ejendrøm Reviews 116

TrustScore 5 out of 5


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Company details

  1. Real Estate Agents

About ejendrøm

Written by the company

Målet hos ejendrøm, er at skabe en forretning i øjenhøjde med kunden, hvor gammeldags købmandsskab og service er i fokus. Vi er gået ud af de store og til tider støvede kæder, for i stedet at kunne målrette vores produkter og arbejde, i kundens interesse. Her er ingen skjulte omkostninger, og vi er altid tilgængelige når du har brug for hjælp. Vi glæder os til at møde jer. Vi har butikker i: - Esbjerg - Bramming - Varde - Blåvand - Vejen

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TrustScore 5 out of 5

116 reviews


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Very helpful in every question

Very helpful in every question, always answering fast and structured, I have had a very good experience with your company. Very positive people, good and comfortable atmosphere.
The only thing I can say, thank you for collaboration, your time and energy.

Date of experience: March 22, 2024

ejendrøm logo

Reply from ejendrøm

Thank you very much, Yana. Hopefully, you will find yourself comfortable in the new atmosphere. :-) Have a nice day.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

House Sale

The service was amazing and kept us informed all the way through till the house was sold. Would highly recommended Lasse and Jacob as realtors
Thank you for great service

Date of experience: February 23, 2024

ejendrøm logo

Reply from ejendrøm

Hi Gitte, thank you very much for the support once again. We hope that we will see each other in the future. Have a nice day and congratulation with the sale. Jacob, ejendrøm :-)

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