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Diana Cochran

Assistant Clinical Professor

Assistant Clinical Professor

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture 2121 Plant Sciences Building 4291 Fieldhouse Drive College Park, MD 20742-4452


  • Commercial crop production
  • Crop diversification (hops, ornamentals, tree fruits, and wine grapes)
  • Relationship between plants and environmental variables
  • Plant nutrient and water use efficiency
  • Sustainable in-season crop management practices





B.S., Horticulture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

M.S., Horticulture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

Ph.D., Agricultural Science, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS

Professional Work

Professional Positions Held: 



My research focuses on evaluating sustainable production systems (hopyards, plant nurseries, orchards, and vineyards), nutrient management, and environmental variables (light, temperature, and water use), with the goal of reducing production costs without sacrificing plant quality.

  • Develop a research program focused on reducing production costs and optimizing plant establishment through cultural practices and stress management
  • Evaluate sustainable practices that are affordable and practical for specialty crops
  • Characterize nutrient and water uptake and water use efficiency in specialty crops 
  • Analyze the relationship between plants and environmental variables (light, temperature, soil, etc.)


Teaching: Courses Taught

Course Title Course No. Semester Format
Introduction to Horticulture PLSC110 Spring In-person
Introduction to Horticulture PLSC110 Summer Online
Introduction to Horticulture Laboratory PLSC111 Spring In-person
Crafty Beverage Crops AGST333 Fall Online
Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Production PLSC433 Fall In-person
Environmental Horticulture PLSC452 Spring In-person





Selected Publications: 

  1. Schrader, J.A., P.A. Domoto, G.R. Nonnecke, D.R. Cochran. 2020. Multifactor models for improved prediction of phenological timing in cold-climate wine grapes. HortScience 30:1912-1925. DOI:
  2. Schrader, J.A., D.R. Cochran, P.A. Domoto, and G.R. Nonnecke.  2020. Yield and berry composition of cold-climate grape cultivars and advanced selections in Iowa climate. HortTechnology 30:193-203. DOI:
  3. Schrader, J.A., D.R. Cochran, P.A. Domoto, and G.R. Nonnecke.  2019. Phenology and winter hardiness of cold-climate grape cultivars and advanced selections in Iowa climate. HortTechnology 29:906-922. DOI:
  4. Wesley, A., T. Robinson, B. Black, S. Blatt, D.R. Cochran, W. Cowgill, C. Hampson, E. Hoover, G. Lang, D. Miller, I. Minas, R.P. Quezada, and M. Stasiak. 2017. Budagovsky, Geneva, Pillnitz, and Malling apple rootstocks affect ‘Honeycrisp’ performance over the first five years of the 2010 NC-140 Honeycrisp Apple Rootstock Trial. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 71:149-166.
  5. Brumfield, R., A.J. DeVincentis, X. Wang, R.T. Fernandez, S. Nambuthiri, R.L. Geneve, A.K. Koeser, G. Bi, T. Li, Y. Sun, G. Niu, D.R. Cochran, and A. Fulcher.  2015. Economics of utilizing biodegradable containers in ornamental crop production systems. HortTechnology 25:17-25. DOI:
  6. Wang, X., R.T. Fernandez, B.M. Cregg, R. Auras, A. Fulcher, D.R. Cochran, G. Niu, Y. Sun, G. Bi, S. Nambuthiri, and RL. Geneve. 2015. Multi-state evaluation of plant growth and water use in plastic and alternative nursery containers. HortTechnology 25:42-49. DOI:
  7. Cochran, D.R., R.L. Harkess, P.R. Knight, M. Tomaso-Peterson, E.K. Blythe, and C.H. Gilliam.  2014. Evaluation of a commercial extract of giant knotweed on drought tolerance of impatiens. HortScience 49:1034-1040. DOI: