愛筆思画X 12+


ibis inc.

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    • 提供 App 內購買項目



ibis Paint X 是一款流行的多功能繪圖應用程序,作為一個系列,總下載量超過 4 億次,它提供了 47000 多種畫筆、21000 多種材料、2100 多種字體、84 種濾鏡、46 種網紋、27 種混合模式、記錄繪圖過程、描邊穩定功能,各種標尺功能,例如徑向線標尺或對稱標尺,以及剪貼蒙版功能。

繪圖課程在YouTube頻道上,我們分發了許多使用ibis Paint的有用方法。

- 真正的繪圖應用程序超越PC插圖軟件!
- 使用OpenGL技術,平滑,高速操作感覺愉快!
- 能夠將繪畫過程存儲為影片!
- 使用SNS功能繪圖應用程序,以了解如何繪製圖片!

- 我認為到目前為止,我不能用智能手機拍出漂亮的照片!
- 最易於使用的繪圖應用程序!
- 我沒有Mac / PC,但現在我可以畫數字圖片了!


- 平滑,最大120 fps刷
- G筆,筆,數碼筆,氣刷,圓刷,平刷,鉛筆,油畫顏料,木炭,蠟筆,郵票等超過47,000種畫筆圖案
- 各種畫筆參數,例如開始/結束厚度、開始/結束不透明度和初始/最終畫筆角度
- 快速滑塊,刷子厚度和刷子不透明度準備好操作
- 可以實時檢查的畫筆預覽

- 可無限添加的圖層功能(取決於型號和畫布尺寸)
- 混合模式,例如每層不透明度,alpha混合,加法,減法,乘法
- 剪切功能,便於剪裁圖像
- 各種圖層命令,如圖層複製,從照片庫導入,左/右反轉,顛倒,圖層旋轉,移動,縮放
- 圖層名稱設置功能,用於圖層識別

- 全文工具功能,支持垂直書寫,水平書寫,修剪,字體選擇,多文本
- 46種屏幕色調功能,如點,噪聲,水平,垂直,對角線,十字,方形等。

- 選擇範圍,每像素 256 級(選擇層)
- 在選擇範圍內翻轉、移動、旋轉、放大、縮小
- 畫筆、填充、複製圖層、組合圖層、移動圖層、旋轉、縮放,考慮選擇範圍

- 從調色板中選擇,對註冊數量沒有限制,從色調圓圈中選擇,從HSB中選擇,從RGB中選擇,豐富的顏色選擇
- 通過拖放到調色板保存
- 點擊並按住吸管功能

- 用於繪製圖形等的標尺工具功能(以前的標尺,圓形標尺,橢圓標尺,濃度線標尺)
- 濾鏡功能,包括亮度·對比度,色彩平衡,線條提取,灰度,漸變,模糊,漸變,動畫背景,漫畫背景,色差
- 材料工具功能,多的紋理和色調
- 除了各種畫布尺寸,如SD,HD,X(舊Twitter)標題,明信片,可選的畫布尺寸規格功能
- 畫布的任意旋轉功能
- 背景顏色(白色,明亮透明,深色透明)設置功能
- “取消”“撤消”功能最多100步或更多(取決於存儲的可用空間。)
- 刷子,橡皮擦,指尖工具,模糊工具,填充和吸管功能
- 快速,流暢的平移和縮放功能

- Apple Pencil(2nd generation)
- Apple Pencil
- Wacom Bamboo Sketch
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 3
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 2
- Wacom Bamboo Stylus fineline
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus 2
- SonarPen

- 我的畫廊功能,以欣賞我的插圖
- 繪圖過程的播放功能(具有播放速度調整功能)
- 導出功能到插圖靜止圖像(PNG / JPEG)和影片(MOV)照片庫
- 繪圖過程影片編碼功能和上傳功能
- 分享您在X(舊Twitter)或Facebook上發布的圖片網址
- 評論來說明時推送通知
- 下載另一個人的插圖功能(工作文件)
- 收集功能,以欣賞其他人的插圖
- 通過PC和Mac的USB文件傳輸導入和導出功能文件
- 能夠將靜止圖像(PNG / JPEG),影片(MOV),工作文件(IPV)共享到X(舊Twitter),Facebook,LINE等。
- CLIP STUDIO PAINT連接功能(ibis Paint通過雲繪製的延續可以使用CLIP STUDIO PAINT繪製)
* 如要上傳與下載插畫,需要使用 ibisAccount、X(舊稱 Twitter)、Facebook 或 Apple ID 帳號。

*關於 ibis Paint 購買計劃
ibis Paint 提供以下購買計劃:
- ibis Paint X (免費版)
- ibis Paint (付費版)
- 移除廣告的附加程式
- 高級會員 (月費方案 / 年費方案)
如果您購買了移除廣告的附加程式,則不會顯示廣告,並且與 ibis Paint 的付費版本沒有區別。
為了使用更高級的功能,需要以下高級會員 (月費方案 / 年費方案) 合同。

高級會員可使用高級會員功能。只有首次可以使用 7 天或 1 個月免費試用。如成為 高級會員,就可以使用下列功能和服務。
- 20GB 雲端儲存 容量
- 無廣告
- 隱藏影片上的浮水印
- 無限次使用 向量工具(*1)
- 在 向量圖層 上移動和縮放
- Prime 濾鏡
- Prime 調整圖層
- 重新排序我的畫廊中的圖稿
- 設定專屬的畫布螢幕底色
- 創作任何不同尺寸的動畫作品
- Prime 素材
- Prime 字型
- Prime 畫布紙
(*1) 每天最多可以免費試用 1 小時。
* 當開通試用期並成為 高級會員 後,如未在免費試用期結束至少 24 個小時前取消 高級會員,系統便會自動收取續訂費用。
* 未來我們將增加高級功能,敬請留意。

審核中的問題,錯誤報告無法確認和通信,因此請聯繫ibis Paint支持人員。

*ibisPaint 的服務條款


版本 12.2.11

Thank you for using ibisPaint X!
From this version, the supported iOS/iPadOS versions will be 15.0 or later.
We kindly ask for your understanding.
However, devices running on iOS/iPadOS 13 and 14, which were the supported versions before the change, can be updated to iOS/iPadOS 15, so there is no change in supported devices.
The summary of this update is as follows.

[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved the Color window design.
- Changed the size of the toolbar icons and buttons on the Layer window.
- Changed so that when SonarPen is selected in Pressure Sensitive Stylus section of the Settings window, an alert is displayed if the app is not allowed to use the microphone.
- Changed so that the scroll position of the Settings window is now saved and can be restored when the Settings window is reopened.
- Stopped updating Layer Thumbnail while drawing with a brush, etc. to speed up the process.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when moving to My Gallery while the tutorial for creating a new artwork is displayed.
- Fixed a bug that the button color did not change when canceling the Alpha Lock of a Vector Layer on the Floating Layer window.
- Fixed a bug that prevented merging folders containing only Adjustment Layers.
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect display when opening Prime Membership product description page from Remove Ads Add-on product description page.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when returning to My Gallery with the Reference Window open in Reference mode.
- Fixed a bug that may cause a crash when rotating the screen while the Tool Select Popup window is displayed in Animation artworks.
- Fixed a bug in which brush shapes created by certain Drawing Tools were not cropped correctly when cropped with the Selection Area tool.
- Fixed a bug that a Bézier Curve brush shape consisting of only one point could not be cropped with the Selection Area tool.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when playing back or restoring from a playback result an artwork that uses rulers.
- Fixed a bug that the text was displayed on top of the color palettes on some devices when the color palette was opened while editing text in the QR Code filter.
- Fixed a bug that cropping an inverted circle shape with the Selection Area tool resulted in another part being cropped.
- Fixed a bug in which Contents Layer Selection was not performed correctly for layers in folders in Animation artworks.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error when copying a folder containing layers with a large canvas size.
- Fixed a bug that the brush type could be changed to "Watercolor" while drawing with Bézier Curve or Polyline on a Vector Layer.

[New Features in ver.12.2.0]
- Added the ability to create folders in My Gallery.
- For iPad, added the floating view of the Layer window.
- Added the Watercolor filter to AI filter category.
- Added Contents Layer Selection function, which is available via Eyedropper tool.
- Added the ability to select a category of the Daily Ranking to be displayed on the title screen.

[New Features in ver.12.1.0]
- Added AI Disturbance function.

[New Features in ver.12.0.0]
- Added Vector Layer feature.
- Added History Retrieval feature.


4.7 滿分 5 粒星
2,385 個評分

2,385 個評分


This app is great!!!

So I used to use this drawing app called Medibang Paint, and honestly, it was pretty bad. I couldn't draw with the brushes even when I pressed on them and set the opacity to 100 and colour to black. I even made it thicker and still nothing happened when I drew on the canvas. My friend recommended this app to me and I started drawing one or two months ago. I've drawn quite a lot of drawings and I'm really proud of them. The brushes are superb and I love how we can just watch a single ad and get all the brushes for 18 hours. The best downloading choice I have ever made, and all I want to change about this app is I want to be able to turn on palm rejection because when I put my hand on the canvas, random marks come up and I'm pretty annoyed. But it's fine. This app still gets 5 stars from me. Best drawing app ever, and this message is for all the people wondering whether to download this app: download Ibis Paint X right now, you won't regret it. Thanks for using your time to read this!


Definitely 💯 recommended ☺️

Five stars ⭐️!!!
100% no ads and I love this game soooo much but what u could do better is that we could take a few drawing ✍️ practices so we know how to do it but for the ppl who already know how to use this game , ur drawings are soooo good 😊! And that I prefer that u can get this game and if u hate adds then just get this one! This game is definitely 💯 recommended to all artist lovers!!! I usually had games like this like color by number but this one’s my fave out of all and there are such different strokes so u can make it look like anime and that u can post it too so everyone get this game right now!!!


Very great app, tho the ads are annoying

I really enjoy using this app. Simply and easy to understand. I 100% recommend for beginners and professionals if you don’t want to spend money on art programs. But the ads can be quite annoying. When I’m drawing, I always accidentally press the ads on the top of the app layout, its really frustrating and I just hope maybe don’t put it in such a place that can make you press it on accident, disrupting me while drawing. Overall good app

App 私隱

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  • 用户內容
  • 識別碼
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  • 診斷
  • 其他資料




MediBang Paint for iPhone
MediBang Paint for iPad
FlipaClip: 2D 動漫工作室! 先繪畫、再做成動畫