This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2

NKI Known Issues#

This document outlines some of the known issues and limitations for the NKI beta release.

Unsupported Syntax:#

  1. Top-level tensors must be on HBM. The input and output tensors of the top-level NKI kernel (the kernel function decorated with nki_jit/nki.baremetal or called by JAX nki_call) must be located in HBM. We currently do not support using tensors stored in SBUF or PSUM as the input or output of the top-level kernel. Tensors must be loaded from HBM into SBUF before use, and output tensors must be stored from SBUF back into HBM. See nl.load and

  2. Indexing:

    • Tile on SBUF/PSUM must have at least 2 dimensions as described here. If using a 1D tile on SBUF/PSUM, users may get an “Insufficient rank” error. Workaround this by creating a 2D tile, e.g.,

      buf = nl.zeros((128, ), dtype=dtype, buffer=nl.sbuf)  # this won't work
      buf = nl.zeros((128, 1), dtype=dtype, buffer=nl.sbuf) # this works
    • Users must index their [N, 1] or [1, M] shaped 2D buffers with both indices, do my_sbuf[0:N, 0] or my_sbuf[0, 0:M] to access them, since accessing in 1D my_sbuf[0:N] won’t work.

    • Use nl.arange for indirect load/store access indexing, nl.mgrid won’t work. See code examples in nl.load and

    • If indexing with [0, 0] gets internal errors, try using [0:1, 0:1] or nl.mgrid[0:1, 0:1] instead.

    • If indexing with [0:1, ...] gets internal errors, try using [0, ...] instead.

  3. Masks conjunction: Use & to combine masks. We do not support using and for masks. See examples in NKI API Masking.

  4. nisa.bn_stats does not support mask on the reduce dimension, the mask sent to bn_stats could not contain any indices from the reduction dimension.

  5. Partition dimension broadcasting is not supported on operator overloads (i.e, +, -, *, /, <<, >>, etc), use nki.language APIs instead (i.e, nl.add, nl.multiply, …).

  6. When direct allocation API is used, non-IO HBM tensors are not supported.

    • All tensors declared with buffer=nl.shared_hbm must be returned as the result of the kernel.

    • Tensors declared with buffer=nl.hbm or buffer=nl.private_hbm are not allowed.

    • An error “[NKI005] (float32 [128, 512] %'<name of the hbm tensor>':5)0: DRAM location of kind Internal mapping failed. Only input/output/const DRAM location is supported!” will be thrown when such tensor is encountered.

Unexpected Behavior:#

  1. Simulation using nki.simulate_kernel:

    • Custom data types like nl.float32r, nl.bfloat16, nl.float8_e4m3, and nl.float8_e5m2 simulate in fp32 precision. Also, NumPy API calls outside of the NKI kernel, such as np.allclose may not work with the above types.

    • nl.rand generates the same values for subsequent calls to nl.rand().

    • nl.random_seed is a no-op in simulation.

    • nisa.dropout is a no-op in simulation.

    • Masks don’t work in simulation, and garbage data is generated in tensor elements that are supposed to be untouched based on API masking.

  2. Execution:

    • Unwritten output tensor will have garbage data. See detail here.

    • nl.invert (aka bitwise_not) produces incorrect result with bool input type, use int8 type instead.

  3. Profiler:

    • When using neuron-profile use the flag --disable-dge to workaround a temporary issue with DMA information. See the Profile using neuron-profile section for more details.

  4. Optimization:

    • Users need to declare their NKI buffers as small as possible to avoid buffer overflow errors. An error “[GCA046] Some infinite-cost nodes remain” may mean there’s a buffer overflow, workaround this by creating smaller local buffers.

  5. Compiler passes:

    • NKI ISA API may not be one-to-one with generated hardware ISA instructions. The compiler may aid in the support of these instruction calls by adding additional instructions.

This document is relevant for: Inf2, Trn1, Trn2