Courtney Black Fitness 4+

Courtney Black

Designad för iPad

    • 5,0 • 1 betyg
    • Gratis
    • Erbjuder Köp inuti app



The Courtney Black App is a health and fitness app to help you reach your goals with Courtney as your personal trainer from your phone. This app will help you fall in love with fitness and help you reach your fitness goals.

The app is designed to help all shapes and sizes and all goals. You choose how many days per week you would like to train and what diet you would like to follow. You will be provided with a daily workout and diet to follow from a library of healthy and delicious recipes.

The app promotes a healthy and balanced lifestyle that is achievable for everyone to follow.

Your workout schedule is split into phases which change every two weeks to keep you progressing. You choose from either weight loss, toning / keeping fit or muscle gain as your main goal. The programs are mainly weight training with HIIT workouts, circuits and bodyweight mixed in. No workout is ever boring!

Your workouts are intense and no longer than 1 hour long.

The app includes quick workouts, challenges and full body workouts to choose from.

You receive a custom meal plan with calories and macros for your goal which you can then add recipes from the log.

Please see for terms and conditions.


Version 6.17.2

App Updates and Bug Fixes

Betyg och recensioner

5,0 av 5
1 betyg

1 betyg


Utvecklaren Courtney Black har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data som används för att spåra dig

Följande data kan komma att användas för att spåra dig i appar och på webbplatser som ägs av andra företag:

  • Användnings­data

Data som är kopplade till dig

Följande data kan komma att samlas in och kopplas till din identitet:

  • Kontakt­information
  • Användar­innehåll
  • Användnings­data

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer

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