BlindSquare 4+

Blind Navigation-Changes Lives

MIPsoft Oy

Designed for iPad

    • 44,99 €


BlindSquare is pioneering accessible navigation both indoors and outdoors. Know where you are, know where you're going, travel with confidence.

BlindSquare is a new solution that combines the latest technology to help the blind with their daily lives. It has been developed in collaboration with blind people and carefully field tested. You need either an iPhone or an iPad to get started. It also supports some additional accessories to enhance the experience.

How does it work?

BlindSquare uses GPS and the compass to locate you. It then gathers information about the surrounding environment from FourSquare. BlindSquare has some unique algorithms to decide what information is the most relevant and then speaks it to you with high quality speech synthesis.
“What's the most popular café within 200 meters radius? Where is the post office or the library?”

You can control BlindSquare also through voice commands. The Voice Command feature is a premium service requiring purchase of credits for continuous use. Voice Command Credits are available as an in-app purchase on the App Store.

Using BlindSquare as a GPS solution:

When you start the app, it will start telling you the interesting places and street crossings around you. By changing the radius, you can limit the area you are interested in. You can also search by search term or by category. You can select an interesting place from the search results and perform the following tasks:

1) Get contact info (address, phone number)
2) Open twitter feed or restaurant menu (if provided)
3) Make a phone call
4) Start tracking the place (BlindSquare will assist you by repeating the distance and the clock face direction)
5) Start your favourite navigator for turn-by-turn instructions (TomTom, Navigon or Apple Maps)

BlindSquare is aware of when you travel by car, bus or train and starts to report interesting places in front of you (for example, the next stops) and street crossings when you are passing them.

You can also save your own private places to iCloud so they will be found with your every device.

Using BlindSquare as a Foursquare client:

If you like to play Foursquare, you can do the following with BlindSquare:

1) Get a list of nearby FourSquare venues
2) When you are in a place, you can check in by shaking your device
3) Do a check in with commenting and twitter/facebook sharing
4) Correct the location of the place

BlindSquare supports the following languages: English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean (South Korea), Norwegian, Polish, Portugues, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

VoiceOver usage is supported but it also includes higher quality additional speech synthesis by Acapela Text-To-Speech from Acapela Group.

Instructions in English: and

Please note: This app retrieves data in real time from Foursquare and Open Street Map. Use of a flat rate data plan is highly recommended.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Having only been released in May 2012, BlindSquare has already received several prizes and awards:

- GSMA: Global Mobile Awards 2013, Best Mobile Health Product or Service
- Apps4Finland 2012
- OpenCities App Challenge 2012
- The Finnish Information Processing Association: Best Product 2012

Please note: To use BlindSquare, your iCloud account has to be active so BlindSquare can access it to save your settings and places.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

What’s New

Version 5.70

We’re excited to introduce features making BlindSquare even more helpful and accessible for our users in Finland.

New Features:

Request Green Lights in Kuopio: For the first time, you can use BlindSquare to trigger green lights at certain traffic signals in Kuopio. Enjoy enhanced mobility and confidence when navigating intersections.

Integration with Okeenea Audio Beacons: BlindSquare now works seamlessly with Okeenea’s audio beacon system. This integration significantly improves the discoverability of customs services (Tulli) at Helsinki Airport, making travel smoother and more accessible.

Ratings and Reviews

4.2 out of 5
6 Ratings

6 Ratings

Mikael_03 ,


Vähän ylihintanen ja sovelluksen sisällä vielä äänikomennot maksaa jos niitä haluaa enemmän. 400 äänikomentoa 10,90€. Pitäs olla kertamaksusta ikuiset äänikomennot. En ole itse ainakaan vielä lähellekkään sokea mutta heikkenee koko ajan. Sovellusta oon vähän testaillu ja sieltä löytyy asioita jotkaa kaataa sovelluksen. Esim. Äänikomentolistaa ei voi lainkaan katsoa koska heti kun sinne painat niin sovellus kaatuu välittömästi. Jos bugit saatais kuriin ja hinta laskis ehkä vähän niin ihan hyvähän tämä olis. Mutta kyllä tästä pitää 4/5 tähteä antaa. Onko sovellus muuten joskus tulossa apple watchille?

Developer Response ,

Käytimme aiemmin puhetunnistukseen Googlen maksullista palvelua. Siirryimme 5-versiossa Applen palvelun käyttöön, jolloin myös maksusta voitiin luopua. Äänikomentolistan katselu on korjattu ja nyt myös Apple Watchilla voi ohjata sovellusta.

Dreamy_lyrics ,

Ann app I wouldn't want to be without

BlindSquare certainly has changed my life for the better. The user interface is fully accessible with VoiceOver, the app is simple to learn and has many intuitive features. It even has a dedicated screen for braille display users. It's an awesome app for anyone who's blind or visually impaired.

👍🏻🙂123 ,

TÄÄ APPI MYÖS ANDROIDILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Siis ihan ok jos eksyy. Mutta itse mietin että voisi olla hyvä jos tämä appi toimisi myös androidilla niin ei tulisi näkövammaisille iphone pakotusta(jos siis tarvitsee). Ja mielestäni tämän hintalaatu suhde on huono(eli tämä on ylihintainen).

EHDOTUS: Luulen että androidia käyttävät näkövammaiset ei ole yleensä sokeita,joten voisi olla että ei olisi sitä voiceoveria muistuttavaa puhetta vaan vaikka joku viestiääni tyyppinen ääni joka tulee paikkaa lähestyttäessä ja mitä kovempana ääni tulee sitä lähempänä paikkaa ollaan ja eri paikoilla voisi olla eri äänet joten sitten kun ohittaa paikan voisi tulla sen paikan ääni joka on ohitettu esimerkiksi kaksi kertaa peräkkäin(siis se ääni voisi tulla kaksi kertaa peräkkäin.) ja paikan äänen voisi saada valita itse.

Jos blindsguaren voisi saada androidille mutta ongelma olisi sen saamisessa playkauppaan, niin yrittäkää saada se sinne, kyllä te vielä joskus onnistutte!

Ja koska androidissa ei ole perhejakoa se voisi olla siinä vähän halvempi.

Developer Response ,

BlindSquare-sovellus sisältää koodia satoja tuhansia rivejä ja sen tekeminen toiselle alustalle vaatisi uudelleenkirjoitusta. Tämä on arviolta vähintään yhden vuoden työ, joten keskityn itse parhaan mahdollisen kokemuksen tarjoamiseen yhdellä alustalla.
Sovelluksen hinta on kertamaksu ja sillä sitä voi käyttää ikuisesti.

Androidille löytyy ihan hyvä vastaava sovellus Nearby Explorer: Ehdotan, että ehdotat sen kehittäjille suomenkielen tuen lisäämistä.

App Privacy

The developer, MIPsoft Oy, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Location
  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


  • Family Sharing

    Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.

More By This Developer

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BlindSq Event
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