This TSUBAME Report Overflow series discuss monitoring trends of overseas TSUBAME sensors and other activities which the Internet Threat Monitoring Quarterly Reports does not include. This article covers the monitoring results for the period of October to December 2021. The scan trends observed with TSUBAME sensors in Japan are presented in graphs here. Looking back on 2021 Figure 1 shows a comparison and transition of the total number of IP...
List of “鹿野 恵祐 (Keisuke Shikano)”
This TSUBAME Report Overflow series discuss monitoring trends of overseas TSUBAME sensors and other activities which the Internet Threat Monitoring Quarterly Reports does not include. This article covers the monitoring results for the period of January to March 2022. The scan trends observed with TSUBAME sensors in Japan are presented in graphs here. Scan packets to GRE increased Table 1 shows the top 5 packets sent from IP addresses in...
This TSUBAME Report Overflow series discuss monitoring trends of overseas TSUBAME sensors and other activities which the Internet Threat Monitoring Quarterly Reports do not cover. This article covers the monitoring results for the period of July to September 2021. The scan trends observed with TSUBAME sensors in Japan are presented in graphs here. Scan packets from Russia increased From Russia, there were accesses to a variety of ports, including port...
Hello, I am Keisuke from Cyber Metrics Group. This blog article shows findings and news not covered in our Internet Threat Monitoring Quarterly Report for Apr-Jun 2021, such as differences in TSUBAME monitoring results in Japan and overseas. Number of packets compared between Japan and overseas The figure 1 and 2 show the daily average of packets sent to TSUBAME sensors each month. Overseas sensors received more packets than those...
Hello this is Shikapon at the Incident Analysis Team at JPCERT/CC. I am managing a network threat monitoring system called "TSUBAME" which has been in operation since 2007. With sensors distributed in 19 economies in the Asia Pacific Region, the system is providing a common platform for the TSUBAME Project member teams for monitoring, information sharing and analysis. TSUBAME helps us to reveal hard to detect attacks that are on-going...