# cmapR (CMap R code)
Parsing and utility functions for analyzing CMap data. To learn more about the CMap project at the Broad Institute, please visit [clue.io](https://clue.io).
## NOTICE - Updates for Bioconductor
cmapR has been accepted in [Bioconductor](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/cmapR.html). In accordance with Bioconductor standards, we have changed some of the function naming conventions. Function names that used to contain `.` have been replaced with `_`. Hence, `parse.gctx` is now `parse_gctx` and so on. The older function names will still work with a warning. There is additional info and examples in the vignettes/tutorial.Rmd.
### Install instructions
**Installing from Bioconductor**
In R version 4.0 or newer:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Dependencies are listed in `DESCRIPTION`
A docker container with cmapR can be obtained here: https://hub.docker.com/r/cmap/cmapr. This may be preferable for those who would like to use the package without installing on their system.
**Installing from Github source**
Perhaps the simplest way to install directly from github is using `devtools::install_github("cmap/cmapR")`. Note that this requires having previously installed the `devtools` package.
The script `install_cmapR.R` takes care of installing all the dependencies and then running `devtools::install_github("cmap/cmapR")`, so you can simply source this script after cloning this repository.
Alternatively, you can point your R's `install.packages` function at a tarball of the `cmapR` archive. You can generate this archive by cloning this repository and doing the following:
# make a gzip tar ball of the repo
R CMD build cmapR
# makes cmapR_1.0.tar.gz
# check that the package is ok
R CMD check cmapR_1.0.tar.gz
Once you have created the tarball, open an R terminal and execute the following:
install.packages("cmapR_1.0.tar.gz", type="source", repos=NULL)
You can also source individual files as needed instead of installing the entire package.
# For example, just load the IO methods
### Citation information
If you use GCTx and/or cmapR in your work, please cite [Enache et al.](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/11/30/227041)