PowerDirector 威力導演 - 影片編輯 & 製作 4+
AI 影片製作神器,輕鬆剪輯出高質感影片
專為 iPad 設計
- 免費
- 提供 App 內購買項目
威力導演 (PowerDirector) 是一款全球下載破億次的免費影片剪輯 App,介面直觀好上手,並內建強大的 AI 影片剪輯功能,及上千款好看實用的濾鏡、貼圖、字型和音樂等,助你隨時隨地輕鬆剪輯出專業精彩的影片!
- 裁切縮短或分割影片
- 影片合併,可將多段影片合併同時播放或前後銜接
- 調整影片速度,將影片加速或變成慢動作
- 調整影片比例,為 Instagram、YouTube、TikTok 等平台量身打造最佳尺寸
- 多軌時間軸模式,剪輯更清晰易調整
- 視訊穩定器,減少影片晃動或手震
- 影片特效,套用時下最流行的節奏特效或人物特效
- 轉場效果,以 500+ 款精采轉場完美銜接影片
- 自動馬賽克,自動追蹤並遮蔽臉部或人物
- 倒播和定格效果,為影片增添張力
「AI 智慧功能」
- 自動字幕,快速且精準地將影片語音轉字幕
- 文字轉語音,輕鬆生成自然的 AI 配音
- 影片畫質修復,一鍵提升影片品質
- 影片去背,自由合成或更換背景
- 變聲器,150+ 種有趣變聲效果任你選
- 影片濾鏡,用 550+ 款超美濾鏡瞬間轉換影片氛圍
- 人物修飾,為影片中人物柔膚、瘦臉或塑身
- 修改影片亮度、對比、飽和度、色溫等
- 影片動漫化,將影片變成喜愛的動漫風格
- 2000+ 款實用的動靜態貼圖,使影片更活潑吸睛
- 900+ 種好看的中英日韓字體,提升作品質感
- 可自訂文字外框、陰影、底圖等
- 內建大量免費影片音效和音樂,分類清楚找配樂更便利
- 支援匯出高清 4K / 1080p / 720p / 360p 影片
- 可自訂畫格率 (FPS) 和位元率
- 可一鍵將影片分享到 Instagram、Facebook、YouTube、TikTok 等平台
想打造令人印象深刻的 Vlog、短影音、長影片或幻燈片嗎?立即免費試用威力導演,體驗行動裝置上最完整豐富的影片編輯工具!
在 Instagram 上尋找靈感:@powerdirector_app
如下載 PowerDirector 威力導演即代表您同意 PowerDirector 服務條款 (https://www.cyberlink.com/stat/company/enu/tos.jsp) 與隱私權政策 (https://privacy.cyberlink.com/enu/privacy-policy#p11)
如需訂閱,iTunes 會向您確認訂閱信息並收費。預設會自動續訂與扣款。如要解除自動續訂:在訂閱結束前至少 24 小時前取消,否則仍會對您的帳戶進行續期收費。訂閱後,您可以在 iTunes 帳號設定中關閉自動續訂。
版本 14.8.2
全新功能「會說話的虛擬人像」上線啦!只需上傳照片,AI 就能讓你的照片開口說話,帶給你驚喜的動態效果。一起用歡樂開啟新的一年,享受更棒的剪輯體驗!
• 音頻節奏偵測,精準鎖定節拍,節奏特效、轉場效果更完美!
• 音樂庫預覽,快速找到最適合的搭配,效率倍增!
• 新增數十種標題特效,各式標題為影片增加更多亮點!
The useful things that you could use in this app
I love editing so much at this app really is good, tho it needs an amount of cash/money I think it’s worth it, and I’m here to say I like this app.
開發者回應 ,
Hi there, good to see you like PowerDirector! If you use Instagram, you may follow us @powerdirector_app. There are many video tutorial to show you how to use PowerDirector to make cool videos!
I love this apps but it keeps forced close recently
I used it since May, 2021 and worked well. Recently it keeps forced close while I editing video. I tried to update iOs on my iPad 2021, deleted and reinstall PowerDirector, even tried to edit only one song and type lyrics, it still keep forced close. This apps is really useful for me and I paid for a year. Hope that this problem could be solved because I could not use it now totally. Thank you. 2 Oct 2021.
開發者回應 ,
Hi there, sorry to hear about your bad experience. We made a quick test but couldn't duplicate the concern you mentioned. The concern might relate to the specific video you tried to edit. May I suggest you to contact us via Send Feedback in the PowerDirector Settings menu to contact us? Tell us your Apple device model and iOS version. If you are fine to do it, please use screen recorder to recoding a short video of the concern and share the recoding video and your source video to us via your personal cloud, such as iCloud or Google Drive, so we can help you better.
Needs two more features
It would be a perfect app if two more features are added:
(1) Multiple zoom in and zoom out like in the desktop version;
(2) Can adjust the brightness of the shadow part like in the desktop version.
開發者回應 ,
Hi, thanks for your review. Actually you can do that on PowerDirector Mobile. If the video is on the main track, you can split the video into 2 clips and then use Pan & Zoom feature to make the ending scene scale of the 1st clip is the same as the beginning scene of the 2nd clip. It will make the video looks like zoom in then zoom out.
If your video is on the overlay track, you can use Keyframe to make it. The tutorial is for your reference.
If you need more help, you may use the Send Feedback in PowerDirector Settings menu to contact us. We will help you out.
App 私隱
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- 識別碼
- 使用資料
- 診斷
- 供應商
- CyberLink Corp.
- 大小
- 310 MB
- 類別
- 相片與影片
- 兼容性
- iPhone
- 須使用 iOS 13.0 或以上版本。
- iPad
- 須使用 iPadOS 13.0 或以上版本。
- iPod touch
- 須使用 iOS 13.0 或以上版本。
- Mac
- 須使用 macOS 11.0 或以上版本及配備 Apple M1 或以上版本晶片的 Mac。
- Apple Vision
- 須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
- 語言
- 年齡
- 4+
- Copyright
- © 2022 CyberLink Corp. All Rights Reserved.
- 價格
- 免費
- App 內購買項目
- 年度訂閱 HK$ 273.00
- 影片剪輯、添加音樂與特效,擁有更多創作樂趣 HK$ 273.00
- 每月訂閱 HK$ 48.00
- 每月訂閱 HK$ 53.00
- 每季訂閱 HK$ 78.00
- Yearly Subscription HK$ 368.00
- 年度訂閱 HK$ 273.00
- 每月訂閱 HK$ 58.00
- Getty Images Premium 月訂閱 HK$ 38.00
- Monthly Subscription HK$ 58.00