Application Development
Table API & SQL
INSERT Statement
INSERT Statement
INSERT statements are used to add rows to a table.
Run an INSERT statement
INSERT statements are specified with the sqlUpdate()
method of the TableEnvironment
or executed in SQL CLI . The method sqlUpdate()
for INSERT statements is a lazy execution, they will be executed only when TableEnvironment.execute(jobName)
is invoked.
The following examples show how to run an INSERT statement in TableEnvironment
and in SQL CLI.
EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings . newInstance ()...
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment . create ( settings );
// register a source table named "Orders" and a sink table named "RubberOrders"
tEnv . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product VARCHAR, amount INT) WITH (...)" );
tEnv . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE RubberOrders(product VARCHAR, amount INT) WITH (...)" );
// run a SQL update query on the registered source table and emit the result to registered sink table
tEnv . sqlUpdate (
"INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%'" );
val settings = EnvironmentSettings . newInstance ()...
val tEnv = TableEnvironment . create ( settings )
// register a source table named "Orders" and a sink table named "RubberOrders"
tEnv . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)" )
tEnv . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE RubberOrders(product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)" )
// run a SQL update query on the registered source table and emit the result to registered sink table
tEnv . sqlUpdate (
"INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%'" )
settings = EnvironmentSettings . newInstance () ...
table_env = TableEnvironment . create ( settings )
# register a source table named "Orders" and a sink table named "RubberOrders"
table_env . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)" )
table_env . sqlUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE RubberOrders(product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)" )
# run a SQL update query on the registered source table and emit the result to registered sink table
table_env \
. sqlUpdate ( "INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE ' % Rubber % '" )
Flink SQL > CREATE TABLE Orders ( `user` BIGINT , product STRING , amount INT ) WITH (...);
[ INFO ] Table has been created .
Flink SQL > CREATE TABLE RubberOrders ( product STRING , amount INT ) WITH (...);
Flink SQL > INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product , amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%' ;
[ INFO ] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster ...
[ INFO ] Table update statement has been successfully submitted to the cluster :
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Insert from select queries
Query Results can be inserted into tables by using the insert clause.
INSERT { INTO | OVERWRITE } [ catalog_name .][ db_name .] table_name [ PARTITION part_spec ] select_statement
part_spec :
( part_col_name1 = val1 [, part_col_name2 = val2 , ...])
will overwrite any existing data in the table or partition. Otherwise, new data is appended.
clause should contain static partition columns of this inserting.
-- Creates a partitioned table
CREATE TABLE country_page_view ( user STRING , cnt INT , date STRING , country STRING )
PARTITIONED BY ( date , country )
WITH (...)
-- Appends rows into the static partition (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
INSERT INTO country_page_view PARTITION ( date = '2019-8-30' , country = 'China' )
SELECT user , cnt FROM page_view_source ;
-- Appends rows into partition (date, country), where date is static partition with value '2019-8-30',
-- country is dynamic partition whose value is dynamic determined by each row.
INSERT INTO country_page_view PARTITION ( date = '2019-8-30' )
SELECT user , cnt , country FROM page_view_source ;
-- Overwrites rows into static partition (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
INSERT OVERWRITE country_page_view PARTITION ( date = '2019-8-30' , country = 'China' )
SELECT user , cnt FROM page_view_source ;
-- Overwrites rows into partition (date, country), where date is static partition with value '2019-8-30',
-- country is dynamic partition whose value is dynamic determined by each row.
INSERT OVERWRITE country_page_view PARTITION ( date = '2019-8-30' )
SELECT user , cnt , country FROM page_view_source ;
Insert values into tables
The INSERT…VALUES statement can be used to insert data into tables directly from SQL.
INSERT { INTO | OVERWRITE } [ catalog_name .][ db_name .] table_name VALUES values_row [, values_row ...]
values_row :
: ( val1 [, val2 , ...])
will overwrite any existing data in the table. Otherwise, new data is appended.
CREATE TABLE students ( name STRING , age INT , gpa DECIMAL ( 3 , 2 )) WITH (...);
INSERT INTO students
VALUES ( 'fred flintstone' , 35 , 1 . 28 ), ( 'barney rubble' , 32 , 2 . 32 );
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