Teleflora – Flower Delivery 4+


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Order beautiful flowers that are always 100% arranged and delivered by local florists right from the Teleflora app!

Teleflora’s app makes it easy to order flowers on the go and get flower delivery right to your loved one’s door when you need it! With a huge variety of fresh, local flower arrangements, we're sure you'll be able to find the right flowers to deliver for just about anyone!

Teleflora Flower Delivery Facts

We work with a network of over 10,000 florists across the country, so every single Teleflora bouquet is 100% arranged and delivered by a local florist.
We have same-day flower delivery available. Order by 2pm Monday - Friday and before Noon on Saturdays and Sundays in the recipient's time zone.
You can shop by popular types of flowers like roses, carnations, daisies, tulips, lilies, orchids, and more.
If you don’t know what to order, we have a Deal of the Day Bouquet that allows you to pick a price and a local florist will create a one-of-a-kind flower arrangement using the season’s freshest flowers.

Order Flowers Online for Every Occasion

Thanksgiving- Sending a beautiful Thanksgiving bouquet will be the talk of your Thanksgiving table this year!
Christmas- Add a little flair to your holiday season gifting and get your list checked off by sending Christmas flower arrangements with the most popular Christmas flowers!
Valentine’s Day- Make the day a little bit sweeter with a Valentine’s flower delivery! You’ll be Cupid’s wingman this year and steal the hearts of all those around you.
Mother’s Day- Send Mom our popular Mother’s Day flowers to pamper her this year and make it one she’ll never forget!
Birthdays- Send a surprise birthday flower delivery of their favorite type of flower and make their day extra special!
Anniversaries- They stole your heart, now it's your turn to steal their attention with beautiful anniversary flower bouquets, hand-delivered by local florists.
Funeral/Sympathy- When you order funeral flowers online from Teleflora, a skilled and compassionate local florist will make sure your loved one is honored beautifully.

No matter the reason you need to send flowers, we have a bouquet that fits your needs. Our local florists handle every flower delivery with the utmost care and attention!


Version 1.1

Minor bug fixes and speed improvements.

Confidentialité de l’app

Le développeur Teleflora a indiqué que les pratiques de l’app en matière de confidentialité peuvent comprendre le traitement des données comme décrit ci‑dessous. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la politique de confidentialité du développeur.

Données non recueillies

Le développeur ne recueille aucune donnée avec cette app.

Les pratiques en matière de confidentialité peuvent varier selon les fonctionnalités que vous utilisez ou selon votre âge. En savoir plus

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