Netflix 12+
Netflix, Inc.
- 免費
- 提供 App 內購買項目
您在尋找全世界討論度最高的節目與電影嗎?精彩內容盡在 Netflix。
我們擁有獲獎肯定的影集、電影、紀錄片和單口喜劇特輯。此外,使用我們的行動 App,您在旅行、通勤或休息時也能觀賞 Netflix。
您一定會愛上 Netflix 提供的服務內容:
• 我們持續新增節目與電影。您可以瀏覽新內容或搜尋最喜愛的影片,還能直接在您的裝置上串流影片。
• 您觀賞的內容越多,Netflix 越能根據您的喜好,推薦節目與電影給您。
• 為兒童打造安全的觀影天地,放心享受適合闔家觀賞的娛樂內容。
• 觀賞影集和電影預告,並在新集數及新片上線時收到通知。
Netflix 會員資格在註冊後以月計費,您可以 24 小時隨時上網輕鬆取消。不用簽長期合約,也沒有取消費用。我們衷心希望您會喜愛我們的內容。
請注意,我們的《App 隱私權詳細資訊》適用於透過 Netflix iOS、iPadOS 及 tvOS App 收集的資訊。請參閱 Netflix《隱私權聲明》(詳情請見以下連結),進一步了解我們在其他情況下收集的資訊,包含帳戶註冊。
版本 17.21.0
將您的 iPhone 和 iPad 上的 App 更新為最新版本,盡情享受最新的 Netflix 體驗。
Mostly a great app
Generally great. Just a few annoyances:
1) No “mark as watched” option. If I’ve watched something elsewhere or even under one of my different account profiles then I don’t want Netflix thinking I haven’t seen it.
2) Better / more granular kids profile controls
3) Ability to search or filter by language options (subtitle and audio). Really needed in multilingual places like Hong Kong
4) Visibility of when new episodes or seasons are coming. Especially frustrating when knowing they’re available off of Netflix or on another region’s Netflix.
Asked to verify my account repeatedly
Is is ridiculous how many amount of times i have got asked to verify my account and also doing it on my tv netflix as well, super annoying especially for someone like me who travels a lot. Movies and shows are always unavailable these days and you banned users from using vpn and yet give us limited access to the media library based on our region??? The end to end user experience has gotten so bad and suggest to add an OP-OUT NETFLIX ORIGINAL option if you can.
Been using Netflix since it came out , think is time to switch to other platforms, if netflix think their business will continue to grow like way it was during the covid times by trying to make us get less quality shows and charging us more
Daily/Weekly updates of shows
I love watching Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow. There’s currently 3 seasons of Supergirl, with season 4 coming out in about 2 weeks. There’s only 2 seasons on Netflix. The Flash is on its 5th season now but there’s only 4 seasons available. DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow has 4 seasons out now but there’s only 3 seasons available. There’s 7 seasons of Arrow now but there’s only 6 seasons available.
My point is, if there are weekly updates of the newest episodes, something like other countries have, that would be great. Thank you.
App 私隱
開發者表明Netflix, Inc.的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
- 位置
- 聯絡資料
- 用户內容
- 搜尋記錄
- 識別碼
- 使用資料
- 診斷
- 其他資料
- 識別碼
- 供應商
- Netflix, Inc.
- 大小
- 195.3 MB
- 類別
- 娛樂
- 兼容性
- iPhone
- 須使用 iOS 17.0 或以上版本。
- iPad
- 須使用 iPadOS 17.0 或以上版本。
- Apple TV
- 須使用 tvOS 17.0 或以上版本。
- 語言
- 年齡
- 12+ 偶爾/輕度的現實生活暴力 偶爾/輕度的成人或性暗示題材 偶爾/輕度的暴力卡通或幻想 偶爾/輕度使用或提及酒精、煙草或藥物 偶爾/輕度的恐怖或驚嚇題材 偶爾/輕度的粗俗用語或低俗幽默 偶爾/輕度的性愛或裸露內容
- Copyright
- © 2023 Netflix
- 價格
- 免費
- App 內購買項目
- Netflix 高级 HK$ 108.00
- Netflix 雙螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 88.00
- Netflix 標準 HK$ 88.00
- Netflix 四螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 108.00
- Netflix 雙螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 88.00
- Netflix 四螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 108.00
- Netflix 基本 HK$ 73.00
- Netflix 單螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 73.00
- Netflix 四螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 108.00
- Netflix 雙螢幕無限串流方案 HK$ 88.00