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Skipping 22,686 KB.. Full Log
 136 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
 137 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
 138 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)
     |                                                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 139 |     let sdkPath = try executor.checkNonZeroExit(
 140 |       args: "xcrun", "-sdk", "macosx", "--show-sdk-path").spm_chomp()

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/ExplicitModuleBuildTests.swift:1829:36: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
1827 |       try localFileSystem.writeFileContents(dummyBrokenDylib, bytes: "n/a")
1828 | 
1829 |       var environment = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                                    `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
1830 |       environment["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFTSCAN_LIB"] = dummyBrokenDylib.nativePathString(escaped: true)
1831 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:196:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 194 |   /// Much of the code below is taking from testLinking(), but uses the output file map code here.
 195 |   func testAutolinkOutputPath() throws {
 196 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 198 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "/garbage/swift-autolink-extract"

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:123:22: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
121 | 
122 |   func testLitDriverTests() throws {
123 |     guard ProcessEnv.vars.keys.contains("SWIFT_DRIVER_ENABLE_FAILING_INTEGRATION_TESTS") else {
    |                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
124 |       throw XCTSkip("Not all Driver tests supported")
125 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:130:22: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
128 | 
129 |   func testLitDriverValidationTests() throws {
130 |     guard ProcessEnv.vars.keys.contains("SWIFT_DRIVER_ENABLE_FAILING_INTEGRATION_TESTS") else {
    |                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
131 |       throw XCTSkip("Not all Driver validation-tests supported")
132 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:137:22: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
135 | 
136 |   func testLitInterpreterTests() throws {
137 |     guard ProcessEnv.vars.keys.contains("SWIFT_DRIVER_ENABLE_FAILING_INTEGRATION_TESTS") else {
    |                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
138 |       throw XCTSkip("Interpreter tests unsupported")
139 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:144:22: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
142 | 
143 |   func testLitStdlibTests() throws {
144 |     guard ProcessEnv.vars.keys.contains("SWIFT_DRIVER_ENABLE_FAILING_INTEGRATION_TESTS") else {
    |                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
145 |       throw XCTSkip("stdlib tests unsupported")
146 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:19:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ArgTemplate' to imported protocols 'ExpressibleByStringLiteral', 'ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral', 'ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftDriver' introduce this conformance in the future
 17 | import TestUtilities
 18 | 
 19 | extension Job.ArgTemplate: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'ArgTemplate' to imported protocols 'ExpressibleByStringLiteral', 'ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral', 'ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftDriver' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 20 |   public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
 21 |     self = .flag(value)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:39:14: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
 37 | 
 38 |     func waitUntilExit() throws -> ProcessResult {
 39 |       return ProcessResult(
    |              `- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
 40 |         arguments: [],
 41 |         environment: [:],

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:309:42: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
307 |       processType: JobCollectingDelegate.StubProcess.self
308 |     )
309 |     try executor.execute(env: ProcessEnv.vars, fileSystem: localFileSystem)
    |                                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
310 | 
311 |     XCTAssertEqual(try delegate.finished[0].1.utf8Output(), "test")

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:316:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
314 | 
315 |   func testSwiftDriverExecOverride() throws {
316 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
    |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
317 |     let envVarName = "SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_FRONTEND_EXEC"
318 |     let dummyPath = "/some/garbage/path/fnord"

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:320:56: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
318 |     let dummyPath = "/some/garbage/path/fnord"
319 |     let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine(),
320 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
    |                                                        `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
321 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
322 |                                            env: env)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:373:56: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
371 |   func testShellEscapingArgsInJobDescription() throws {
372 |     let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine(),
373 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
    |                                                        `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
374 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
375 |                                            env: [:])

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:480:60: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
478 |         let diags = DiagnosticsEngine()
479 |         let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: diags,
480 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
    |                                                            `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
481 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
482 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:482:64: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
480 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
481 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
482 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                                `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
483 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
484 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:484:26: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
482 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
483 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
484 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,
    |                          |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                          `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
485 |                                        "-driver-filelist-threshold", "0",
486 |                                        "-o", outputPath.pathString] + getHostToolchainSdkArg(executor),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:514:60: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
512 |         let diags = DiagnosticsEngine()
513 |         let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: diags,
514 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
    |                                                            `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
515 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
516 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:516:64: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
514 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
515 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
516 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                                `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
517 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
518 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:518:26: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
516 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
517 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
518 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,
    |                          |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                          `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
519 |                                        "-save-temps",
520 |                                        "-driver-filelist-threshold", "0",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:549:60: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
547 |         let diags = DiagnosticsEngine()
548 |         let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: diags,
549 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
    |                                                            `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
550 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
551 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:551:64: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
549 |                                                processSet: ProcessSet(),
550 |                                                fileSystem: localFileSystem,
551 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                                `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
552 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
553 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/JobExecutorTests.swift:553:26: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
551 |                                                env: ProcessEnv.vars)
552 |         let outputPath = path.appending(component: "finalOutput")
553 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", main.pathString,
    |                          |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                          `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
554 |                                        "-driver-filelist-threshold", "0",
555 |                                        "-Xfrontend", "-debug-crash-immediately",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/ParsableMessageTests.swift:273:31: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
271 |         // Now hijack the error stream and emit finished messages
272 |         let errorOutput = try withHijackedErrorStream {
273 |           let resultSuccess = ProcessResult(arguments: args!,
    |                               `- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
274 |                                             environment: ProcessEnv.vars,
275 |                                             exitStatus: ProcessResult.ExitStatus.terminated(code: EXIT_SUCCESS),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/ParsableMessageTests.swift:274:69: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
272 |         let errorOutput = try withHijackedErrorStream {
273 |           let resultSuccess = ProcessResult(arguments: args!,
274 |                                             environment: ProcessEnv.vars,
    |                                                                     `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
275 |                                             exitStatus: ProcessResult.ExitStatus.terminated(code: EXIT_SUCCESS),
276 |                                             output: Result.success([]),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/ParsableMessageTests.swift:362:33: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
360 |         // Now hijack the error stream and emit finished messages
361 |         let errorOutput = try withHijackedErrorStream {
362 |           let resultSignalled = ProcessResult(arguments: args!,
    |                                 `- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
363 |                                               environment: ProcessEnv.vars,
364 |                                               exitStatus: status,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/ParsableMessageTests.swift:363:71: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
361 |         let errorOutput = try withHijackedErrorStream {
362 |           let resultSignalled = ProcessResult(arguments: args!,
363 |                                               environment: ProcessEnv.vars,
    |                                                                       `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
364 |                                               exitStatus: status,
365 |                                               output: Result.success([]),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:84:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
  82 |     // so there is no swift-help in the toolchain yet. Set the environment variable
  83 |     // as if we had found it for the purposes of testing build planning.
  84 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
  85 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_HELP_EXEC"] = "/tmp/.test-swift-help"
  86 |     return env

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:93:56: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
  91 |   private func testEnvHasLLDB() throws -> Bool {
  92 |     let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine(),
  93 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
     |                                                        `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
  94 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
  95 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:95:60: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
  93 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
  94 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
  95 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)
     |                                                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
  96 |     let toolchain: Toolchain
  97 |     #if os(macOS)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:102:54: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 100 |     toolchain = WindowsToolchain(env: ProcessEnv.vars, executor: executor)
 101 |     #else
 102 |     toolchain = GenericUnixToolchain(env: ProcessEnv.vars, executor: executor)
     |                                                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 103 |     #endif
 104 |     do {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:519:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 517 |       XCTAssertEqual(try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-j", "4"]).numParallelJobs, 4)
 518 | 
 519 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 520 |       env["SWIFTC_MAXIMUM_DETERMINISM"] = "1"
 521 |       XCTAssertEqual(try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-j", "4"], env: env).numParallelJobs, 1)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:529:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 527 |       }
 528 | 
 529 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 530 |       env["SWIFTC_MAXIMUM_DETERMINISM"] = "1"
 531 |       try assertDriverDiagnostics(args: "swiftc", "-j", "8", env: env) {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:558:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 556 | 
 557 |     do {
 558 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 560 |       env["RC_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP"] = "old=new"

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:1862:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
1860 | 
1861 |   func testLinking() throws {
1862 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
1864 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "/garbage/swift-autolink-extract"

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:2459:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2457 | 
2458 |   func testWebAssemblyUnsupportedFeatures() throws {
2459 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2460 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "/garbage/swift-autolink-extract"
2461 |     do {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:2515:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2513 | 
2514 |   func testCompatibilityLibs() throws {
2515 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2517 |     try withTemporaryDirectory { path in

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:2940:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2938 | 
2939 |   func testADDITIONAL_SWIFT_DRIVER_FLAGS() throws {
2940 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2941 |     env["ADDITIONAL_SWIFT_DRIVER_FLAGS"] = "-Xfrontend -unknown1 -Xfrontend -unknown2"
2942 |     var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "foo.swift", "-module-name", "Test"], env: env)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:2996:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2994 | 
2995 |   func testPackageInterfacePathImplicit() throws {
2996 |     let envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
2997 | 
2998 |     // A .package.swiftinterface should only be generated if package-name is passed.

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:3039:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3037 | 
3038 |   func testSingleThreadedWholeModuleOptimizationCompiles() throws {
3039 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3040 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
3041 |     var driver1 = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-whole-module-optimization", "foo.swift", "bar.swift", "-emit-library", "-emit-module", "-module-name", "Test", "-emit-module-interface", "-emit-objc-header-path", "Test-Swift.h", "-emit-private-module-interface-path", "Test.private.swiftinterface", "-emit-tbd", "-o", "libTest"],

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:3515:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3513 | 
3514 |   func testEmitModuleSeparately() throws {
3515 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3516 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
3517 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:3603:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3601 | 
3602 |   func testEmitModuleSeparatelyWMO() throws {
3603 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
3604 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
3605 |     let root = localFileSystem.currentWorkingDirectory!.appending(components: "foo", "bar")

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4015:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4013 | 
4014 |   func testTargetVariant() throws {
4015 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4016 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4017 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4170:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4168 | 
4169 |   func testPCHasCompileInput() throws {
4170 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4171 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4172 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4401:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4399 | 
4400 |   func testProfileLinkerArgs() throws {
4401 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4402 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4403 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4514:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4512 |       }
4513 | 
4514 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4515 |       env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "//bin/swift-autolink-extract"
4516 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4648:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4646 |       // Drop SWIFT_DRIVER_CLANG_EXEC from the environment so it doesn't
4647 |       // interfere with tool lookup.
4648 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4649 |       env.removeValue(forKey: "SWIFT_DRIVER_CLANG_EXEC")
4650 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4662:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4660 |       // WASI toolchain
4661 |       do {
4662 |         var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4663 |         env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "//bin/swift-autolink-extract"
4664 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4707:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4705 | 
4706 |   func testDarwinSDKToolchainName() throws {
4707 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4708 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4709 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4729:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4727 |   // Test cases ported from Driver/macabi-environment.swift
4728 |   func testDarwinSDKVersioning() throws {
4729 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4730 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4731 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4807:34: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4805 | 
4806 |       do {
4807 |         var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                                  `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4808 |         envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4809 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4841:34: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4839 | 
4840 |       do {
4841 |         var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                                  `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4842 |         envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4843 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:4916:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4914 | 
4915 |   func testDarwinLinkerPlatformVersion() throws {
4916 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
4917 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
4918 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5052:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5050 | 
5051 |     do {
5052 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5053 |       // As per Unix conventions, /var/empty is expected to exist and be empty.
5054 |       // This gives us a non-existent path that we can use for libtool which

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5140:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5138 |     }
5139 |     do {
5140 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5141 |       env["SWIFT_LOADED_MODULE_TRACE_FILE"] = "/some/path/to/the.trace.json"
5142 |       var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-typecheck",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5398:56: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
5396 |     var toolchain: Toolchain
5397 |     let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine(),
5398 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
     |                                                        `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
5399 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
5400 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5400:60: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5398 |                                            processSet: ProcessSet(),
5399 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
5400 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)
     |                                                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5401 |     #if os(macOS)
5402 |     toolchain = DarwinToolchain(env: ProcessEnv.vars, executor: executor)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5406:54: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5404 |     toolchain = WindowsToolchain(env: ProcessEnv.vars, executor: executor)
5405 |     #else
5406 |     toolchain = GenericUnixToolchain(env: ProcessEnv.vars, executor: executor)
     |                                                      `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5407 |     #endif
5408 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5421:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5419 |     }
5420 | 
5421 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5423 |     let driver2 = try Driver(args: ["swift", "main.swift"], env: env)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5540:41: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5538 | 
5539 |       // Override path to libSwiftScan to force the fallback of using the executor
5540 |       var hideSwiftScanEnv = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                                         `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5541 |       hideSwiftScanEnv["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFTSCAN_LIB"] = "/bad/path/lib_InternalSwiftScan.dylib"
5542 |       XCTAssertThrowsError(try Driver(args: ["swift", "-print-target-info"],

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5542:32: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
5540 |       var hideSwiftScanEnv = ProcessEnv.vars
5541 |       hideSwiftScanEnv["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFTSCAN_LIB"] = "/bad/path/lib_InternalSwiftScan.dylib"
5542 |       XCTAssertThrowsError(try Driver(args: ["swift", "-print-target-info"],
     |                                |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
     |                                `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
5543 |                                       env: hideSwiftScanEnv,
5544 |                                       executor: MockExecutor(resolver: ArgsResolver(fileSystem: InMemoryFileSystem())))) {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5629:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5627 |       // invocation, by pointing the driver to look for libSwiftScan in a place that does not
5628 |       // exist
5629 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5630 |       env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_SCAN_TOOLCHAIN_PATH"] = "/some/nonexistent/path"
5631 |       let driver = try Driver(args: ["swift", "-target", "arm64-apple-ios12.0",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5828:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5826 | 
5827 |   func testLTOOutputs() throws {
5828 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5829 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
5830 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5945:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5943 |   func testVerifyEmittedInterfaceJob() throws {
5944 |     // Evolution enabled
5945 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
5946 |     do {
5947 |       var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "foo.swift", "-emit-module", "-module-name",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:6227:32: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
6225 |   func testLoadPackageInterface() throws {
6226 |     try withTemporaryDirectory { path in
6227 |       let envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                                `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
6228 |       let main = path.appending(component: "main.swift")
6229 |       try localFileSystem.writeFileContents(main) {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:6917:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
6915 | 
6916 |   func testEmbeddedSwiftOptions() throws {
6917 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
6918 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "/garbage/swift-autolink-extract"
6919 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7039:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7037 |     // FIXME: On Linux, we might not have any Clang in the path. We need a
7038 |     // better override.
7039 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7040 |     let swiftHelp: AbsolutePath = try AbsolutePath(validating: "/usr/bin/nonexistent-swift-help")
7041 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_HELP_EXEC"] = swiftHelp.pathString

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7052:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7050 | 
7051 |   func testSwiftClangOverride() throws {
7052 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7053 |     let swiftClang = try AbsolutePath(validating: "/A/Path/swift-clang")
7054 |     env["SWIFT_DRIVER_CLANG_EXEC"] = swiftClang.pathString

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7069:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7067 |       throw XCTSkip("Darwin always uses `clang` to link")
7068 | #else
7069 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7070 |     let swiftClang = try AbsolutePath(validating: "/A/Path/swift-clang")
7071 |     let swiftClangxx = try AbsolutePath(validating: "/A/Path/swift-clang++")

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7212:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7210 | 
7211 |   func testPrebuiltModuleCacheFlags() throws {
7212 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7213 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
7214 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7343:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7341 |       // Reset the environment to avoid 'SDKROOT' influencing the
7342 |       // linux driver paths and taking the priority over the resource directory.
7343 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7344 |       env["SDKROOT"] = nil
7345 |       var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7366:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7364 |     do {
7365 |       let sdkRoot = try testInputsPath.appending(component: "mock-sdk.sdk")
7366 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7367 |       env["SDKROOT"] = sdkRoot.pathString
7368 |       var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7482:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7480 | 
7481 |   func testFilelist() throws {
7482 |     var envVars = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7483 |     envVars["SWIFT_DRIVER_LD_EXEC"] = ld.nativePathString(escaped: false)
7484 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:7742:26: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7740 |     let sdkRoot = try testInputsPath.appending(
7741 |       components: ["Platform Checks", "\(platform).platform", "Developer", "SDKs", "\(sdk).sdk"])
7742 |     var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
7743 |     env["PLATFORM_DIR"] = "/tmp/PlatformDir/\(platform).platform"
7744 |     var driver = try Driver(

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:8073:28: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8071 |   func testAndroidNDK() throws {
8072 |     try withTemporaryDirectory { path in
8073 |       var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8074 |       env["SWIFT_DRIVER_SWIFT_AUTOLINK_EXTRACT_EXEC"] = "/garbage/swift-autolink-extract"
8075 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:8140:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8138 | 
8139 |       do {
8140 |         var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8141 |         env["TAPI_SDKDB_OUTPUT_PATH"] = path.appending(component: "SDKDB").nativePathString(escaped: false)
8142 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "foo.swift", "bar.swift", "baz.swift",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:8153:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8151 | 
8152 |       do {
8153 |         var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8154 |         env["LD_TRACE_FILE"] = path.appending(component: ".LD_TRACE").nativePathString(escaped: false)
8155 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "foo.swift", "bar.swift", "baz.swift",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:8184:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8182 | 
8183 |       do {
8184 |         var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8185 |         env["TAPI_SDKDB_OUTPUT_PATH"] = path.appending(component: "SDKDB").nativePathString(escaped: false)
8186 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-whole-module-optimization",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:8198:30: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8196 | 
8197 |       do {
8198 |         var env = ProcessEnv.vars
     |                              `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
8199 |         env["LD_TRACE_FILE"] = path.appending(component: ".LD_TRACE").nativePathString(escaped: false)
8200 |         var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-whole-module-optimization",

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5522:18: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
5520 | 
5521 |         func execute(job: Job, forceResponseFiles: Bool, recordedInputModificationDates: [TypedVirtualPath : TimePoint]) throws -> ProcessResult {
5522 |           return ProcessResult(arguments: [], environment: [:], exitStatus: .terminated(code: 0), output: .success(Array("bad JSON".utf8)), stderrOutput: .success([]))
     |                  `- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
5523 |         }
5524 |         func execute(workload: DriverExecutorWorkload,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/SwiftDriverTests.swift:5532:30: warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
5530 |         }
5531 |         func checkNonZeroExit(args: String..., environment: [String : String]) throws -> String {
5532 |           return try Process.checkNonZeroExit(arguments: args, environment: environment)
     |                              |- warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
     |                              `- note: use 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)' instead
5533 |         }
5534 |         func description(of job: Job, forceResponseFiles: Bool) throws -> String {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/TripleTests.swift:1440:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Version' to imported protocols 'ExpressibleByStringLiteral', 'ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral', 'ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftDriver' introduce this conformance in the future
1438 | }
1439 | 
1440 | extension Triple.Version: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'Version' to imported protocols 'ExpressibleByStringLiteral', 'ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral', 'ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'SwiftDriver' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
1441 |   public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
1442 |     self.init(parse: value)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/APIDigesterTests.swift:233:5: warning: code after 'throw' will never be executed
231 |     throw XCTSkip("Skipping: ABI descriptor is only emitted on Darwin platforms.")
232 | #endif
233 |     do {
    |     `- warning: code after 'throw' will never be executed
234 |       var driver = try Driver(args: ["swiftc", "foo.swift", "-emit-module", "-compare-to-baseline-path", "/baseline/path",
235 |                                      "-sdk", "/path/to/sdk", "-I", "/some/path", "-F", "framework/path",
[149/155] /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/swift-driverPackageDiscoveredTests.derived/all-discovered-tests.swift
[150/155] Write sources
[152/156] Compiling swift_driverPackageDiscoveredTests IncrementalImportTests.swift
[152/156] /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/swift-driverPackageTests.derived/runner.swift
[153/156] Write sources
[155/157] Compiling swift_driverPackageTests runner.swift
[155/157] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[156/157] Linking swift-driverPackageTests.xctest
Build complete! (275.61s)
Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2025-01-12 23:22:56.820
Test Suite 'release.xctest' started at 2025-01-12 23:22:56.821
Test Suite 'AddFuncInImportedExtensionTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:22:56.821
Test Case 'AddFuncInImportedExtensionTest.testAddFuncInImportedExtension' started at 2025-01-12 23:22:56.821
Test Case 'AddFuncInImportedExtensionTest.testAddFuncInImportedExtension' passed (22.347 seconds)
Test Suite 'AddFuncInImportedExtensionTest' passed at 2025-01-12 23:23:19.169
	 Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 22.347 (22.347) seconds
Test Suite 'AntisymmetryTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:23:19.169
Test Case 'AntisymmetryTest.testAntisymmetricTopLevelDefs' started at 2025-01-12 23:23:19.169
Test Case 'AntisymmetryTest.testAntisymmetricTopLevelDefs' passed (17.45 seconds)
Test Case 'AntisymmetryTest.testAntisymmetricTopLevelUses' started at 2025-01-12 23:23:36.619
Test Case 'AntisymmetryTest.testAntisymmetricTopLevelUses' passed (17.254 seconds)
Test Suite 'AntisymmetryTest' passed at 2025-01-12 23:23:53.873
	 Executed 2 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 34.705 (34.705) seconds
Test Suite 'HideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtensionTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:23:53.873
Test Case 'HideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtensionTests.testHideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtension' started at 2025-01-12 23:23:53.873
Test Case 'HideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtensionTests.testHideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtension' passed (66.643 seconds)
Test Suite 'HideAndShowFuncInStructAndExtensionTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:25:00.516
	 Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 66.643 (66.643) seconds
Test Suite 'RenameMemberOfImportedStructTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:00.516
Test Case 'RenameMemberOfImportedStructTest.testRenamingMember' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:00.516
Test Case 'RenameMemberOfImportedStructTest.testRenamingMember' passed (21.97 seconds)
Test Suite 'RenameMemberOfImportedStructTest' passed at 2025-01-12 23:25:22.486
	 Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 21.97 (21.97) seconds
Test Suite 'SpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModuleTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:22.486
Test Case 'SpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModuleTest.testSpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModule' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:22.486
Test Case 'SpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModuleTest.testSpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModule' passed (11.883 seconds)
Test Suite 'SpecificFuncAdditionInExtensionWithinModuleTest' passed at 2025-01-12 23:25:34.369
	 Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 11.883 (11.883) seconds
Test Suite 'TransitivityTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:34.369
Test Case 'TransitivityTest.testTransitiveStructMember' started at 2025-01-12 23:25:34.369
Test Case 'TransitivityTest.testTransitiveStructMember' passed (32.449 seconds)
Test Case 'TransitivityTest.testTransitiveTopLevelUses' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:06.818
Test Case 'TransitivityTest.testTransitiveTopLevelUses' passed (26.328 seconds)
Test Suite 'TransitivityTest' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.146
	 Executed 2 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 58.777 (58.777) seconds
Test Suite 'APIDigesterTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.146
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testABIComparisonEndToEnd' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.146
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/APIDigesterTests.swift:328: APIDigesterTests.testABIComparisonEndToEnd : Test skipped
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testABIComparisonEndToEnd' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testABIDigesterRequirements' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.146
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testABIDigesterRequirements' passed (0.007 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testAPIComparisonEndToEnd' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.154
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/APIDigesterTests.swift:270: APIDigesterTests.testAPIComparisonEndToEnd : Test skipped
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testAPIComparisonEndToEnd' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineComparisonJobFlags' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.154
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/APIDigesterTests.swift:231: APIDigesterTests.testBaselineComparisonJobFlags : Test skipped - Skipping: ABI descriptor is only emitted on Darwin platforms.
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineComparisonJobFlags' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationEndToEnd' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.154
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/APIDigesterTests.swift:180: APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationEndToEnd : Test skipped
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationEndToEnd' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationJobFlags' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.154
warning: no such SDK: /path/to/sdk
warning: no such SDK: /path/to/sdk
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationJobFlags' passed (0.008 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationRequiresTopLevelModule' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.162
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineGenerationRequiresTopLevelModule' passed (0.007 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineOutputPath' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.168
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testBaselineOutputPath' passed (0.03 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testComparisonOptionValidation' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.198
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testComparisonOptionValidation' passed (0.003 seconds)
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testDigesterModeValidation' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.201
Test Case 'APIDigesterTests.testDigesterModeValidation' passed (0.01 seconds)
Test Suite 'APIDigesterTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.211
	 Executed 10 tests, with 4 tests skipped and 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.065 (0.065) seconds
Test Suite 'AssertDiagnosticsTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.211
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertDiagnostics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.211
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertDiagnostics' passed (0.002 seconds)
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertDriverDiagosotics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.213
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertDriverDiagosotics' passed (0.016 seconds)
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertNoDiagnostics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.230
Test Case 'AssertDiagnosticsTests.testAssertNoDiagnostics' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Suite 'AssertDiagnosticsTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.230
	 Executed 3 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.018 (0.018) seconds
Test Suite 'CachingBuildTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.230
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCASManagement' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.230
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCASManagement' passed (0.007 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheBuildEndToEndBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:33.237
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheBuildEndToEndBuild' passed (0.767 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheBuildEndToEndWithBinaryHeaderDeps' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:34.004
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheBuildEndToEndWithBinaryHeaderDeps' passed (0.528 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheIncrementalBuildPlan' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:34.532
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCacheIncrementalBuildPlan' passed (1.127 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCachingBuildJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:35.659
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testCachingBuildJobs' passed (0.314 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testDependencyScanning' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:35.973
Using Per-Scan diagnostics
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testDependencyScanning' passed (0.936 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testDependencyScanningPathRemap' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:36.908
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testDependencyScanningPathRemap' passed (0.183 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testExplicitModuleVerifyInterfaceJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:37.091
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testExplicitModuleVerifyInterfaceJobs' passed (0.305 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testModuleOnlyJob' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:37.397
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testModuleOnlyJob' passed (0.789 seconds)
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testSeparateModuleJob' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.186
Test Case 'CachingBuildTests.testSeparateModuleJob' passed (0.61 seconds)
Test Suite 'CachingBuildTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
	 Executed 10 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 5.566 (5.566) seconds
Test Suite 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
Test Case 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testChangingOutputFileMap' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.swift:46: CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testChangingOutputFileMap : Test skipped
Test Case 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testChangingOutputFileMap' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testEmbeddedModuleDependencies' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.swift:94: CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testEmbeddedModuleDependencies : Test skipped
Test Case 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests.testEmbeddedModuleDependencies' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Suite 'CrossModuleIncrementalBuildTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
	 Executed 2 tests, with 2 tests skipped and 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.0 (0.0) seconds
Test Suite 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
Test Case 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests.testRoundTripFixtures' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.796
Test Case 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests.testRoundTripFixtures' passed (0.015 seconds)
Test Case 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests.testSerializedVersionChangeDetection' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.811
Test Case 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests.testSerializedVersionChangeDetection' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Suite 'DependencyGraphSerializationTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.811
	 Executed 2 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.015 (0.015) seconds
Test Suite 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.811
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testBinaryFrameworkDependencyScan' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:38.811
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testBinaryFrameworkDependencyScan' passed (0.231 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testBridgingHeaderDeps' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.042
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testBridgingHeaderDeps' passed (0.144 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyGraphDotSerialization' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.186
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyGraphDotSerialization' passed (0.128 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyGraphTransitiveClosure' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.313
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyGraphTransitiveClosure' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyImportPrescan' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.314
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyImportPrescan' passed (0.104 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanCommandLineEscape' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.417
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanCommandLineEscape' passed (0.004 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanning' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.421
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanning' passed (0.364 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningFailure' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:39.785
Using Per-Scan diagnostics
Using Per-Scan diagnostics
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningFailure' passed (0.253 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningFallback' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:40.038
warning: In-process dependency scan query failed due to incompatible libSwiftScan (/tmp/TemporaryDirectory.4hrKjQ/lib_InternalSwiftScan.dylib). Fallback to `swift-frontend` dependency scanner invocation. Specify '-nonlib-dependency-scanner' to silence this warning.
warning: In-process dependency scan query failed due to incompatible libSwiftScan (/tmp/TemporaryDirectory.4hrKjQ/lib_InternalSwiftScan.dylib). Fallback to `swift-frontend` dependency scanner invocation. Specify '-nonlib-dependency-scanner' to silence this warning.
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningFallback' passed (0.77 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningNoResponse' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:40.807
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningNoResponse' passed (0.019 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningSeparateClangScanCache' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:40.827
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testDependencyScanningSeparateClangScanCache' passed (0.004 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testEmitModuleSeparatelyJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:40.831
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testEmitModuleSeparatelyJobs' passed (0.235 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitLinkLibraries' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:41.065
warning: save unknown driver flag -scanner-module-validation as additional swift-frontend flag
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitLinkLibraries' passed (0.149 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildEndToEnd' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:41.214
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildEndToEnd' passed (0.561 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildIncrementalEndToEnd' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:41.776
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildIncrementalEndToEnd' passed (0.82 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:42.595
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildJobs' passed (0.254 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildPCHOutputJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:42.849
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleBuildPCHOutputJobs' passed (0.256 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleVerifyInterfaceJobs' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:43.105
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitModuleVerifyInterfaceJobs' passed (0.247 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitSwiftModuleMap' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:43.353
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testExplicitSwiftModuleMap' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testImmediateModeExplicitModuleBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:43.353
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testImmediateModeExplicitModuleBuild' passed (0.241 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingInterfaceWithScanDeps' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:43.595
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingInterfaceWithScanDeps' passed (0.637 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingPrebuiltWithScanDeps' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:44.232
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingPrebuiltWithScanDeps' passed (0.861 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingWithExplicitBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.093
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingWithExplicitBuild' passed (0.402 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingWithImportPrescan' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.495
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleAliasingWithImportPrescan' passed (0.104 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandGeneration' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.599
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandGeneration' passed (0.004 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandGenerationWithExternalFramework' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.603
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandGenerationWithExternalFramework' passed (0.004 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandUniqueDepFile' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.607
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testModuleDependencyBuildCommandUniqueDepFile' passed (0.131 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testParallelDependencyScanningDiagnostics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:45.738
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testParallelDependencyScanningDiagnostics' passed (0.261 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testPrintingExplicitDependencyGraph' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:46.000
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testPrintingExplicitDependencyGraph' passed (0.78 seconds)
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testTraceDependency' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:46.780
remark: Module 'testTraceDependency' depends on 'A'
note: [testTraceDependency] -> [A] -> [A](ObjC)
note: [testTraceDependency] -> [C](ObjC) -> [B](ObjC) -> [A](ObjC)
remark: Module 'testTraceDependency' depends on 'A'
note: [testTraceDependency] -> [A] -> [A](ObjC)
Message(behavior: TSCBasic.Diagnostic.Behavior.remark, data: Module 'testTraceDependency' depends on 'A')
Message(behavior: TSCBasic.Diagnostic.Behavior.note, data: [testTraceDependency] -> [A] -> [A](ObjC))
Message(behavior: TSCBasic.Diagnostic.Behavior.note, data: [testTraceDependency] -> [C](ObjC) -> [B](ObjC) -> [A](ObjC))
Message(behavior: TSCBasic.Diagnostic.Behavior.remark, data: Module 'testTraceDependency' depends on 'A')
Message(behavior: TSCBasic.Diagnostic.Behavior.note, data: [testTraceDependency] -> [A] -> [A](ObjC))
Test Case 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests.testTraceDependency' passed (0.802 seconds)
Test Suite 'ExplicitModuleBuildTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.582
	 Executed 30 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 8.77 (8.77) seconds
Test Suite 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.582
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testCleanBuildSwiftDepsPerformance' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.582
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.swift:38: IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testCleanBuildSwiftDepsPerformance : Test skipped
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testCleanBuildSwiftDepsPerformance' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testReadingPriorsPerformance' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.582
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.swift:38: IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testReadingPriorsPerformance : Test skipped
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testReadingPriorsPerformance' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testSavingPriorsPerformance' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.583
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.swift:38: IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testSavingPriorsPerformance : Test skipped
Test Case 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests.testSavingPriorsPerformance' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Suite 'IncrementalBuildPerformanceTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.583
	 Executed 3 tests, with 3 tests skipped and 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.0 (0.0) seconds
Test Suite 'IncrementalCompilationTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.583
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAddingInput' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.583
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAddingInput' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAlwaysRebuildDependents' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.588
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAlwaysRebuildDependents' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testArgumentReorderingLeadsToRecompile' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.593
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testArgumentReorderingLeadsToRecompile : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testArgumentReorderingLeadsToRecompile' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAutolinkOutputPath' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.598
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
remark: Incremental compilation: Enabling incremental cross-module building
remark: Found 2 batchable jobs
remark: Forming into 1 batch
remark: Adding {compile: main.swift} to batch 0
remark: Adding {compile: other.swift} to batch 0
remark: Forming batch job from 2 constituents: main.swift, other.swift
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testAutolinkOutputPath' passed (0.009 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testBuildRecordDateAccuracy' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.607
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testBuildRecordDateAccuracy : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testBuildRecordDateAccuracy' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testChangingOptionArgumentLeadsToRecompile' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.612
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testChangingOptionArgumentLeadsToRecompile : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testChangingOptionArgumentLeadsToRecompile' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFiles' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.617
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFiles : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFiles' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFilesCross' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.621
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFilesCross : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testDependencyDotFilesCross' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependency' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.626
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** replacing other ***
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependency : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependency' skipped (0.006 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyBinaryInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.632
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** replacing other ***
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyBinaryInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyBinaryInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.637
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** replacing other ***
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildChangedDependencyInvalidatesUpstreamDependencies' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildCheckGraphReuseOnChange' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.642
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildCheckGraphReuseOnChange : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildCheckGraphReuseOnChange' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildNewImport' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.647
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildNewImport : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildNewImport' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildUnchangedBinaryDependencyDoesNotInvalidateUpstreamDependencies' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.652
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** replacing other ***
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildUnchangedBinaryDependencyDoesNotInvalidateUpstreamDependencies : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalBuildUnchangedBinaryDependencyDoesNotInvalidateUpstreamDependencies' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.658
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuild : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuild' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuildCheckDiagnostics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.662
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuildCheckDiagnostics : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testExplicitIncrementalSimpleBuildCheckDiagnostics' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntry' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.667
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntry : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntry' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntryWMO' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.672
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntryWMO : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testFileMapMissingMainEntryWMO' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncremental' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.676
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncremental : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncremental' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalDiagnostics' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.681
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalDiagnostics' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalImplicitBuildChangedDependency' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.686
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** replacing other ***
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalImplicitBuildChangedDependency : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalImplicitBuildChangedDependency' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalPostCompileJob' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.691
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testIncrementalPostCompileJob' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoEmitModule' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.696
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoEmitModule : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoEmitModule' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoVerify' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.701
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoVerify : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildNoVerify' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildWhenAddingAndRemovingArgumentsNotAffectingIncrementalBuilds' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.705
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildWhenAddingAndRemovingArgumentsNotAffectingIncrementalBuilds : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testNullBuildWhenAddingAndRemovingArgumentsNotAffectingIncrementalBuilds' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionReorderingLeadsToRecompile' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.710
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionReorderingLeadsToRecompile : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionReorderingLeadsToRecompile' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionsParsing' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.715
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionsParsing : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testOptionsParsing' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testPriorsVersionDetectionAndRecovery' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.719
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testPriorsVersionDetectionAndRecovery' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testRemoval' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.724
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testRemoval' passed (0.005 seconds)
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testSymlinkModification' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.729
*** writing let foo = 1 to main
*** writing let bar = foo to other
*** starting build initial ***
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IncrementalCompilationTests.swift:1634: IncrementalCompilationTests.testSymlinkModification : Test skipped - Cannot perform this test on this host
Test Case 'IncrementalCompilationTests.testSymlinkModification' skipped (0.005 seconds)
Test Suite 'IncrementalCompilationTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
	 Executed 30 tests, with 23 tests skipped and 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.151 (0.151) seconds
Test Suite 'IntegrationTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitDriverTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:124: IntegrationTests.testLitDriverTests : Test skipped - Not all Driver tests supported
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitDriverTests' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitDriverValidationTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:131: IntegrationTests.testLitDriverValidationTests : Test skipped - Not all Driver validation-tests supported
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitDriverValidationTests' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitInterpreterTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:138: IntegrationTests.testLitInterpreterTests : Test skipped - Interpreter tests unsupported
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitInterpreterTests' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitStdlibTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/SwiftDriverTests/IntegrationTests.swift:145: IntegrationTests.testLitStdlibTests : Test skipped - stdlib tests unsupported
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitStdlibTests' skipped (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitSymbolGraphFrontendTest' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'IntegrationTests.testLitSymbolGraphFrontendTest' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Suite 'IntegrationTests' passed at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
	 Executed 5 tests, with 4 tests skipped and 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.0 (0.0) seconds
Test Suite 'JobExecutorTests' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testDarwinBasic' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testDarwinBasic' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testInputForwarding' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testInputForwarding' passed (0.0 seconds)
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testInputModifiedDuringMultiJobBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:47.734
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testInputModifiedDuringMultiJobBuild' passed (1.164 seconds)
Test Case 'JobExecutorTests.testInputModifiedDuringSingleJobBuild' started at 2025-01-12 23:26:48.898
â—‡ Test run started.
↳ Testing Library Version: 6.2-dev (52aa355f08587fc)
↳ Target Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
✔ Test run with 0 tests passed after 0.001 seconds.
/home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin/swift test --package-path /home/build-user/swift-driver --scratch-path /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64 --configuration release -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift/Block -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker $ORIGIN/../lib/swift/linux -Xswiftc -enable-testing
--- Finished tests for swiftdriver ---
--- Installing swiftdriver ---
+ /home/build-user/swift-driver/Utilities/ install --package-path /home/build-user/swift-driver --build-path /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64 --configuration release --toolchain /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr --ninja-bin /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/ninja-build/ninja --cmake-bin /home/build-user/build/cmake-linux-x86_64/bin/cmake --dispatch-build-dir /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/libdispatch-linux-x86_64 --prefix /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr
[0/1] Planning build
[1/1] Compiling plugin GenerateManual
Building for production...
[1/12] Write swift-version--4622877CDD7B8B6C.txt
[2/12] Linking makeOptions
[4/16] Compiling TSCLibc libc.swift
[5/17] Compiling ArgumentParserToolInfo ToolInfo.swift
[6/18] Compiling llbuildSwift BuildDBBindings.swift
/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:599:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CommandStatusKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 597 | }
 598 | 
 599 | extension CommandStatusKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'CommandStatusKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 600 |     public var description: String {
 601 |         switch self {

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:614:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildKeyKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 612 | }
 613 | 
 614 | extension BuildKeyKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildKeyKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 615 |     public var description: String {
 616 |         switch self {

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildSystemBindings.swift:643:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'DiagnosticKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 641 | }
 642 | 
 643 | extension DiagnosticKind: CustomStringConvertible {
     | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'DiagnosticKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
     | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 644 |     public var description: String {
 645 |         switch self {

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:34:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildValueKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 32 | #endif
 33 | 
 34 | extension BuildValueKind: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'BuildValueKind' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 35 |     public var description: String {
 36 |         switch self {

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:61:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 59 | }
 60 | 
 61 | extension BuildValueFileInfo: Equatable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 62 |     public static func == (lhs: BuildValueFileInfo, rhs: BuildValueFileInfo) -> Bool {
 63 |         return lhs.device == rhs.device && lhs.inode == rhs.inode && lhs.mode == rhs.mode && lhs.size == rhs.size && lhs.modTime == rhs.modTime

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:67:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 65 | }
 66 | 
 67 | extension BuildValueFileInfo: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_info_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 68 |     public var description: String {
 69 |         return "<FileInfo device=\(device) inode=\(inode) mode=\(mode) size=\(size) modTime=\(modTime)>"

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:73:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 71 | }
 72 | 
 73 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: Equatable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 74 |     public static func == (lhs: llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_, rhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp) -> Bool {
 75 |         return lhs.seconds == rhs.seconds && lhs.nanoseconds == rhs.nanoseconds

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:79:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 77 | }
 78 | 
 79 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: Comparable {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'Comparable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 80 |     public static func < (lhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp, rhs: BuildValueFileTimestamp) -> Bool {
 81 |         if lhs.seconds != rhs.seconds { return lhs.seconds < rhs.seconds }

/home/build-user/llbuild/products/llbuildSwift/BuildValue.swift:86:1: warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
 84 | }
 85 | 
 86 | extension BuildValueFileTimestamp: CustomStringConvertible {
    | |- warning: extension declares a conformance of imported type 'llb_build_value_file_timestamp_t_' to imported protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'llbuild' introduce this conformance in the future
    | `- note: add '@retroactive' to silence this warning
 87 |     public var description: String {
 88 |         return "<FileTimestamp seconds=\(seconds) nanoseconds=\(nanoseconds)>"
[7/18] Compiling Yams Constructor.swift
/home/build-user/yams/Sources/Yams/Emitter.swift:10:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
  8 | 
 10 | @_implementationOnly import CYaml
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
 11 | #endif
 12 | import Foundation

/home/build-user/yams/Sources/Yams/Parser.swift:12:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
 10 | 
 12 | @_implementationOnly import CYaml
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
 13 | #endif
 14 | import Foundation

/home/build-user/yams/Sources/Yams/YamlError.swift:10:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
  8 | 
 10 | @_implementationOnly import CYaml
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'Yams' may lead to instability during execution
 11 | #endif
 12 | import Foundation
[8/18] Compiling TSCBasic Await.swift
/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/Process.swift:20:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCBasic' may lead to instability during execution
  18 | #endif
  19 | 
  20 | @_implementationOnly import TSCclibc
     |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCBasic' may lead to instability during execution
  21 | import TSCLibc
  22 | import Dispatch

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:441:21: warning: 'init(_:)' is deprecated: use throwing `init(validating:)` variant instead
 439 |         defer { fsr.deallocate() }
 440 | 
 441 |         return try? AbsolutePath(String(cString: fsr))
     |                     `- warning: 'init(_:)' is deprecated: use throwing `init(validating:)` variant instead
 442 | #endif
 443 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:441:16: warning: no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression
 439 |         defer { fsr.deallocate() }
 440 | 
 441 |         return try? AbsolutePath(String(cString: fsr))
     |                `- warning: no calls to throwing functions occur within 'try' expression
 442 | #endif
 443 |     }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/Process.swift:387:57: warning: 'loggingHandler' is deprecated: use instance level `loggingHandler` passed via `init` instead of setting one globally.
 385 |         self.outputRedirection = outputRedirection
 386 |         self.startNewProcessGroup = startNewProcessGroup
 387 |         self.loggingHandler = loggingHandler ?? Process.loggingHandler
     |                                                         `- warning: 'loggingHandler' is deprecated: use instance level `loggingHandler` passed via `init` instead of setting one globally.
 388 |     }
 389 | 

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/Process.swift:428:57: warning: 'loggingHandler' is deprecated: use instance level `loggingHandler` passed via `init` instead of setting one globally.
 426 |         self.outputRedirection = outputRedirection
 427 |         self.startNewProcessGroup = startNewProcessGroup
 428 |         self.loggingHandler = loggingHandler ?? Process.loggingHandler
     |                                                         `- warning: 'loggingHandler' is deprecated: use instance level `loggingHandler` passed via `init` instead of setting one globally.
 429 |     }
 430 | 

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/Process.swift:750:32: warning: 'environment' is deprecated: use `environmentBlock` instead
 748 |         }
 749 |         let argv = CStringArray(resolvedArgs)
 750 |         let env = CStringArray({ "\($0.0)=\($0.1)" }))
     |                                `- warning: 'environment' is deprecated: use `environmentBlock` instead
 751 |         let rv = posix_spawnp(&processID, argv.cArray[0]!, &fileActions, &attributes, argv.cArray, env.cArray)
 752 | 

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/Process.swift:857:49: warning: converting a value of type '(__shared sending Result<ProcessResult, any Error>) -> ()' to type '(Result<ProcessResult, any Error>) -> Void' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
 855 |         try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
 856 |             DispatchQueue.processConcurrent.async {
 857 |                 self.waitUntilExit(continuation.resume(with:))
     |                                                 |- warning: converting a value of type '(__shared sending Result<ProcessResult, any Error>) -> ()' to type '(Result<ProcessResult, any Error>) -> Void' risks causing data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
     |                                                 `- note: converting a function typed value with a sending parameter to one without risks allowing actor-isolated values to escape their isolation domain as an argument to an invocation of value
 858 |             }
 859 |         }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Process/ProcessEnv.swift:71:36: warning: conformance of 'Dictionary<Key, Value>' to protocol 'Sendable' conflicts with that stated in the type's module 'Swift' and will be ignored; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
 69 | }
 70 | 
 71 | extension ProcessEnvironmentBlock: Sendable {}
    |                                    `- warning: conformance of 'Dictionary<Key, Value>' to protocol 'Sendable' conflicts with that stated in the type's module 'Swift' and will be ignored; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
 72 | 
 73 | /// Provides functionality related a process's environment.

Swift.Dictionary:1:11: note: 'Dictionary<Key, Value>' declares conformance to protocol 'Sendable' here
1 | extension Dictionary : @unchecked Sendable where Key : Sendable, Value : Sendable {
  |           `- note: 'Dictionary<Key, Value>' declares conformance to protocol 'Sendable' here
2 | }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/TerminalController.swift:116:23: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
114 |     public static func terminalType(_ stream: LocalFileOutputByteStream) -> TerminalType {
115 | #if !os(Windows)
116 |         if ProcessEnv.vars["TERM"] == "dumb" {
    |                       `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
117 |             return .dumb
118 |         }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/TerminalController.swift:138:37: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
136 | #else
137 |         // Try to get from environment.
138 |         if let columns = ProcessEnv.vars["COLUMNS"], let width = Int(columns) {
    |                                     `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
139 |             return width
140 |         }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/Thread.swift:54:41: warning: converting non-sendable function value to '@Sendable () -> Void' may introduce data races
 52 |         }
 53 | 
 54 |         self.thread = ThreadImpl(block: theTask)
    |                                         `- warning: converting non-sendable function value to '@Sendable () -> Void' may introduce data races
 55 |     }
 56 | 

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:365:84: warning: will never be executed
 363 |     func hasQuarantineAttribute(_ path: AbsolutePath) -> Bool { false }
 364 | 
 365 |     func hasAttribute(_ name: FileSystemAttribute, _ path: AbsolutePath) -> Bool { false }
     |                                                                                  | `- warning: will never be executed
     |                                                                                  `- note: 'name' is of type 'FileSystemAttribute' which cannot be constructed because it is an enum with no cases
 366 | 
 367 |     func itemReplacementDirectories(for path: AbsolutePath) throws -> [AbsolutePath] { [] }

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCBasic/FileSystem.swift:424:9: warning: will never be executed
 416 |     }
 417 | 
 418 |     func hasAttribute(_ name: FileSystemAttribute, _ path: AbsolutePath) -> Bool {
     |                                                                                  `- note: 'name' is of type 'FileSystemAttribute' which cannot be constructed because it is an enum with no cases
 419 | #if canImport(Darwin)
 420 |         let bufLength = getxattr(path.pathString, name.rawValue, nil, 0, 0, 0)
 422 |         return bufLength > 0
 423 | #else
 424 |         return false
     |         `- warning: will never be executed
 425 | #endif
 426 |     }
[9/19] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
/home/build-user/swift-argument-parser/Sources/ArgumentParser/Utilities/Platform.swift:111:57: warning: reference to var 'stderr' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
109 |   struct StandardError: TextOutputStream {
110 |     mutating func write(_ string: String) {
111 |       for byte in string.utf8 { putc(numericCast(byte), stderr) }
    |                                                         `- warning: reference to var 'stderr' is not concurrency-safe because it involves shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
112 |     }
113 |   }

/usr/include/stdio.h:139:14: note: var declared here
137 | extern FILE *stdin;		/* Standard input stream.  */
138 | extern FILE *stdout;		/* Standard output stream.  */
139 | extern FILE *stderr;		/* Standard error output stream.  */
    |              `- note: var declared here
140 | /* C89/C99 say they're macros.  Make them happy.  */
141 | #define stdin stdin
[10/19] Compiling TSCUtility Archiver.swift
/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCUtility/IndexStore.swift:12:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCUtility' may lead to instability during execution
 10 | 
 11 | import TSCBasic
 12 | @_implementationOnly import TSCclibc
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCUtility' may lead to instability during execution
 13 | 
 14 | public final class IndexStore {

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCUtility/Versioning.swift:11:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCUtility' may lead to instability during execution
 9 | */
10 | 
11 | @_implementationOnly import TSCclibc
   |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'TSCUtility' may lead to instability during execution
12 | 
13 | // FIXME: deprecate 2/2021, remove once clients transitioned

/home/build-user/swift-tools-support-core/Sources/TSCUtility/Netrc.swift:156:5: warning: @frozen has no effect on non-public enums
154 | @available(macOS 10.13, iOS 11, tvOS 11, watchOS 4, *)
155 | fileprivate enum RegexUtil {
156 |     @frozen fileprivate enum Token: String, CaseIterable {
    |     `- warning: @frozen has no effect on non-public enums
157 |         case machine, login, password, account, macdef, `default`
158 |         
[11/20] Compiling SwiftOptions DriverKind.swift
[12/22] Compiling swift_help main.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-help/main.swift:96:33: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 94 | 
 95 |   func printIntro() {
 96 |     let is256Color = ProcessEnv.vars["TERM"] == "xterm-256color"
    |                                 `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 97 |     let orangeRed = is256Color ? "\u{001b}[1;38;5;196m" : ""
 98 |     let plain = is256Color ? "\u{001b}[0m" : ""
[12/22] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[13/22] Linking swift-help
[15/22] Compiling SwiftDriver CompilerMode.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/Execution/ArgsResolver.swift:20:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 18 | import struct TSCBasic.SHA256
 19 | 
 20 | @_implementationOnly import Yams
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 21 | 
 22 | /// How the resolver is to handle usage of response files

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/IncrementalCompilation/BuildRecord.swift:17:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 15 | import struct TSCBasic.Diagnostic
 16 | 
 17 | @_implementationOnly import Yams
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 18 | 
 19 | /// Holds the info about inputs needed to plan incremenal compilation

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/SwiftScan/DependencyGraphBuilder.swift:13:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 12 | 
 13 | @_implementationOnly import CSwiftScan
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 14 | 
 15 | internal extension SwiftScan {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/SwiftScan/SwiftScan.swift:13:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 12 | 
 13 | @_implementationOnly import CSwiftScan
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 14 | 
 15 | #if os(Windows)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/SwiftScan/SwiftScanCAS.swift:13:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 11 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 12 | 
 13 | @_implementationOnly import CSwiftScan
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriver' may lead to instability during execution
 14 | import struct Foundation.Data
 15 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/Driver/Driver.swift:642:40: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 640 |   public init(
 641 |     args: [String],
 642 |     env: [String: String] = ProcessEnv.vars,
     |                                        `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 643 |     diagnosticsOutput: DiagnosticsOutput = .engine(DiagnosticsEngine(handlers: [Driver.stderrDiagnosticsHandler])),
 644 |     fileSystem: FileSystem = localFileSystem,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/Execution/ProcessProtocol.swift:50:19: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)'
48 |     env: [String: String]
49 |   ) throws -> TSCBasic.Process {
50 |     let process = Process(arguments: arguments, environment: env)
   |                   |- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)'
   |                   `- note: use 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' instead
51 |     try process.launch()
52 |     return process

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/Execution/ProcessProtocol.swift:60:19: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)'
58 |     inputFileHandle: FileHandle
59 |   ) throws -> TSCBasic.Process {
60 |     let process = Process(arguments: arguments, environment: env)
   |                   |- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)'
   |                   `- note: use 'init(arguments:environmentBlock:outputRedirection:startNewProcessGroup:loggingHandler:)' instead
61 |     let processInputStream = try process.launch()
62 |     var input: Data

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/ToolingInterface/SimpleExecutor.swift:52:17: warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
50 | 
51 |   func checkNonZeroExit(args: String..., environment: [String : String]) throws -> String {
52 |     try Process.checkNonZeroExit(arguments: args, environment: environment)
   |                 |- warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
   |                 `- note: use 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)' instead
53 |   }
54 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriver/ToolingInterface/ToolingUtil.swift:166:51: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
164 |     let executor = SimpleExecutor(resolver: resolver,
165 |                                   fileSystem: localFileSystem,
166 |                                   env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                   `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
167 |     var driver = try Driver(args: parsedOptions.commandLine,
168 |                             diagnosticsOutput: .engine(diagnosticsEngine),
[15/22] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[16/22] Compiling ToolingTestShim CToolingTestShimImpl.c
[17/23] Linking
[19/23] Compiling SwiftDriverExecution MultiJobExecutor.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:33:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 31 | // We either import the llbuildSwift shared library or the llbuild framework.
 32 | #if canImport(llbuildSwift)
 33 | @_implementationOnly import llbuildSwift
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 34 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild
 35 | #else

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:34:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 32 | #if canImport(llbuildSwift)
 33 | @_implementationOnly import llbuildSwift
 34 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 35 | #else
 36 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/llbuild.swift:24:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 22 | // We either import the llbuildSwift shared library or the llbuild framework.
 23 | #if canImport(llbuildSwift)
 24 | @_implementationOnly import llbuildSwift
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 25 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild
 26 | #else

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/llbuild.swift:25:22: warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 23 | #if canImport(llbuildSwift)
 24 | @_implementationOnly import llbuildSwift
 25 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild
    |                      `- warning: using '@_implementationOnly' without enabling library evolution for 'SwiftDriverExecution' may lead to instability during execution
 26 | #else
 27 | @_implementationOnly import llbuild

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:82:21: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 80 | 
 81 |     /// The process set to use when launching new processes.
 82 |     let processSet: ProcessSet?
    |                     `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 83 | 
 84 |     /// If true, always use response files to pass command line arguments.

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:113:19: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
111 |       executorDelegate: JobExecutionDelegate,
112 |       jobQueue: OperationQueue,
113 |       processSet: ProcessSet?,
    |                   `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
114 |       forceResponseFiles: Bool,
115 |       recordedInputModificationDates: [TypedVirtualPath: TimePoint],

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:257:27: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
255 | 
256 |   /// The process set to use when launching new processes.
257 |   private let processSet: ProcessSet?
    |                           `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
258 | 
259 |   /// If true, always use response files to pass command line arguments.

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:280:17: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
278 |     diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine,
279 |     numParallelJobs: Int? = nil,
280 |     processSet: ProcessSet? = nil,
    |                 `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
281 |     forceResponseFiles: Bool = false,
282 |     recordedInputModificationDates: [TypedVirtualPath: TimePoint] = [:],

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/MultiJobExecutor.swift:661:24: warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
659 |       if (pendingFinish) {
660 |         context.delegateQueue.sync {
661 |           let result = ProcessResult(
    |                        `- warning: 'init(arguments:environment:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)' is deprecated: use `init(arguments:environmentBlock:exitStatus:output:stderrOutput:)`
662 |             arguments: [],
663 |             environment: env,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/SwiftDriverExecutor.swift:26:19: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 24 | public final class SwiftDriverExecutor: DriverExecutor {
 25 |   let diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine
 26 |   let processSet: ProcessSet
    |                   `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 27 |   let fileSystem: FileSystem
 28 |   public let resolver: ArgsResolver

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/SwiftDriverExecutor.swift:32:27: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 30 | 
 31 |   public init(diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine,
 32 |               processSet: ProcessSet,
    |                           `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 33 |               fileSystem: FileSystem,
 34 |               env: [String: String]) throws {

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/SwiftDriverExecutor.swift:92:92: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 90 | 
 91 |   @discardableResult
 92 |   public func checkNonZeroExit(args: String..., environment: [String: String] = ProcessEnv.vars) throws -> String {
    |                                                                                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
 93 |     return try Process.checkNonZeroExit(arguments: args, environment: environment)
 94 |   }

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/SwiftDriverExecution/SwiftDriverExecutor.swift:93:24: warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
 91 |   @discardableResult
 92 |   public func checkNonZeroExit(args: String..., environment: [String: String] = ProcessEnv.vars) throws -> String {
 93 |     return try Process.checkNonZeroExit(arguments: args, environment: environment)
    |                        |- warning: 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environment:loggingHandler:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)'
    |                        `- note: use 'checkNonZeroExit(arguments:environmentBlock:loggingHandler:)' instead
 94 |   }
 95 | 
[20/26] Compiling swift_driver main.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-driver/main.swift:65:20: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 63 |   signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)
 64 |   #endif
 65 |   let processSet = ProcessSet()
    |                    `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
 66 |   interruptSignalSource.setEventHandler {
 67 |     // Terminate running compiler jobs and let the driver exit gracefully, remembering

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-driver/main.swift:108:31: warning: 'init(_:)' is deprecated: use throwing `init(validating:)` variant instead
106 |     let path: String = legacyExecutablePath.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation { String(cString: $0!) }
107 | 
108 |     if localFileSystem.exists(AbsolutePath(path)) {
    |                               `- warning: 'init(_:)' is deprecated: use throwing `init(validating:)` variant instead
109 |       let legacyDriverCommand = [path] + CommandLine.arguments[1...]
110 |       try exec(path: path, args: legacyDriverCommand)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-driver/main.swift:117:5: warning: setter for 'arguments' is deprecated: Do not modify CommandLine.arguments. It will become read-only in a future version of Swift.
115 | 
116 |   if ProcessEnv.block["SWIFT_ENABLE_EXPLICIT_MODULE"] != nil {
117 |     CommandLine.arguments.append("-explicit-module-build")
    |     `- warning: setter for 'arguments' is deprecated: Do not modify CommandLine.arguments. It will become read-only in a future version of Swift.
118 |   }
119 | 

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-driver/main.swift:149:58: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
147 |                                          processSet: processSet,
148 |                                          fileSystem: localFileSystem,
149 |                                          env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                          `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
150 |   var driver = try Driver(args: arguments,
151 |                           diagnosticsOutput: .engine(diagnosticsEngine),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-driver/main.swift:150:20: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
148 |                                          fileSystem: localFileSystem,
149 |                                          env: ProcessEnv.vars)
150 |   var driver = try Driver(args: arguments,
    |                    |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                    `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
151 |                           diagnosticsOutput: .engine(diagnosticsEngine),
152 |                           executor: executor,
[20/26] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[22/26] Compiling TestUtilities DriverExtensions.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/TestUtilities/DriverExtensions.swift:23:40: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
21 |   public init(
22 |     args: [String],
23 |     env: [String: String] = ProcessEnv.vars,
   |                                        `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
24 |     diagnosticsEngine: DiagnosticsEngine = DiagnosticsEngine(handlers: [Driver.stderrDiagnosticsHandler]),
25 |     fileSystem: FileSystem = localFileSystem,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/TestUtilities/DriverExtensions.swift:30:52: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
28 |   ) throws {
29 |     let executor = try SwiftDriverExecutor(diagnosticsEngine: diagnosticsEngine,
30 |                                        processSet: ProcessSet(),
   |                                                    `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
31 |                                        fileSystem: fileSystem,
32 |                                        env: env)

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Tests/TestUtilities/DriverExtensions.swift:33:14: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
31 |                                        fileSystem: fileSystem,
32 |                                        env: env)
33 |     try self.init(args: args,
   |              |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
   |              `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
34 |                   env: env,
35 |                   diagnosticsOutput: .engine(diagnosticsEngine),
[23/27] Compiling swift_build_sdk_interfaces main.swift
/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-build-sdk-interfaces/main.swift:128:20: warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
126 |                               .appending(component: "SystemVersion.plist"),
127 |                            to: sysVersionFile)
128 |   let processSet = ProcessSet()
    |                    `- warning: 'ProcessSet' is deprecated: Use `TaskGroup` with async `Process` APIs instead
129 |   let inputTuple = try collector.collectSwiftInterfaceMap()
130 |   let allAdopters = inputTuple.adopters

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-build-sdk-interfaces/main.swift:145:60: warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
143 |                                            processSet: processSet,
144 |                                            fileSystem: localFileSystem,
145 |                                            env: ProcessEnv.vars)
    |                                                            `- warning: 'vars' is deprecated: Use `block` instead
146 |     var args = ["swiftc",
147 |                 "-target", collector.targetTriple,

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-build-sdk-interfaces/main.swift:176:44: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
174 |     // modules for which a textual interface is discovered, ensuring that modules
175 |     // always build from interface when one is available.
176 |     if let supportedFlagsTestDriver = try? Driver(args: ["swiftc", "-v"],
    |                                            |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                                            `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
177 |                                                   executor: executor,
178 |                                                   compilerExecutableDir: swiftcPath.parentDirectory),

/home/build-user/swift-driver/Sources/swift-build-sdk-interfaces/main.swift:187:22: warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
185 | 
186 |     let baselineABIDir = try getArgumentAsPath("-baseline-abi-dir")
187 |     var driver = try Driver(args: args,
    |                      |- warning: 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)'
    |                      `- note: use 'init(args:env:diagnosticsOutput:fileSystem:executor:integratedDriver:compilerIntegratedTooling:compilerExecutableDir:externalTargetModuleDetailsMap:interModuleDependencyOracle:)' instead
188 |                             diagnosticsOutput: .engine(diagnosticsEngine),
189 |                             executor: executor,
[23/27] Write Objects.LinkFileList
[24/27] Linking swift-driver
[25/27] Linking swift-build-sdk-interfaces
[27/27] Compiling IncrementalTestFramework AddOn.swift
Build complete! (163.70s)
/home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin/swift build --show-bin-path --package-path /home/build-user/swift-driver --scratch-path /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64 --configuration release -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift/Block --disable-local-rpath -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker $ORIGIN/../lib/swift/linux -Xswiftc -no-toolchain-stdlib-rpath
/home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin/swift build --package-path /home/build-user/swift-driver --scratch-path /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/swiftdriver-linux-x86_64 --configuration release -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift -Xcxx -I -Xcxx /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/lib/swift/Block --disable-local-rpath -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker $ORIGIN/../lib/swift/linux -Xswiftc -no-toolchain-stdlib-rpath
Installing swift-driver into: /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin
Installing swift-help into: /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin
Installing swift-build-sdk-interfaces into: /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/usr/bin
--- Creating installable package ---
-- Package file: /home/build-user/null-ubuntu2004.tar.gz --
+ pushd /home/build-user/swift-nightly-install/
~/swift-nightly-install ~
+ tar -c -z -f /home/build-user/null-ubuntu2004.tar.gz --owner=0 --group=0 usr/
+ popd
-- Test Installable Package --
+ rm -rf /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64
+ mkdir -p /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64
+ pushd /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64
~/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64 ~
+ tar xzf /home/build-user/null-ubuntu2004.tar.gz
+ popd
+ pushd /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests
+ python3 /home/build-user/llvm-project/llvm/utils/lit/ . -v --time-tests --param package-path=/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64 --param test-exec-root=/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/tests --param llvm-bin-dir=/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/llvm-linux-x86_64/bin --timeout=600
~/swift-integration-tests ~
-- Testing: 39 tests, 36 workers -- /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:139: note: testing package: '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:152: note: testing using 'FileCheck': '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/llvm-linux-x86_64/bin/FileCheck' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:153: note: testing using 'readelf': '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/llvm-linux-x86_64/bin/llvm-readelf' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:154: note: testing using 'readobj': '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/llvm-linux-x86_64/bin/llvm-readobj' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:175: note: testing using swift benchmarks at path: /home/build-user/swift/benchmark /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:184: note: testing using 'swift': '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/swift' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:189: note: testing using 'swiftc': '/home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/swiftc' /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:194: note: testing using 'lldb': /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/lldb /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:199: note: testing using 'repl_swift': /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/repl_swift /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:208: note: testing using 'docc': /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/docc /home/build-user/swift-integration-tests/lit.cfg:228: note: testing using 'sourcekit-lsp': /home/build-user/build/buildbot_linux/none-swift_package_sandbox_linux-x86_64/usr/bin/sourcekit-lsp /home/build-user/llvm-project/llvm/utils/lit/lit/ note: The test suite configuration requested an individual test timeout of 0 seconds but a timeout of 600 seconds was requested on the command line. Forcing timeout to be 600 seconds.
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: (1 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: (2 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: repl/ (3 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: repl/ (4 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: (5 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: test-c-library-swiftpm/ (6 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-networking-fetch.txt (7 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-networking.txt (8 of 39)
UNSUPPORTED: swift-package-tests :: test-lldb-with-swiftpm/README.txt (9 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-cross-compile/test-compile-wasm.test (10 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: (11 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-snapshot-binaries/ (12 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: (13 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-multi-compile/ (14 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-static-lib/ (15 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-snapshot-binaries/ (16 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-static-stdlib/test-dispatch-static-stdlib.test (17 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-import-glibc/ (18 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-multi-compile-glibc/ (19 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-macros.txt (20 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-essentials.txt (21 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-internationalization.txt (22 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-xml.txt (23 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-static-stdlib/test-static-stdlib.test (24 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-xml-static-stdlib.test (25 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-static-stdlib.test (26 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-networking-static-stdlib.test (27 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: (28 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-sourcekit-lsp/ (29 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-swift-docc/test-swift-docc.txt (30 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: swift-build.txt (31 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: swift-package-with-spaces.txt (32 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: (33 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-xctest-package/test-xctest-package.txt (34 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-package.txt (35 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-complex-xctest-package/test-xctest-package.txt (36 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-codecov-package/test-codecov-package.txt (37 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: test-swift-testing-package/test-swift-testing-package.txt (38 of 39)
PASS: swift-package-tests :: (39 of 39)
Slowest Tests:
12.34s: swift-package-tests ::
9.26s: swift-package-tests :: test-swift-testing-package/test-swift-testing-package.txt
8.95s: swift-package-tests :: test-codecov-package/test-codecov-package.txt
8.89s: swift-package-tests :: test-complex-xctest-package/test-xctest-package.txt
8.55s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-package.txt
8.44s: swift-package-tests :: test-xctest-package/test-xctest-package.txt
7.02s: swift-package-tests ::
5.49s: swift-package-tests :: swift-package-with-spaces.txt
5.45s: swift-package-tests :: swift-build.txt
5.00s: swift-package-tests :: test-swift-docc/test-swift-docc.txt
3.93s: swift-package-tests :: test-sourcekit-lsp/
3.85s: swift-package-tests ::
3.00s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-networking-static-stdlib.test
2.90s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-static-stdlib.test
2.85s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-xml-static-stdlib.test
2.52s: swift-package-tests :: test-static-stdlib/test-static-stdlib.test
1.94s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-xml.txt
1.93s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-internationalization.txt
1.88s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-essentials.txt
1.78s: swift-package-tests :: test-foundation-package/test-foundation-macros.txt

Tests Times:
[    Range    ] :: [               Percentage               ] :: [Count]
[12.0s,13.0s) :: [*                                       ] :: [ 1/39]
[11.0s,12.0s) :: [                                        ] :: [ 0/39]
[10.0s,11.0s) :: [                                        ] :: [ 0/39]
[ 9.0s,10.0s) :: [****                                    ] :: [ 4/39]
[ 8.0s, 9.0s) :: [*                                       ] :: [ 1/39]
[ 7.0s, 8.0s) :: [*                                       ] :: [ 1/39]
[ 6.0s, 7.0s) :: [                                        ] :: [ 0/39]
[ 5.0s, 6.0s) :: [***                                     ] :: [ 3/39]
[ 4.0s, 5.0s) :: [**                                      ] :: [ 2/39]
[ 3.0s, 4.0s) :: [**                                      ] :: [ 2/39]
[ 2.0s, 3.0s) :: [****                                    ] :: [ 4/39]
[ 1.0s, 2.0s) :: [***                                     ] :: [ 3/39]
[ 0.0s, 1.0s) :: [******************                      ] :: [18/39]

Testing Time: 12.39s

Total Discovered Tests: 39
  Unsupported:  9 (23.08%)
  Passed     : 30 (76.92%)
+ popd
--- Build Script Analyzer ---
Build Script Log: /home/build-user/build/.build_script_log
Build Percentage 	 Build Duration (sec) 	 Build Phase
================ 	 ==================== 	 ===========
14.1%             	 1917.51               	 Running tests for wasmstdlib
8.3%              	 1135.2                	 linux-x86_64-swift-build
8.1%              	 1104.33               	 Running tests for foundationtests
7.7%              	 1050.11               	 Building llvm
6.3%              	 851.82                	 Running tests for swiftfoundationtests
5.7%              	 778.24                	 Running tests for swiftpm
4.9%              	 665.47                	 linux-x86_64-swift-test
4.8%              	 655.65                	 Building swiftpm
4.4%              	 601.73                	 linux-x86_64-foundation-build
4.1%              	 559.08                	 Installing swiftpm
4.0%              	 541.95                	 Building swiftformat
3.7%              	 508.6                 	 Running tests for swiftdriver
2.7%              	 363.02                	 Building wasmstdlib
2.6%              	 360.68                	 Building wasmthreadsstdlib
2.5%              	 344.86                	 Building swiftdocc
2.4%              	 329.59                	 Building sourcekitlsp
2.4%              	 326.08                	 Installing swiftdocc
1.7%              	 225.22                	 Building swiftdriver
1.4%              	 189.54                	 linux-x86_64-lldb-build
1.3%              	 178.24                	 linux-x86_64-package
1.2%              	 164.88                	 Installing swiftdriver
1.0%              	 131.0                 	 Building earlyswiftdriver
0.9%              	 129.2                 	 Running tests for sourcekitlsp
0.5%              	 68.92                 	 Building benchmarks
0.4%              	 61.26                 	 Running tests for swiftformat
0.4%              	 48.01                 	 Running tests for wasmthreadsstdlib
0.2%              	 33.93                 	 Building indexstoredb
0.2%              	 29.79                 	 Running tests for indexstoredb
0.2%              	 29.6                  	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-test
0.2%              	 28.19                 	 Building wasmswiftsdk
0.2%              	 24.13                 	 Building wasmkit
0.1%              	 20.03                 	 Installing sourcekitlsp
0.1%              	 19.95                 	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-build
0.1%              	 18.75                 	 Building swifttestingmacros
0.1%              	 18.07                 	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-build
0.1%              	 15.01                 	 Installing swiftformat
0.1%              	 13.88                 	 Building wasmthreadsllvmruntimelibs
0.1%              	 13.59                 	 linux-x86_64-xctest-test
0.1%              	 13.49                 	 Building wasmllvmruntimelibs
0.1%              	 11.46                 	 Building swifttesting
0.1%              	 10.59                 	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-test
0.1%              	 10.18                 	 linux-x86_64-xctest-build
0.0%              	 4.21                  	 Building wasilibc
0.0%              	 3.32                  	 linux-x86_64-swift-install
0.0%              	 2.2                   	 Building cmark
0.0%              	 2.08                  	 Installing llvm
0.0%              	 1.05                  	 Running tests for benchmarks
0.0%              	 0.76                  	 linux-x86_64-lldb-install
0.0%              	 0.39                  	 linux-x86_64-foundation-install
0.0%              	 0.11                  	 Cleaning swiftdriver
0.0%              	 0.09                  	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-install
0.0%              	 0.07                  	 linux-x86_64-xctest-install
0.0%              	 0.07                  	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-install
0.0%              	 0.06                  	 linux-x86_64-lldb-test
0.0%              	 0.06                  	 linux-x86_64-foundation-test
0.0%              	 0.05                  	 Cleaning swiftpm
0.0%              	 0.05                  	 linux-x86_64-extractsymbols
0.0%              	 0.04                  	 merged-hosts-lipo-core
0.0%              	 0.04                  	 merged-hosts-lipo
0.0%              	 0.02                  	 Installing swifttesting
0.0%              	 0.01                  	 Installing swifttestingmacros
0.0%              	 0.01                  	 Installing swiftdoccrender
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Installing staticswiftlinuxconfig
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Cleaning swifttestingmacros
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Cleaning swifttesting
Total Duration: 13615.52 seconds (3h 46m 55s)
--- Build Script Analyzer ---
Build Script Log: /home/build-user/build/.build_script_log
Build Percentage 	 Build Duration (sec) 	 Build Phase
================ 	 ==================== 	 ===========
14.1%             	 1917.51               	 Running tests for wasmstdlib
8.3%              	 1135.2                	 linux-x86_64-swift-build
8.1%              	 1104.33               	 Running tests for foundationtests
7.7%              	 1050.11               	 Building llvm
6.3%              	 851.82                	 Running tests for swiftfoundationtests
5.7%              	 778.24                	 Running tests for swiftpm
4.9%              	 665.47                	 linux-x86_64-swift-test
4.8%              	 655.65                	 Building swiftpm
4.4%              	 601.73                	 linux-x86_64-foundation-build
4.1%              	 559.08                	 Installing swiftpm
4.0%              	 541.95                	 Building swiftformat
3.7%              	 508.6                 	 Running tests for swiftdriver
2.7%              	 363.02                	 Building wasmstdlib
2.6%              	 360.68                	 Building wasmthreadsstdlib
2.5%              	 344.86                	 Building swiftdocc
2.4%              	 329.59                	 Building sourcekitlsp
2.4%              	 326.08                	 Installing swiftdocc
1.7%              	 225.22                	 Building swiftdriver
1.4%              	 189.54                	 linux-x86_64-lldb-build
1.3%              	 178.24                	 linux-x86_64-package
1.2%              	 164.88                	 Installing swiftdriver
1.0%              	 131.0                 	 Building earlyswiftdriver
0.9%              	 129.2                 	 Running tests for sourcekitlsp
0.5%              	 68.92                 	 Building benchmarks
0.4%              	 61.26                 	 Running tests for swiftformat
0.4%              	 48.01                 	 Running tests for wasmthreadsstdlib
0.2%              	 33.93                 	 Building indexstoredb
0.2%              	 29.79                 	 Running tests for indexstoredb
0.2%              	 29.6                  	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-test
0.2%              	 28.19                 	 Building wasmswiftsdk
0.2%              	 24.13                 	 Building wasmkit
0.1%              	 20.03                 	 Installing sourcekitlsp
0.1%              	 19.95                 	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-build
0.1%              	 18.75                 	 Building swifttestingmacros
0.1%              	 18.07                 	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-build
0.1%              	 15.01                 	 Installing swiftformat
0.1%              	 13.88                 	 Building wasmthreadsllvmruntimelibs
0.1%              	 13.59                 	 linux-x86_64-xctest-test
0.1%              	 13.49                 	 Building wasmllvmruntimelibs
0.1%              	 11.46                 	 Building swifttesting
0.1%              	 10.59                 	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-test
0.1%              	 10.18                 	 linux-x86_64-xctest-build
0.0%              	 4.21                  	 Building wasilibc
0.0%              	 3.32                  	 linux-x86_64-swift-install
0.0%              	 2.2                   	 Building cmark
0.0%              	 2.08                  	 Installing llvm
0.0%              	 1.05                  	 Running tests for benchmarks
0.0%              	 0.76                  	 linux-x86_64-lldb-install
0.0%              	 0.39                  	 linux-x86_64-foundation-install
0.0%              	 0.11                  	 Cleaning swiftdriver
0.0%              	 0.09                  	 linux-x86_64-libdispatch-install
0.0%              	 0.07                  	 linux-x86_64-xctest-install
0.0%              	 0.07                  	 linux-x86_64-llbuild-install
0.0%              	 0.06                  	 linux-x86_64-lldb-test
0.0%              	 0.06                  	 linux-x86_64-foundation-test
0.0%              	 0.05                  	 Cleaning swiftpm
0.0%              	 0.05                  	 linux-x86_64-extractsymbols
0.0%              	 0.04                  	 merged-hosts-lipo-core
0.0%              	 0.04                  	 merged-hosts-lipo
0.0%              	 0.02                  	 Installing swifttesting
0.0%              	 0.01                  	 Installing swifttestingmacros
0.0%              	 0.01                  	 Installing swiftdoccrender
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Installing staticswiftlinuxconfig
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Cleaning swifttestingmacros
0.0%              	 0.0                   	 Cleaning swifttesting
Total Duration: 13615.52 seconds (3h 46m 55s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker rm -f oss-swift-pr-test-crosscompile-wasm-ubuntu-20_04
+ docker volume rm --force oss-swift-pr-test-crosscompile-wasm-ubuntu-20_04
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS