Air Horn Siren - Sounds Prank 4+

Wojciech Augustynowicz

iPadre tervezve

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Turn your phone in The Loudest best quality Air horn prank.

Impress or prank your friends and family with this very loud sound. Scare of animals when needed, they will run away from the sound.

With Air Horn you can prank, scare or wake your friends up or even cheer at a sports event.

It includes various realistic sounds such as air horn, train, ship... which will fool everyone. Every event is better when you pump the air horn as you stroll in. Killed it at a meeting? Air horn. Nephew just got baptized? Pump the air horn alongside the choir.

This air horn is capable of making multiple noises: air horn, fire truck siren, high pitched air horn, vuvuzela, whip, machine gun, police car and others.

In this App there is a great collection of air horn sound and siren sounds.
you can scare, annoy, prank with you friends.

This App includes many realistic sounds such as air horn, train, ship, truck, instruments, police sirens, fire engine horns and sirens, burglar alarms, loud car horn, and a loud tug boat horn which will fool everyone. Imagine what you can do if you combine it with a loud sound system.Are you football fan? Use
stadium horn or called vuvuzela and cheer up your team!

Turn your iphone into an: Air horn, Train, Police Siren, Ambulance Mermaid, Car and Truck, Air Raid, Cavalry, French and USA Fire Truck siren, Police Sirens, Air Raid Boat Alarm Response Sirens
Car Alarm Incoming Alert Burglar Alarm Text Message Siren Fire Response siren,
Escape Alarm Warning Sirens Medical Emergency Siren Air Horn,
Wailing Siren Dive Alarm Euro Siren Intruder Alert Red Alert DJ Siren Truck Backing Up Prison Siren Home Alarm Ambulance Buzzer (Wrong Answer) and much more

App adatvédelme

A fejlesztő (Wojciech Augustynowicz) jelezte, hogy az app adatvédelmi gyakorlatai az alább ismertetettek szerint az adatok kezelésére is kiterjedhetnek.További információkért tekintse meg a következőt: fejlesztő adatvédelmi szabályzata.

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Az adatvédelmi gyakorlatok eltérőek lehetnek az Ön által használt funkciók vagy életkora alapján. Bővebben

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