dansktandforsikring.dk Reviews 7,528

TrustScore 4.5 out of 5


Insurance Agency

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See what reviewers are saying

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Teeth was broken, and Ibudent Dental Clinic taken me in emergency case late evening, and just after visit all data been immeditaley sent to dansktandforsikring by Doctor.
Reply was already in few m
inutes - I was really impressed. It very very fast service by Insurance.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Processed my information from the dentist very quickly, within a few hours.
Dentistry itself sent my documents to the insurance company.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I am very satisfied with my decision, they were available to cover expenses from day one, and always were willing reimburse me the valid expenses.
Though it was so far only small expenses ;)

Company details

  1. Insurance Agency
  2. Dental Clinic

Information provided by various external sources

Dansk Tandforsikring forsikrer dine tænder gennem hele livet mod alle slags skader: lige fra fyldninger, paradontose, rodbehandlinger, kroner, broer, implantater - og uanset om skaden opstår som følge af almindelig slid- og ælde eller som følge af en ulykke.

Written by the company

Written by the company

Contact info

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

God service

Date of experience: 02 January 2025

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Elsa,

Tusind tak for din flotte anmeldelse.

Vi er så glade for at høre, at du har haft en positiv oplevelse med vores service. Det betyder meget for os at sikre, at alle vores kunder føler sig godt behandlet og værdsat.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

The scope of this insurance doesn't cover teeth treatment

I used Dansktandforsikring for years, and it was always the best insurance. Since last year their services went down so badly that I will no longer use them. In their explanations of why they would not cover the dental expense, they clarify that the Tooth was treated before or it was decayed. Well, isn't it the purpose of the insurance that it covers the treatment of unwell tooth? Let's compare the Dansktandforsikring to any other healthcare insurance: can you imagine that doctor is refusing patient a treatment because he is sick or was treated before? That is exactly the gibberish you get from Dansktandforsikring.

Date of experience: 28 November 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Joanna,

Tak for din anmeldelse og ærlige feedback.

Vi forstår din frustration og din pointe, men det er vigtigt at understrege, at tandforsikringer og sundhedsforsikringer er to forskellige typer forsikringer med hver deres specifikke dækning og betingelser. En tandforsikring dækker som udgangspunkt uforudsete skader eller behov for behandling. Behandlinger af tænder, der allerede har været behandlet eller var beskadiget, før forsikringen blev tegnet, er desværre ikke omfattet. Dette er en standardpraksis i branchen.

Vi erkender, at dette kan virke frustrerende, og vi beklager, hvis det ikke er blevet kommunikeret klart nok. Vi opfordrer altid til at læse forsikringsbetingelserne grundigt igennem, før man tegner en forsikring, for at sikre fuld forståelse af dækningen.

Vi værdsætter din feedback og vil bruge den til at forbedre både vores produkter og vores kommunikation.
Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål eller ønsker afklaring, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os direkte.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Dear Joanna,
Thank you for your review and honest feedback.

We understand your frustration and your point, but it is important to emphasize that dental insurance and health insurance are two different types of insurance with their own specific coverage and terms. A dental insurance policy typically covers unforeseen damages or the need for treatment. Unfortunately, treatments for teeth that have already been treated or were damaged prior to the policy being taken out are not covered. This is a standard practice within the industry.

We acknowledge that this can be frustrating, and we apologize if this has not been communicated clearly enough. We always encourage reading the terms and conditions carefully before taking out an insurance policy to ensure full understanding of the coverage.

We value your feedback and will use it to improve both our products and communication.

If you have any further questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Teeth was broken

Teeth was broken, and Ibudent Dental Clinic taken me in emergency case late evening, and just after visit all data been immeditaley sent to dansktandforsikring by Doctor.
Reply was already in few minutes - I was really impressed. It very very fast service by Insurance.

Date of experience: 10 October 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Konstantin,

Thank you for your review and for sharing your experience.

We are happy to hear that both the dental clinic and our insurance service met your expectations—especially in an emergency situation. Our goal is always to provide fast and efficient assistance, and we truly appreciate your positive feedback.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Quick and easy

Processed my information from the dentist very quickly, within a few hours.
Dentistry itself sent my documents to the insurance company.

Date of experience: 03 October 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Hi Andrii,

Thank you for your review! We're pleased to hear that your information was processed quickly and efficiently. It's great to know that your dentist promptly sent the documents, and we were able to handle everything within a few hours. If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Very quick with response and money back.

Date of experience: 02 October 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Hi Kristina,

Thank you for your review! We’re glad to hear that you had a good experience with our quick response and refund. We really appreciate your feedback.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Quick and easy to contact

Quick and easy to contact

Date of experience: 19 September 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Robin,

Thank you for your positive review! We're thrilled to hear that you found it quick and easy to get in touch with us. Providing efficient support is a top priority for us, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

The worst ‘insurance’ company that…

The worst ‘insurance’ company that exists ….
Should be ashamed of themselves

Date of experience: 04 September 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Giles,

Thank you for your review. We apologize that you have had an unsatisfactory experience with your insurance and the coverage of your claim.

The denial in your case is based on our insurance terms, which do not cover damages or conditions that can be documented as having arisen before the insurance was taken out.

The insurance plan that your employer has chosen does not cover treatment-requiring conditions that already existed at the time of enrollment. This is stated in the insurance terms, which you receive annually upon renewal.

According to Section 6.2 of the insurance terms, the insurance does not cover the following:

If there is no satisfactory medical or radiological documentation for the past three years regarding prosthetic damages (crowns, bridges, implants, etc.), our dental consultant will assess, based on a dental professional perspective, whether a damage was already existing at the time of insurance enrollment. This means that the treatment need, had there been satisfactory documentation, is assumed to have been diagnosed, ongoing, planned, or recommended.

We have processed your claim in accordance with these terms, which are sent to you at each renewal.

If you have any further questions or would like more clarification, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help.

Best regards,

Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Stay away if you do not have 32 healthy teeth

Update: To respond to the reply: You mentioned a name, I am unsure if this is not violating Trust pilot rules, Moreover, you read the documents, and you made a decision. Why shouldn't I think you have enough knowledge to interpret it? Your reply indicates a lack of ethics and dodging the customer when he needed support. It is disappointing and unprofessional.
Your puzzlement is a direct consequence of your service and business ethics. I just want to share my experience here to ensure that no one is in such an unfair and poor situation.
I am deeply disappointed with the service provided by **Dansk Tandforsikring**. My claim was evaluated in a manner that I find both baffling and unsatisfactory. Out of an invoice amounting to 24000 DKK, only 6700 DKK was approved, despite weeks of follow-ups and document submissions.

Insurance is purchased for the peace of mind it provides in times of accidents and emergencies. However, when I needed assistance, I felt abandoned by the team. I received a letter rejecting my claim based on various conditions in the contract. This experience was not only disappointing but also felt unethical.

For those considering this insurance, I would advise caution. It appears that unless you have perfect dental health, there's a risk of your claims being denied based on minor conditions, leaving you in a difficult situation when you most need help.

To Dansk Tandforsikring, before you respond with an apology, I urge you to reconsider your approach. Empty apologies do not rectify the situation or absolve the company of its responsibilities. It's disheartening to think that customers are being ignored and the company continues to operate in this manner. I question the ethics of earning money at the expense of customer trust and satisfaction.

Date of experience: 16 July 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Heydar,

Vi beklager dybt din utilfredshed med vores dækningspolitik. Vores mål er altid at levere en forsikringsløsning, der lever op til vores kunders forventninger.

Din tandforsikring via din arbejdsgiver har nogle specifikke vilkår. Forsikringen dækker typisk de fleste tandbehandlinger uanset tændernes tilstand på tegningstidspunktet. Dette inkluderer blandt andet plastbehandlinger, rodbehandlinger, paradentosebehandlinger, kirurgi, diverse røntgenbilleder og bidskinner, som alle er dækket fra tegningsdatoen og frem uden forbehold. Dog er der visse krav, der skal opfyldes for at få dækning for protetiske behandlinger såsom kroner, broer og implantater, hvilket er klart defineret i vores forsikringsbetingelser. Disse betingelser blev sendt til dig sammen med din police ved forsikringens start og ved seneste fornyelse.

I den ordning din arbejdsgiver har valgt, dækker forsikringen ikke tænder med revner eller fyldninger i tre flader eller mere. Ifølge punkt 6.2 i forsikringsbetingelserne dækker forsikringen heller ikke følgende behandlinger:

• Allerede diagnosticerede, igangværende, planlagte
eller anbefalede protetiske behandlinger (krone,
bro, implantat eller lign.)
• Rodbehandlede tænder uden krone samt tænder
med revner eller fyldninger i tre flader eller mere.

Vores afgørelse er baseret på journalnotater og tilhørende røntgenbilleder for at vurdere tandens historik.

Vi forstår, at dette kan være skuffende nyheder, og vi har sympati for din situation. Vores primære ansvar er at overholde de vilkår og betingelser, der er skitseret i vores forsikringspolicer, for at sikre retfærdighed for alle policeholdere.

Afslutningsvis undrer vi os over, at du fraråder denne forsikring. Det er ikke et særlig godt råd at give andre. Vi hjælper rigtig mange danskere hver eneste dag og assisterer i øjeblikket mellem 5.000 og 6.000 danskere hver måned.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Dear Heydar,

We sincerely regret your dissatisfaction with our coverage policy. Our goal is always to provide an insurance solution that meets our customers' expectations.

Your dental insurance through your employer has specific terms. The insurance typically covers most dental treatments regardless of the condition of the teeth at the time of enrollment. This includes, among other things, fillings, root canals, periodontal treatments, surgeries, various X-rays, and bite guards, all of which are covered from the date of enrollment onwards without reservation. However, there are certain requirements that must be met to obtain coverage for prosthetic treatments such as crowns, bridges, and implants, which are clearly defined in our insurance terms. These terms were sent to you along with your policy at the start of the insurance and upon the most recent renewal.

Your employer has chosen an insurance that does not cover teeth with cracks or fillings on three surfaces or more. According to section 6.2 of the insurance terms, the insurance also does not cover the following treatments:

• Already diagnosed, ongoing, planned, or recommended prosthetic treatments (crown, bridge, implant, etc.)
• Root-filled teeth without a crown, as well as teeth with cracks or fillings on three surfaces or more.

Our decision is based on journal notes and accompanying X-rays to assess the history of the tooth.

We understand that this may be disappointing news, and we sympathize with your situation.
Our primary responsibility is to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in our insurance policies to ensure fairness for all policyholders.

In conclusion, we are puzzled by your recommendation against this insurance. It is not particularly good advice to give to others. We help many customers every single day and currently assist between 5,000 and 6,000 customers each month.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Fast and reliable process

Fast and reliable process.

Date of experience: 17 July 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Pooyan,

Tak for din anmeldelse.

Vi er glade for at høre, at du fandt vores proces hurtig og pålidelig. Vi bestræber os altid på at levere den bedste service til vores kunder.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Hurtig behandling

Kvik administration

Date of experience: 24 June 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Poul,

Tak for din anmeldelse.

Vi er glade for at høre, at du fandt vores service hurtig og effektiv. Din tilfredshed er vores højeste prioritet, og vi værdsætter dine venlige ord.

Med venlig hilsen

Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Super fast

Super fast, happy with the service

Date of experience: 12 June 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Alexandra,

Mange tak for din flotte anmeldelse.

Vi er meget glade for at høre, at du er tilfreds med vores hurtige service. Din tilfredshed er vores højeste prioritet, og det er fantastisk at vide, at vi har levet op til dine forventninger.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Good service and prompt payments

Good service and prompt payments. They do always find a way of not paying the full amount though! Better than nothing though!

Date of experience: 06 June 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Ryan

Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to hear that you experience good service and prompt payments with us. The insurance you have subscribed to covers 80% of our service list, therefore, you do not receive the full amount refunded.

If you have any questions regarding the policy, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to clarify what the policy covers.

Best regards,
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Quick response

Date of experience: 22 May 2024

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Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Sara,

Tak for din anmeldelse!

Vi er glade for at høre, at du har oplevet en hurtig respons fra os. Det er vigtigt for os at kunne levere effektiv og pålidelig service til vores kunder, og din feedback bekræfter, at vi er på rette vej.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

vert fast and no problem loading the documents

No problem with loading documents

Date of experience: 21 May 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Catalin,

Thank you for your feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you experienced a fast process with no issues uploading your documents. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're glad we could meet your expectations.

Best regards

Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Absolutely horrible customer service

Absolutely horrible customer service. For a week I couldn't get in contact with anyone while looking for payment information. Due to that my policy was cancelled and I was charged for whole year insurance even though I was not insuranced even a month. And by the way still no response from the company.
Policy number: N202754

Date of experience: 20 May 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Anna,

Thx for the review - and regrets for your customer experience. Not happy to hear about this.

Could you please provide me with a bit more info ? - e.g. policy no or customer no, so I can dive more into this and see what happened.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Rated 1 out of 5 stars

4 måneders ekspeditionstid for så at…

4 måneders ekspeditionstid for så at blive afvist 100% for refusion.

Date of experience: 06 May 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Carsten,

Det er virkelig beklageligt at høre om din oplevelse. Vi bestræber os altid på at håndtere sager så hurtigt og retfærdigt som muligt, og det er åbenbart ikke lykkedes i dit tilfælde.

Vi ønsker dog at påpege, at ifølge punkt 6.2 i dine forsikringsbetingelser dækker forsikringen ikke behandlinger, der allerede er igangværende, planlagte eller anbefalede protetiske behandlinger.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Jeg syntes at I er Hurtige til at behandle en sag

Jeg syntes at I er hurtige

Date of experience: 23 April 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Ivan,

Det glæder os at høre, at du har haft en hurtig oplevelse hos os. Vi sætter en ære i at levere effektiv og hurtig service til vores kunder.

Tak for din positive tilbagemelding.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Hurtig og fair behandling.

Date of experience: 18 April 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Kære Simon,

Tak for din anmeldelse og de venlige ord!

Vi sætter stor pris på din feedback og er glade for at høre, at du oplevede vores service som både hurtig og fair.

Det er vores mål at sikre, at alle vores kunder modtager en effektiv og retfærdig behandling, og det glæder os at se, at vi har opfyldt dine forventninger på dette område.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsirking

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great and easy service

Great and easy service

Date of experience: 08 April 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Dear Elysa

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us such a positive review! We're thrilled to hear that you found our service great and easy to use.

Kind regards

Dansk Tandforsikring

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

God behandling og hurtig respons

Date of experience: 08 April 2024

dansktandforsikring.dk logo

Reply from dansktandforsikring.dk

Tusind tak for din anmeldelse! Vi er glade for at høre, at du har oplevet god behandling og hurtig respons fra vores side.

Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Tandforsikring

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