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Cards View in Excel now generally available on mobile

Bill Doll's avatar
Bill Doll
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 31, 2020

We know all know it can be hard to work with a large spreadsheet on a phone. Columns often span beyond the limits of a screen and as you scroll to view the data in the farther columns it can be difficult to keep track of which row you are viewing. Cards View in Excel was designed to fix that problem.


Cards View enables you to view and edit a row of data from an Excel spreadsheet in a format that fits within your phone’s screen. When viewing an Excel spreadsheet in the new Office mobile app or the Excel mobile app, simply tap on the Card View icon in the bottom left corner of the screen and you will see the a collection of cards with each card containing the data from each row of the spreadsheet. You can work with the data just as you normally would, but this time all on one screen. Scroll through the cards to view different rows of data, search within the spreadsheet, make edits to the data, or simply view an entire row of data all at once.


View an entire row of Excel data on one screen with Cards View.


We have been rolling this feature out to users over the last couple weeks and expect the roll-out to be complete by the end of this week. Get the latest update of the Microsoft Office app or Microsoft Excel app for Android or iOS to try out this new feature and say goodbye to hassle of keeping track of rows as you scroll across the columns of a spreadsheet. For more information on how to use this feature, please review the Cards View support article.

Updated Feb 14, 2023
Version 3.0
  • mgaynorri's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I have two questions:

    -  Is it possible to change the number of rows shown in card view?  Right now, it shows 4 rows, but I'd like to have 5 (maybe 6).  

    -  is it possible to have a worksheet default to Card View?

  • obrevik's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Bill (or anyone),


    I hope you are reading this. I recently found the card view functionality - by accident last month - on my Excel for mobile on iPhone. It really answers all my (and my organisation's) needs when it comes to making a data view/browse/new entry form. I have looked around, but to the best of my abilities I have not found anything describing any future rollout of this brilliant functionality. It is not supported on iPad or desktop versions of Excel, and neither on the Microsoft365 version. 


    The business case of having a good alternative to the very basic data entry form that is out of the box on these platforms/versions (both on a PC and a tablet) is evident, and it is really underselling it saying "Excel tables are very useful but they can be challenging to use on a smartphone. Cards View lets you work with tables using a mobile-optimized interface that keeps the focus on your data.", ref Cards View support article


    Currently, the 3 decade old VBA forms is the only alternative for desktop forms... Is there a plan to roll out this for any other platforms? I've tried to check the Microsoft roadmap page for Excel, but alas. Looking forward to any updates.


    Cheers, Ole

  • christian1919's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I also like the cards view. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear as option on my android tablet - only on the android smartphone. Is there a way to use it also an the tablet?

  • swruman's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This is a really great feature - I've found it much more versatile than I had envisioned. I particularly enjoy the buttons for calendar and phone that automatically generate in the cards for columns that hold phone numbers and calendars.

    Two additional functions I think would make it even better:


    1) something similar to that for addresses - a button that directly opens the location in the phone's map app.

    2) Option to integrate dates/info from the cards onto the outlook calendar

  • Jekiss's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have same issue as previous person. When choose date from card interface it overrides current format and set month/day/year. Meanwhile if you choose date from main interface date format will be according to your setting.

    Please fix this bug, it makes cards unusable. 

  • h_desoto's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi, I really like the cards view, but I found that it is messing with my dates!

    I have a table, and a date field, but using the date format of Spain (and the majority of countries in the world)... When I enter the date using the Card View in excel on Android, it saves the date in the wrong format.

    I go to Card view, in the date field I click the calendar icon, the Calendar is displayed, I select "5 Nov 2020" and save.

    The date saved in my sheet is "11/05/2020" but for me that date corresponds to 11th of May 2020... because I have the European format.


    Any clue on why this is happening, it is a bug? 

  • Hello,

     My name is Marcus. I am new to this excel thing, can I be taken through in order for me to get a better idea, so that with your help I can be able to enter data and work with data supplied to get results.

     Thanks in advance for your help.

     Marcus Lewis