Currently viewing ATT&CK v15.1 which was live between April 23, 2024 and October 30, 2024. Learn more about the versioning system or see the live site.


XCSSET is a macOS modular backdoor that targets Xcode application developers. XCSSET was first observed in August 2020 and has been used to install a backdoor component, modify browser applications, conduct collection, and provide ransomware-like encryption capabilities.[1]

ID: S0658
Associated Software: OSX.DubRobber
Platforms: macOS
Version: 1.2
Created: 05 October 2021
Last Modified: 18 October 2022

Associated Software Descriptions

Name Description


Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1087 Account Discovery

XCSSET attempts to discover accounts from various locations such as a user's Evernote, AppleID, Telegram, Skype, and WeChat data.[1]

Enterprise T1098 .004 Account Manipulation: SSH Authorized Keys

XCSSET will create an ssh key if necessary with the ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -P command. XCSSET will upload a private key file to the server to remotely access the host without a password.[1]

Enterprise T1560 Archive Collected Data

XCSSET will compress entire ~/Desktop folders excluding all .git folders, but only if the total data size is under 200MB.[1]

Enterprise T1059 .004 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell

XCSSET uses a shell script to execute Mach-o files and osacompile commands such as, osacompile -x -o main.applescript.[1]

Enterprise T1554 Compromise Host Software Binary

XCSSET uses a malicious browser application to replace the legitimate browser in order to continuously capture credentials, monitor web traffic, and download additional modules.[1]

Enterprise T1543 .004 Create or Modify System Process: Launch Daemon

XCSSET uses the ssh launchdaemon to elevate privileges, bypass system controls, and enable remote access to the victim.[1]

Enterprise T1486 Data Encrypted for Impact

XCSSET performs AES-CBC encryption on files under ~/Documents, ~/Downloads, and~/Desktop with a fixed key and renames files to give them a .enc extension. Only files with sizes less than 500MB are encrypted.[1]

Enterprise T1005 Data from Local System

XCSSET collects contacts and application data from files in Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Dropbox, and WeChat folders.[1]

Enterprise T1573 .001 Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography

XCSSET uses RC4 encryption over TCP to communicate with its C2 server.[1]

Enterprise T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel

XCSSET exfiltrates data stolen from a system over its C2 channel.[1]

Enterprise T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation

XCSSET has used a zero-day exploit in the ssh launchdaemon to elevate privileges and bypass SIP.[1]

Enterprise T1083 File and Directory Discovery

XCSSET has used mdfind to enumerate a list of apps known to grant screen sharing permissions.[3]

Enterprise T1222 .002 File and Directory Permissions Modification: Linux and Mac File and Directory Permissions Modification

XCSSET uses the chmod +x command to grant executable permissions to the malicious file.[4]

Enterprise T1564 .001 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories

XCSSET uses a hidden folder named .xcassets and .git to embed itself in Xcode.[1]

Enterprise T1574 .006 Hijack Execution Flow: Dynamic Linker Hijacking

XCSSET adds malicious file paths to the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to execute malicious code.[1]

Enterprise T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer

XCSSET downloads browser specific AppleScript modules using a constructed URL with the curl command, https://" & domain & "/agent/scripts/" & moduleName & ".applescript.[1]

Enterprise T1056 .002 Input Capture: GUI Input Capture

XCSSET prompts the user to input credentials using a native macOS dialog box leveraging the system process /Applications/[1]

Enterprise T1036 Masquerading

XCSSET builds a malicious application bundle to resemble Safari through using the Safari icon and Info.plist. [1]

Enterprise T1647 Plist File Modification

XCSSET uses the plutil command to modify the LSUIElement, DFBundleDisplayName, and CFBundleIdentifier keys in the /Contents/Info.plist file to change how XCSSET is visible on the system.[1]

Enterprise T1113 Screen Capture

XCSSET saves a screen capture of the victim's system with a numbered filename and .jpg extension. Screen captures are taken at specified intervals based on the system. [1]

Enterprise T1518 Software Discovery

XCSSET uses ps aux with the grep command to enumerate common browsers and system processes potentially impacting XCSSET's exfiltration capabilities.[1]

.001 Security Software Discovery

XCSSET searches firewall configuration files located in /Library/Preferences/ and uses csrutil status to determine if System Integrity Protection is enabled.[1]

Enterprise T1539 Steal Web Session Cookie

XCSSET uses scp to access the ~/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies file.[1]

Enterprise T1553 .001 Subvert Trust Controls: Gatekeeper Bypass

XCSSET has dropped a malicious applet into an app's .../Contents/MacOS/ folder of a previously launched app to bypass Gatekeeper's security checks on first launch apps (prior to macOS 13).[3]

Enterprise T1195 .001 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Software Dependencies and Development Tools

XCSSET adds malicious code to a host's Xcode projects by enumerating CocoaPods target_integrator.rb files under the /Library/Ruby/Gems folder or enumerates all .xcodeproj folders under a given directory. XCSSET then downloads a script and Mach-O file into the Xcode project folder.[1]

Enterprise T1082 System Information Discovery

XCSSET identifies the macOS version and uses ioreg to determine serial number.[1]

Enterprise T1614 .001 System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery

XCSSET uses AppleScript to check the host's language and location with the command user locale of (get system info).[1]

Enterprise T1569 .001 System Services: Launchctl

XCSSET loads a system level launchdaemon using the launchctl load -w command from /System/Librarby/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist.[1]

Enterprise T1497 .003 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion: Time Based Evasion

Using the machine's local time, XCSSET waits 43200 seconds (12 hours) from the initial creation timestamp of a specific file, .report. After the elapsed time, XCSSET executes additional modules.[1]
