Enhancing structures and policies for intercultural integration in Cyprus
CCIF Cyprus is coordinating the Paphos Regional Intercultural Network for this 14-month project is being implemented by the Intercultural Cities Programme and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support, in partnership with the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus (31 October 2023 - 30 December 2024).
It is a follow-up project to the previous "Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus" project. This follow-up project aims to enhance and strengthen the previous project achievements and to support the rollout and use of the new tools that were developed under the previous project. It further aims to provide recommendations on their sustainability as well as to support Cyprus in the establishment of a new National Authority to co-ordinate multilevel governance of integration policy and the preparation of the national integration strategy.
Following consultations at the national and local levels, the previous project prepared a “Blueprint for multilevel governance of intercultural integration policies in Cyprus”, which was presented at a national event on 25 May 2023, and proposed the establishment of a new National Authority for integration. This project aims to support the establishment of the new National Authority, as decided by the Republic of Cyprus, through providing capacity building for the proposed Focal Points for the national level (representatives of ministries, social partners, unions of local authorities, national NGOs) and for the Focal Points for the local level proposed to be the regional intercultural network coordinators, representing the local NGOs, municipalities, migrant representatives, and civil society.
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