Decider Dice - Wheel Spinner 4+


Designad för iPhone

    • 9,00 kr


Decider Dice, a simple but fun random selection app. We uphold the simple and practical design concept, coin toss, dice, turntable and other props as true as possible, so that you can enjoy a fair and unpredictable challenge anytime and anywhere!

Key features include:
Flip a coin: Are you at a loss when faced with a dilemma? Flip a coin and let the random elements decide for you!
Dice: When playing board games, what to do without dice? Open the dice simulator, no physical can also play!
Turntable: Want to play something different, but the rules aren't set? Turn on the wheel and let fate help you choose!
Random number: Need a random lucky number? We can help you generate, at any time to meet your needs.

The interface design is minimal and easy to understand, and the easy-to-read tabs make it easy to find the features you need.
An app that loves randomness you can't miss. Download now to add some random fun and excitement to your life!


Utvecklaren FishFun har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

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  • Familjedelning

    Upp till sex familjemedlemmar kan använda den här appen när Familjedelning är aktiverad.

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