# PSMatch 1.9 ## PSMatch 1.9.1 - Fix check errors. ## PSMatch 1.9.0 - New Bioc devel. # PSMatch 1.7 ## PSMatch 1.7.2 - Fix connected component dim names in `show()`. ## PSMatch 1.7.1 - In `addFragments()` use `...` to pass parameters to `calculateFragments()`. ## PSMatch 1.7.0 - New Bioc devel. # PSMatch 1.5 ## PSMatch 1.5.0 - New Bioc devel. # PSMatch 1.3 ## PSMatch 1.3.3 - New `fdr` variable (default is always `NA_character_` for now) that defines the spectrum FDR (or any similar/relevant metric that can be used for filtering - see next item). - New `filterPsmFdr()` function that filters based on the `fdr` variable. ## PSMatch 1.3.2 - Specific `Matrix::rowSums()` to fix error in example. ## PSMatch 1.3.1 - Fix type in vignette. # PSMatch 1.0 ## PSMatch 1.0.0 - First Bioconductor release. # PSMatch 0.99 ## Changes in 0.99.5 - Fix *mz* calculation in `calculateFragments` for neutral losses with a charge > 1 (ported from `MSnbase` - see [issue 573](https://github.com/lgatto/MSnbase/issues/573)). ## Changes in 0.99.4 - Set seed in the ConnectedComponents unit test to stop random errors after clustering. ## Changes in 0.99.3 - Fix bug in `describePeptides()` (close #11). ## Changes in 0.99.2 - Describe the `ConnectedComponents()` return value. - Add/update installation instructions. ## Changes in 0.99.1 - Fix typo and improve documentation. ## Changes in 0.99.0 - Prepare package for Bioconductor submission.