ACER Director

ACER Director

A word from the Director

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A word from Christian on his re-appointment as ACER Director (from Jan 2025-end Dec 2029):

“I am honoured to have the trust and confidence of the ACER Boards to steer the Agency through its evolving mandate for the coming years. At ACER, we understand the real-world energy challenges and trade-offs that governments and stakeholders face. One such key challenge facing Europe, and a promise of the European Commission under its new political mandate, is to enhance EU competitiveness while reducing energy bills for companies and households. A key component here will be how Europe’s integrated energy markets evolve in the years ahead. Naturally ACER and our members, the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), will have a key role to play here if leaders across the EU decide to leverage further this potential asset.
Building trust is not built solely on shared values but also through ACER’s daily graft alongside the NRAs of monitoring energy markets and networks to ensure the rules are respected, removing barriers, increasing transparency, analysing data to detect market manipulation and insider trading, and providing evidence-based insights that help decision-makers make informed decisions about the trade-offs they face. As the saying goes, ‘The only easy day was yesterday’, reflecting that as our energy transition unfolds, there will be ample new and exciting challenges to devote ourselves to.”

The ACER Administrative Board (at its 11-12 December 2024 meeting) extended the mandate of the Director, Mr Christian Zinglersen, for five years.


A word from Christian on his appointment as ACER Director (from Jan 2020-end Dec 2024):

​​​​​“I am thrilled to be, together with the Agency, at the front line, regulation-wise, of the many changes impacting energy systems in Europe. The energy landscape is evolving rapidly, driven in part by technology, by market actor innovation and in part by evolving political priorities, not least as regards decarbonisation of the broader economy, in which energy transitions play a crucial part. 
While history shows that trust among nations in moments of crisis tends to decrease, I remain firmly convinced that in the coming months and years we need “more Europe”, not less. ACER will play a key role, to the extent possible, to build faith in increased mutual reliance, which I see as being the essence of its mandate”.


 - Christian Zinglersen ​-

ACER Director

Who is the ACER Director and what is the role of the Director?

ACER is managed and represented by its Director, Christian Zinglersen. 

The Director’s term of office is five years. It may be prolonged by the Administrative Board once only, for a further five years.

Mr Zinglersen started his mandate on 1 January 2020. His mandate was extended for a further five-year period until 31 December 2029, by a decision of the ACER Administrative Board at their 11-12 December 2024 meeting.

The Director represents the Agency vis-à-vis external stakeholders and ensures its internal functioning.

He adopts and publishes the official acts (opinions, recommendations and decisions), receiving a favourable opinion from the Board of Regulators.

He is responsible for drafting the annual work programme of the Agency and implementing it under the guidance of the Board of Regulators and the administrative control of the Admini​strative Board. The Director also draws up a preliminary draft budget and implements the Agency's approved budget. ​

ACER Director

ACER Director's bio & photos

Download high resolution photos of the ACER Director, Christian Zinglersen:

Download Mr Zinglersen's bio.

​You can contact Mr. Zinglersen at: