thank you for your prompt response. So I will enter her 9 digit Canadian SSI in the same field I would enter a US citizen's SSN? Is there a separate form I have...