
Världens mest beundrade personer 2021Verdens mest beundrede mennesker i 2021Verdens mest beundrede mennesker i 2021Valgmåling december 2021Maailman ihailluimmat henkilöt vuonna 2021Tech and telco: Trends and insights round-up for 2021Leisure and Entertainment: Trends and insights round-up for 2021Sports: Trends and insights round-up for 2021Gaming and esports: Trends and insights round-up for 2021Global: Do consumers plan to save more next year? Künstliche Intelligenz – die deutschen Verbraucher bleiben skeptischTravel and Tourism: Trends and insights round-up for 2021The growing trend of plant-based meat products in ThailandUS: What’s motivating people to travel this holiday season?YouGov Framework – Retail Loyalty Program Subscribers in the United StatesRetail and FMCG/CPG: Trends and insights round-up for 2021 Media, Content and Agencies: Trends and insights round-up for 2021Women more likely than men to hold favourable views of BT’s “Walk Me Home” serviceNintendo ist Biggest Mover im Dezember 2021 – Das Top-10-Ranking vor WeihnachtenEnergie nucléaire : qu’en pensent les Français ?Advertiser of the Month im Dezember: MediaMarktZukunft des E-Commerce: Neue Studie zu Social Shopping UK – Biggest Brand Movers – December 2021 L’investissement responsable en FranceUS advertiser of the month (November): PillsburyLes pubs du mois de novembreNoël : 44% des Français optent pour un sapin artificielInnovation in der E-Mobilität: Deutschlands Autobauer müssen aufholenWhat does it take to become one of Britain’s best brands?Mapped: Key consumer financial trends in Australia Knapp die Hälfte der Deutschen ist grundsätzlich offen für Atomenergie Atomenergie? Rund die Hälfte der Deutschen ist für diese grundsätzlich offenThe growing power of social media influencers in IndiaConsumer Festive Insights in Great BritainUAE residents don't mind automation in their homes but prefer humans for medical consultation UK Advertiser of the Month: John Lewis Singapore Advertiser of the Month: Singapore Airlines Le marché du vrac en France en 2021Global: More people tend to enjoy ads at the cinema Jaguar enjoyed plenty of product placement at COP26. But did it work?Les Français et le sport d'hiverConsumer and brand intelligence at the speed of a rapidly-moving worldYouGov Framework: Eco-investing in Britain Global: Internet activities of gamblers Die Supporter von „Weihnachten im Schuhkarton“ – häufiger weiblich und verheiratetOmicron delays more Americans’ expectations for an end to the COVID-19 pandemicDie beliebteste Werbung der Deutschen – Humorvolle Spots von Haribo erneut vorn Should COVID-19 measures be scrapped in March 2022?Singaporeans don't mind automation in their homes but prefer humans for medical consultation The Omicron variant: Democrats, but not Republicans, are concerned about new COVID-19 strainGlobal: Tech shortagesAdvertiser of the Month (UAE) – Global Village Artificial intelligence: Global research reveals relationship between knowledge and sentimentFour in five Britons disapprove of the government’s handling of asylum seekers crossing the ChannelZwei von fünf Verbrauchern weltweit sind besorgt wegen künstlicher IntelligenzYouGov Framework: Mobile network switchers in Great Britain Urban Indians prefer automation in their homes but want humans for medical consultation & educationVar tredje svensk är skeptisk till artificiell intelligensHver tredje dansker er skeptisk over for kunstig intelligensSquid Game leads all other non-English originals from Netflix, according to YouGov StreamSocial Shopping wird unter den Deutschen immer beliebterHalf of Britons now think it's easy to find a job, up from just 11% in MarchLes Français et la livraison à domicileWhich travel benefits US consumers like the most?Global: How do consumers listen to music? What do American consumers like to do in winter? Intel’s sports sponsorships are paying offGambling habits of high-earning BritsMovie-going Brits are shelling out more cash at concession standsHow the #BrokenRecord Campaign challenged the music streaming market with YouGov Surveys: ServicedIs 5G improving our digital experience? Here’s what Americans and Brits think about it Mehr als jeder vierte Deutsche hat diese Woche Black-Friday-Aktionen genutztGlobal: How satisfied are consumers with different facets of their internet service? 62 Prozent der Verbraucher wollen nachhaltiges Banking Sonntagsfrage: SPD mit 25 Prozent stärkste KraftGaming’s biggest Buzz movers in the UK for November 2021US: EV intentBrits and body imageUS: Drug manufacturers with best reputationsGlobal: Advertising and body imageTitle spotlight: Super MarioThe amusement parks creating the most Buzz among America’s parentsGlobal: Which markets are ripest for the gamification of exercise?Global: Auto shortagesDo Elon Musk’s tweets hurt Tesla’s brand?Meat and healthRapport international : l’adoption de l’Intelligence ArtificielleUK: Which ads do future EV drivers pay attention to? Made in: German products have the best reputation around the world while China scores lowest Just a third of Tory voters say Boris Johnson is the best person to tackle corruption in ParliamentKinder bekommen zwischen 6 und 11 Jahren am häufigsten ihr erstes SmartphoneA look at how sports betting boosts sports engagementA peek at what sets racers apart from other gamers Shortages: Medical suppliesBusiness news and buyingWhy do gamers game?Deep dive: Direct LineUS Brand Spotlight - USAATeam profile: The worldwide phenomenon of the New York YankeesUAE residents are likely to travel domestically during the year-end holiday seasonThis year’s Thanksgiving meal won’t bring a truce in the political battles over U.S. historyRishi Sunak sees first negative favourability rating since the start of the pandemicLe Black Friday a-t-il une bonne image en 2021 ? The influence of social media influencers in the UAEDid the public warm to Iceland’s John Lewis parody? Commerzbank und ING Direktbank: Wer überzeugt die Verbraucher?Brand Profile: State FarmTop 10 des Enseignes Spécialisées & E-commerce qui ont le plus performé en OctobreBlack Friday: Who’s picking up gifts – and who’s buying for themselves?Video gaming is down in America. What are players doing?The most-followed sports team among American teen males is actually an esports teamGlobal: Consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable travelHalf of Americans prioritize protecting the environment over the economyUn Français sur cinq se dit prêt à manger des insectesUK: Audience insights into festive content viewingGlobal perspectives toward single-use plasticsUK – Biggest Brand Movers – November 2021Global: More people worried than not about artificial intelligenceInnovationsstärke bei E-Autos – Tesla und deutsche Autohersteller dominieren Top 10Miami market profile: How many sports fans cheer for the home teams?Global: Where do drivers like to drive fast in their cars? Energieversorgung wird laut Meinung der Verbraucher wichtigerIndomie tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in IndonesiaShopee tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in MalaysiaGoogle tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in India yet againGoogle tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in Egypt yet againEmirates tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in UAESaudia tops YouGov’s 2021 Best Brand Rankings in KSAWhat steps do global consumers take to keep private online?What platforms do the followers of gaming influencers use to play?Buzz around iPhone since launch low compared to previous yearsCritical race theory: Who believes it is being taught in their schools?Acheter des vêtements éco-responsables est important pour plus de 2 Européens sur 5BAND-AID and Dawn top Best Brand Rankings in the US while Pfizer is no surprise the biggest improverGlobal Best Brand Rankings: BrazilGlobal Best Brand Rankings: MexicoGlobal Best Brand Rankings: CanadaGlobal Best Brand Rankings 2021: USBest Brand Rankings 2021 TurkeyBest Brand Rankings 2021 EgyptBest Brand Rankings 2021 NetherlandsFerrero – Traditionsmarken erfinden sich neuNetflix leads Best Brand Rankings in the UK while Thomas Cook and Disney+ are most improved Google, Samsung and Netflix top YouGov’s Global Best Brands Rankings 2021Best Brand Rankings 2021 IndiaBEST BRAND RANKINGS 2021: UK & IRELAND1/3 der Verbraucher schätzt Empfehlungen bei Mobilfunk- & Internetdiensten YouGov Global Best Brand RankingsHer er Norges topp 10 innen merkevarer 2021Swish är Sveriges högst rankade varumärkenaSuomen 10 suosituinta tuotemerkkiä 2021Danmarks stærkeste varemærker 2021US Auto Advertiser of the Month (October): Lincoln Best Brand Rankings 2021 JapanBest Brand Rankings 2021 South KoreaBest Brand Rankings 2021 SingaporeBest Brand Rankings 2021 Hong KongBest Brand Rankings 2021 ChinaBest Brand Rankings 2021 DenmarkBest Brand Rankings 2021 FinlandBest Brand Rankings 2021 RussiaBest Brand Rankings 2021 MalaysiaBest Brand Rankings 2021 ThailandBest Brand Rankings 2021 IndonesiaBest Brand Rankings 2021 AustraliaBest Brand Rankings 2021 New ZealandBest Brand Rankings 2021 PhilippinesBest Brand Rankings 2021 SwedenBest Brand Rankings 2021 PolandBest Brand Rankings 2021 NorwayBest Brand Rankings 2021 UAEBest Brand Rankings 2021 KSAHow a global media company successfully measured viewership data with YouGovFMCG-Lieblingsmarken von Millenials & GenZProfile Peek: Understanding Britain’s sustainable shoppersYoung Americans eager to get their hands on VR handsetsBiggest Mover im November 2021: WalbuschEsports e gaming in Italia: trend e nuovi scenariUS Travel Advertiser of The Month (October): Uber Which sponsor’s ad campaigns caught people’s attention during ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2021?UK Auto AOTM: CUPRAUS: What marketers should know about TikTok and YouTube audiencesGlobal: Fan interest in the T20 World Cup in five key marketsYouGov Best Brand Rankings 2021What do Britons think of eco-friendly products?IKEA becomes part of the furniture on Oxford Street Waitrose’s new plant milk isn’t small potatoesUS: YouGov Purchase Funnel Deep Dive – Capital One Knapp ein Drittel der Deutschen sieht Bundestagswahl als WendepunktProfile Peek: Will Samsung phone users in Britain stay loyal in 2022? Finance AOTM: Scottish WidowsBiggest Buzz Movers im Fußball: Oktober 2021US Finance Advertiser of the Month (October): Venmo Advertiser of the Month im November: Mon ChériLes box à cuisiner : un concept qui séduit les Français ?Les marques qui progressent le plus au mois d’octobreFlexitarians in the NordicsÅ kjøpe bærekraftige klær er viktig for hver fjerde nordmannKestävästi tuotettujen vaatteiden ostaminen on tärkeää joka kolmannelle suomalaiselleAt købe bæredygtigt tøj er vigtigt for hver fjerde danskerBuying sustainable clothing is important for every 2 out of 5 EuropeansAtt köpa hållbara kläder är viktigt för var tredje svenskSBI, LIC and SBI General Insurance top YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 in India2 von 5 Europäern ist es wichtig, nachhaltige Kleidung zu kaufenSlow Fashion: Jeder vierte Deutsche kauft seltener KleidungPersonal finance pessimism drags down consumer confidence for the third consecutive monthZwei von fünf Deutschen ist Kauf von ethisch und nachhaltig produzierter Kleidung wichtig European Fashion Report 2021YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 IndiaPub du mois d’octobre : Disneyland Paris « le noël enchanté »How many people are willing to eat insects?Why Netflix is moving into gaming, in one chartProfil des Français qui achètent des boissons gazeuses / sodasDer deutsche Winterurlauber: sucht die Herausforderung und hält sich fitRapport européen sur l’industrie de la mode en 2021ING - #DoYourThing Werbekampagne ist ein voller ErfolgLe harcèlement scolaire en FranceLes constructeurs automobiles en font-ils assez pour optimiser la durée de vie de leurs produits ?Audience insights into festive TV viewing this holiday season (US)Spielerische Erfolge auf ganzer LinieDie Deutschen sind fernsehbegeistert, besonders die älterenProfile of a shooter game playerUK Advertiser of the Month: Marks & SpencerYoung males in UAE are most likely to follow gaming influencers: YouGov StudyUS Advertiser of the Month (October): iPhone Australia Advertiser of the Month (October): YouiAdvertiser of the month (UAE): iPhone Was John Lewis’ home insurance ad dressed for success?Which car insurers have the best reputation in Great Britain?The biggest tech worries globallyYouGov’s CEO on new frontiers in marketing effectiveness at EffWorks Global 2021Etude internationale : les technologies qui attirent les consommateursDating-App-Nutzer: Eine Zielgruppe zum VerliebenHow has PM Modi’s approval rating changed since his meeting with Biden?Lego bleibt Verbraucherliebling in Deutschland – YouGov kürt die Marken des Jahres 2021 Young urban Indian males are the most likely to follow gaming influencers in IndiaGlobal vekst i influencermarkedsføring innen gamingGlobal tillväxt för influencer-marknadsföring inom gamingVaikuttajamarkkinointi pelaajien keskuudessa kasvaa maailmanlaajuisestiGlobal vækst i influencermarketing inden for gamingGlobal: Attitudes towards plastic surgeryWhich US car insurers have the best reputation?Global: Trust in healthcare professionalsCOP26: Do Britons believe companies want to help the environment?Which US health insurers have the best reputation? Global: A third of consumers now prefer to shop for groceries onlineNew ports, processors, and price: Will consumers buy the new MacBook Pro?How do Brits prefer to spend their winter leisure time? Charting appetite for risk among BritsYouGov Framework: Attitudes of Super Streamers in the USGlobal: What’s influencing future vehicle buyers’ purchase decisions? Carrefour tops YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021 in EgyptJarir and Adidas top YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021 in Saudi ArabiaCarrefour and Adidas top YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021 in UAEUK: People are still more comfortable travelling close to homeThese are the top video game franchises among young BritsUpcoming Forza Horizon 5 making an impression on Xbox (and PlayStation) users in the US 2 Français sur 10 ont l’intention de célébrer Halloween cette annéeLes nouvelles idoles de l’ère digitale : les influenceurs jeux vidéoGlobal: Are celebrities effective at promoting travel products and services?Studie: Game-changers: Die Macht der Gaming-InfluencerYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 EgyptYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 KSAYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 UAEGlobal: The cultural importance of video gamesHow powerful are gaming influencers?These tech gadgets are on consumers’ holiday wish listsWhat’s in store for fall travel among Americans?US: How do travelers feel about providing COVID-19 health documents in order to vacation abroad?What are the most preferred ways to work out in the US and Britain?Global: Exercise habitsGlobal: Do consumers trust banks on cybercrime?Global: The role of recommendation in choosing a mobile network and internet service Celebrity endorsements: How impactful are they for gambling products?YouGov Framework: Attitudes to travel and sustainability in BritainDrei von zehn Verbrauchern weltweit sehen Bankensektor negativ Global: Are automakers doing enough to make their products last longer?APAC: YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021US: YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021Global: Visiting banks in real life is low on the list for consumers Financial stability and well-being are closely-knit for American consumers YouGov Retail Rankings 2021 - UKYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 - CanadaYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 - USUK: YouGov’s Retail Rankings 2021 YouGov Retail Rankings 2021YouGov Retail Rankings 2021 IndiaYouGov reveals the top ten grocery brands in IndiaYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 PolandYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 RussiaYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 DenmarkHer er Norges topp 10 supermarkeder og detaljhandelskjederYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 FinlandHer er danskerne detailfavoritterYouGov vähittäiskaupan ketjujen rankinglistaus 2021 SuomessaHär är de starkaste varumärkena inom detaljhandelnYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 NorwayYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 NetherlandYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 GreeceYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 SwedenYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 ChinaYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 Hong Kong YouGov Retail Rankings 2021 MalaysiaYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 ThailandYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 JapanYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 PhilippinesYouGov Retail Rankings 2021 IndonesiaUS: Has the buzz around foldable phones worn off?Mapped: Lottery ticket purchasing in the US Les hôtels du groupe Accor séduisent-ils les familles ?Verwahrentgelte bei deutschen Banken: Kunden suchen nach AlternativenGame-changers: the power of gaming influencersParents d’enfants entre 0 et 10 ans : marché du jouet et comportements d’achatsYouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 Hong KongHow many Australians will put money on the Everest and Melbourne Cup?Profile Peeks: Who are the music app subscribers in Australia and how to reach out to them?Audience insight: Disney+ subscribers and the BeatlesAs ASOS leadership changes, YouGov looks at the brand’s performance since 2015B2B companies set to up investment into content marketing budgetsUK – Biggest Brand Movers – October 2021US: YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021Les Français et l’apéritifMexico: YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021UK: YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021HSBC Bank,AIA Insurance & Octopus Card top YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 in Hong KongEmirates NBD, Daman and Visa top YouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 in UAESquid Game a winner for NetflixYouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 UAEYouGov Finance Purchase Funnel Rankings 2021 DeutschlandYouGov purchases Rezonence to scale activation capabilities and publisher partnershipsHow WWF-Singapore used consumer insights to shape their PACT initiative with YouGov SurveysING und NKD sind Biggest Movers im Oktober 2021 – Banken dominieren das RankingWarum Gamer gut zu Ikea passenIdentify & Target: Indians who are very likely to switch insurance providersUS: 2021 holiday shopping forecastUS Lawmakers press FTC to track tech companies’ commitment to teen privacyQui sont les clients de la marque Barilla ?Werbung mit Prominenten - am effektivsten in China, Indonesien und MexikoExpo 2020 Dubai: A powerful association for sponsor brandsSeptember's advertiser of the month: Applebee’s (US)US: Where do people get their coffee fix and has Gen Z picked up coffee drinking?Has the ongoing fuel crisis made Britons more likely to buy an electric or hybrid car?US: Automotive Advertiser of the Month – CadillacUS Finance Advertiser of the Month – Regions UK Finance Advertiser of the Month – Santander Der Schweppes-Tonic-Trinker: Lebt gesund und probiert gern Neues ausAdvertiser of the Month im Oktober: McDonald’sInternational study: how badly has COVID-19 affected people’s mental health?Geht Corona an die Psyche? Deutsche und Dänen in Zeiten der Pandemie aktuell am stabilstenInternational study: how badly has COVID-19 affected people’s mental health?Etude internationale : comment le Covid-19 a-t-il impacté la santé mentale des populations ?New Research: Traveler Sentiment in Fall 2021Global: Attitudes towards car ownership Americans tend to buy a mixture of both branded and generic OTC drug products Australia Advertiser of the Month – September: QantasPanic-buying fuels improvement in BP’s customer perceptionsMore than half of urban Indians think this is a good time to invest in real estateAdvertiser of the Month (Singapore): Samsung ZHow attitudes around gambling in the Netherlands differs from the rest of EuropeGlobal: How are consumers responding when faced with supply-chain shortages?Biggest Buzz Movers im Fußball: Oktober 2021 China und Indien liegen beim Online-Kauf von Autos vorneUK: Automotive Advertiser of the Month – Jaguar Not so sure: Analyzing US Auto Insurance SwitchersUncovered: Who's Buying Scratch-Off Tickets in the US?A Lidl marketing stunt goes a long wayWill Diwali 2021 glitter with gold?Farmacia: un italiano su due acquista online, ma le insegne rimangono poco conosciuteYoung adults in UAE are more likely than others to buy a car online: YouGov StudyThe latest trends and consumer sentiments in Nordic travel and tourismWhat’s driving the increasing interest in women’s sportRunners are more charity-inclined than the general British populationTest creatives, concepts and campaigns with YouGov DirectHow Windflower Florist understood the potted plants market with YouGov SurveysAs banks try to become landlords, who would Britons prefer to rent from?US Travel Advertiser of the Month: Delta Global: The impact of influencer and celebrity endorsements on food, household products and alcohol Advertiser of the Month (Egypt) – Amazon US: When it comes to decisions around household finances and investments, who is calling the shots? Indonesians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the futureUrban Indians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the futureGlobal: Veränderungen und Trends bei AutokäufenGlobal: Public transport – including ride-hailing – likely to take hit over next twelve monthsGlobal: How much is the world driving now?Global: The impact of recommendation when it comes to choosing airlines and hotels Beziehung dank Dating-App: Liebe auf den virtuellen Blick YouGov Framework: Attitudes to fuel consumption and engine power of a carMedia consumption of makeup-wearers in urban IndiaUAE residents are likely to attend the Dubai Expo, with seven in ten planning to visit as touristsConsumer perceptions of Nintendo ahead of the launch of new Switch consoleGlobal: Drive less for the sake of the environment, say drivers What draws Brits to the lottery – and what is stopping others?Who are the casual investors of the Nordics?Global: Concern around catching COVID-19 Global: Three in ten have an unfavourable view of the banking industryOatly-Kundschaft kauft nachhaltigGlobal: The financial impact of COVID-19GB, US, Germany: What do football and motorsport fans make of cryptocurrency?Global: Attitudes towards dental careBlitzumfrage am Wahlabend: Ampel-Koalition am beliebtestenRapport international sur l’industrie automobile Dettol, Galaxy, Nescafe and Juhayna top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in EgyptDettol, Galaxy, Almarai and Nadec top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in Saudi ArabiaDettol, Oreo and Almarai top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in UAEHow Indonesians perceived advertisements and sponsorships at a sports eventOnline gambling around the world: Where sports betting reigns supremeMost Americans would welcome vaccinated tourists from around the worldIf shoppers can’t get the next-gen console they want, what will they do?Despite Delta, American esports fans are comfortable going to live eventsUS: What makes drivers purchase from their preferred fuel brands? What the pandemic pet boom means for marketersASOS: Sustainability goals right on target for fashion retailerWhat's autumn got in store for UK travel? US: What do consumers think are the benefits of 5G?Sonntagsfrage vier Tage vor Bundestagswahl: Abstand zwischen SPD und Union nur leicht verringertYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 UAEYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 EgyptYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 KSAAPAC: FMCG Rankings 2021 Nivea and Mama top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in ThailandYouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 features the healthiest brands in IndonesiaDettol tops YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in Hong KongYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 ChinaYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 IndonesiaYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 PhilippinesYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 ThailandYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 MalaysiaCelebrity endorsements: How impactful are they for tech brands?Celebrity endorsements: How impactful are they for telco brands?A global look at who has found love through an appHow many consumers prioritize brand values when picking a telco?How many consumers prioritize brand values when picking tech products?YouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 Hong KongYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 JapanYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 South KoreaUK & Ireland: YouGov FMCG Rankings 2021 US: YouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021Urban Indians look forward to a golden Diwali, with nearly three in ten planning to spend on goldYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - BrazilYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - MexicoYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - CanadaYouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 - United StatesFMCG/CPG Rankings 2021Här är de högst rankade konsumtionsvarornaYouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov – päivittäistavarakaupan alan brändien ranking 2021Her er Norges topp 10 dagligvarerHer er danskerne favoritter inden for dagligvarerYouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 UK & IrelandHow Continental AG tracked the impact of Tour de France sponsorship using YouGov BrandIndexTrotz Wahlaufrufe: Fritz-Kola im Regal nur selten erste WahlInfographic: Will Diwali 2021 boost real estate sales in India?How Hawai‘i Tourism Authority measures travel sentiment with YouGovLes 18-24 ans et les jeux vidéo Wie die Deutsche Telekom mit YouGov die Markenperformance misst und Trends entdecktSonntagsfrage: SPD bleibt weiter 5 Prozentpunkte vor UnionLa popularité de l'iPhone auprès des 18-34 ansRonaldo re-signing looks a coup for UnitedAre young cricket fans driving Disney+ Hotstar’s Buzz?Hvilke dyr kan danskerne slå i en kamp?Vilka djur kan svenskarna besegra?iPhone users happily pay for streaming subscriptions, but watch for fatigueTop 10 Biggest Mover im September 2021: Rowenta The usage of mobile networks in ThailandAustralians' attitudes and behaviours on gamblingAsian consumers’ preference on mooncake during Mid-Autumn Festival 2021An inside look into Saudi Arabia's Gen Z Video streamersAdvertiser of the Month im September: Amazon Alexa Who is a regular streamer in Saudi Arabia?US may see surge in holiday smartphone purchasesDeutschland braucht dringend 5G-AufklärungUK – Biggest Brand Movers – September 2021Was motiviert Online-Glücksspieler weltweit?Valgmåling august 2021Diversität in der Werbung: Tun Marken genug, um ihre Kunden zu repräsentieren?Global: Motivators and barriers to gambling Opposition to a 2-year FIFA World Cup is strong, but how much would it affect viewership?Most Britons want to ban cigarettes – and half want to ban vaping productsSonntagsfrage: Die SPD bleibt stark, Union bei 21 Prozent JD Wetherspoon’s beer shortage hits public perceptionsBritons, Germans, Americans more likely to say they’re mentally healthy than physically healthyGlobal: Which consumers count their calories? How Deutsche Telekom monitors brand developments and identifies market trends with YouGovThree in ten urban Indians have changed their primary bank in the pastGroße Mehrheit der Deutschen nutzt Online-Banking, aber wofür genau?A Profile Peek on Singapore Early Tech AdoptersThe switching behaviour of Thailand consumers during COVID-19Gen Z: The challenge – and opportunities – in social media marketingUS Finance Advertiser of the Month August: Wells FargoUK Automotive Advert of the Month August: VauxhallYouGov study – International Telco Report 2021How leading Italian automotive company measured campaign success across Europe with YouGov Die Mobilitätswende braucht einen ParadigmenwechselUrban Indians’ festive spending intent has improved since last year Only one in five Americans considering purchasing EVs in the futurePerception des constructeurs automobiles en FranceWie wirkt sich Datenverlust auf die Kundentreue aus?