Dr. Fiorellino's integrated research and extension program focuses on supporting the productivity and resilience of agriculture in Maryland through performance of producer-centered and producer-driven research. Producer-centered research projects focus on areas that are important for agricultural productivity, such as adaptive nitrogen management, incorporating alternative crops into current crop rotations, and understanding the mechanisms of long-term phytoremediation of soils with high phosphorus concentrations. To mitigate climate change impacts on Maryland farmers, Dr. Fiorellino is evaluating yield impacts of shifting planting dates of agronomic crops based on changing weather patterns. Dr. Fiorellino's producer-driven research is performed in response to concerns that originate with farmers across the state, such as evaluating novel biological products that claim to provide nitrogen to crops and understanding economic and social barriers that limit adoption of novel management practices by Mid-Atlantic farmers.
Current: Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Agronomy, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland, 2018-Present
• Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Delaware, 2017-Present
• Program Director and Instructor of Agriculture, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD, 2016-2018
• Faculty Assistant, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, 1/2016-9/2016
• Education Consultant, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD, 2015-2016
• Post-Doctoral Associate, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, 5/2015-1/2016
• Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, 1/2011-5/2015
• Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, 8/2008-1/2011
My research program supports the continued productivity and profitability of Maryland farmers through three main themes, 1) developing remediation and management solutions for producers with high soil phosphorus concentrations, 2) determining economic and environmental nitrogen fertilization strategies for traditional and novel agronomic crops, and 3) mitigating climate change impacts on production agriculture in Maryland through evaluating current planting date recommendations and through incorporation of novel agronomic crops into current crop rotations.
My Research and Extension programming are directly integrated, meaning the applied agronomic research I perform is the cornerstone for my Extension programming activities. My research and extension activities are directly informed by Maryland farmers and stakeholders as well as curated personally based on my view of the future needs of Maryland farmers and through collaboration with researchers in the region and nationally. In addition to my research areas, my Extension activities also include 1) demonstrating leadership and participating in statewide extension programming and 2) training the next generation of Extension educators.
I support research efforts performed by University of Maryland Extension Field Faculty and participate in planning of and presentation during Extension trainings throughout the state. I am Co-PI on a NIFA Workforce Development grant, which funds up to eight undergraduate summer interns who are immersed in an interactive Extension experience to increase student interest in Extension careers.
*Myers, E.A., K.M. Vollmer, A.G. Ristvey, and N.M. Fiorellino. 2024. Weed Pressure across Sequential Plantings of Industrial Fiber Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Produced in the Mid-Atlantic. Agrosystems, Geoscienes, and Environment.
*Myers, E.A., A.G. Ristvey, and N.M. Fiorellino. 2024. Early Establishment Increases Yield and Fiber Quality of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Produced in the Mid-Atlantic. Agrosystems, Geoscienes, and Environment.
Gatiboni, L., A.L. Shober, N.M. Fiorellino, D.L. Osmond, L.R. Mosesso. 2024. Drawdown of soil phosphorus by crop removal: A meta-analysis of 56 fields with interrupted fertilization. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. doi: 10.1002/ael2.70007.
Dill, S., N.M. Fiorellino, and S.M. Hirsh. 2024. Understanding Farmer Participation in On-Farm Research. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. 17(2). ISSN 2158-9429.
Mosesso, L., M. Reiter, K.G. Scheckel, N.M. Fiorellino, G.S. Toor, and A.L. Shober. 2024. Phosphorus Speciation in Manure and Fertilizer Impacted Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20556.