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Deploy Java Web Apps

The Azure Tools extension pack contains a rich set of extensions that make it easy to discover and interact with the cloud services that power your Java applications.

The extension pack supports the following development workflows:

Azure Tools extension

If you are interested in a specific Azure service, you can also directly search for it on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace to see if there's an available extension.

Deployment tutorials

The following tutorials below walk you through the details. You can also check the Java Azure Developer's Center for all things on Azure for Java developers.

Tutorial Description Related Tools
Deploy Java web apps
to Azure App Service
Deploy a web app to the cloud Apache Maven
Azure App Service
Deploy Spring Boot apps
to Azure Spring Apps
Deploy a Spring Boot application
to Azure Spring Apps
Apache Maven
Azure Spring Apps
Create an Azure Functions project
using Visual Studio Code
Deploy serverless code
using Azure Functions
Apache Maven
Azure Functions