The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

Building a scalable IoT system for connected air purifiers on AWS IoT: Blueair (a Unilever company)

Introduction Our homes contain everything from dust, cooking fumes, and chemicals released from paint, furniture, and cleaning agents. Add to that polluted outdoor air making its way into our homes through ventilation, and you’ve got a cocktail of toxins floating around between your four walls. Clean air has proven positive health benefits. It can provide […]

How to implement a disaster recovery solution for IoT platforms on AWS

This blog post introduces a real-world use case from Internet of Things (IoT) service providers that use Disaster Recovery for AWS IoT to improve the reliability of their IoT platforms. IoT service providers, especially those running high-reliability businesses, require consistent device connectivity and the seamless transfer of connectivity configurations and workloads to other regions when […]