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Det europæiske borgerinitiativ

Ambassadører for det europæiske borgerinitiativ

ECI ambassadors logo

Ambassadørerne for det europæiske borgerinitiativ fortæller vidt og bredt om borgerinitiativet, så den demokratiske debat boostes, og flere og flere tager initiativ til at ændre på tingene på de områder, de brænder for. Dette arbejde udføres på frivillig basis.

De kommer fra en lang række organisationer, der er aktive på europæisk, nationalt eller regionalt plan, og de har alle en fælles ekspertise inden for deltagelsesdemokrati og et fælles mål om at tilskynde borgerne til at deltage i politikudformningen.

Mød ambassadørerne for det europæiske borgerinitiativ ved online- og offlinearrangementer, og følg dem på de sociale medier!


Desuden har hvert medlemsland udpeget nationale kontaktpunkter for det europæiske borgerinitiativ til at bistå initiativtagergrupper.

Petra Pospíšilová
Petra Pospíšilová is the Office and Project Coordinator at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.
  • Aktiv i Czechia
Pulse of Europe is a movement of European civil society - non-partisan and independent. As a network of committed citizens, we are united by a common conviction despite our diverse political and social positions.
  • Aktiv i EU-wide
Image of Rafał Dymek
Rafał Dymek is Director of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation and guides its activities with the aim to motivate Polish and European citizens to become politically active, strengthen civil society and promote European values.
  • Aktiv i Poland
Sebastian Berchesan
Sebastian Berchesan is the Executive Secretary of Stand Up for Europe, managing the local and European projects in connection to strengthening democratic values, participation and engagement of young people in decision-making processes.
  • Aktiv i Belgium
The Good Lobby logo
The Good Lobby is a non-profit civic start up committed to equalising access to power for a more democratic and inclusive society.
  • Aktiv i Italy
LDUK logo
The Lithuanian College of Democracy (LDUK) is a scientific tank in promoting democracy through civic engagement and innovation.
  • Aktiv i Lithuania
Image of Tina Đaković
Tina Đaković is Operational Coordinator at Human Rights House Zagreb, where she supports the organisation in its efforts to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Aktiv i Croatia
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