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Europe is affected by direct and indirect climate impacts occurring outside the Union in multiple ways, such as trade, spread of infections and supply chains or migration. The ultimate goal of climate action is to protect people, planet and prosperity against the impacts of climate change. By promoting global adaptation action together with accelerated emissions reductions, the EU can help ensure the welfare of EU citizens, safeguard our natural environment and cultural heritage, and shield our economic investments and assets. Moreover, in a society that is increasingly interconnected and vulnerable to systemic shocks, increasing resilience and ensuring inclusiveness globally is a priority.
The European Green Deal aims to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent. It also announced the adoption of a new, more ambitious EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.This paper outlines first ideas of the European Commission on this new policy.
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Published in Climate-ADAPT Jul 27, 2020 - Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Oct 1, 2024
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