Page contentsPage contents Background Since 2010, the European Commission publishes annual reports on the application of the Charter. Following the 2020 Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU, the Charter reports focus on different thematic areas of strategic relevance governed by EU law. The reports provide an overview on the achievements and challenges identified in the chosen policy area.The Charter reports encourage the relevant stakeholders, such as Member States, the European Parliament, the Council, and civil society, to exchange views on the chosen topic. 2024 Charter report Read the 2024 reportThe 2024 Charter report focuses on EU funding directed towards promoting, protecting and enforcing fundamental rights across the EU. Throughout the 2019-2024 mandate, the Commission has strengthened its efforts to channel funding toward initiatives that reinforce EU values and safeguard fundamental rights, including though managing the substantially increased budget of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme. The Commission has also established a horizontal enabling condition on the effective application and implementation of the Charter for Member States to ensure that EU funding is spent in a Charter-compliant manner. The Charter report highlights the EU’s commitment to promoting and protecting fundamental rights through targeted and sector-specific funding. In particular, through the CERV programme, targeted funding has been granted to projects and organisations working on promoting EU values and fundamental rights. The application of fundamental rights has also been supported through EU funding issued from sectoral funding programmes, such as the Justice programme, Digital Europe, Erasmus+, and Horizon Europe. Also the Recovery and Resilience Facility has contributed to funding fundamental rights relevant initiatives. The report provides an overview on the application of the horizontal enabling condition on the effective application of the Charter. The report and its annex include good practice examples of EU-funded projects that contribute to the application of the Charter in various policy areas. The Charter report also describes the actions taken by Member States, international private and public donors, National Human Rights Institutions, equality bodies and ombudspeople to support the practical application of fundamental rights in the field of funding. It recognises how several Member States have established targeted project grant schemes to support the application of fundamental rights.The report finds that while points of development remain, EU and other donors have developed mechanisms to take into account beneficiary feedback in the design and implementation of their funding programmes, and further efforts to align activities are being taken. In particular, the funding efforts of the EU and other donors have reflected concerns regarding the narrowing of the civic space and civil society organisations have remained central funding beneficiaries.It highlights the need to ensure that information on funding opportunities is made available to potential beneficiaries, that funding reaches beneficiaries at the regional and local levels, and that funding cuts do not restrict the capabilities of civil society and fundamental rights bodies to contribute to open, democratic discourse. Read the 2024 report in all EU languages2024 report Annex Targeted consultations The report relies on the Commission's qualitative assessment of the feedback from consultations, and of other sources. Input was provided by Member States, Charter focal points, international public and private donors, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) and the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and their members. It is also based on the results of an online consultation of CSOs run through the Fundamental Rights Agency Civil Society Platform, as well as contributions for other Commission reports, such as the Rule of Law reports.2024 Report – FRA summary of civil society consultation on funding for fundamental rights 2024 Report - Inputs from Member States Previous reports 2023 annual report on the application of the Charter - Effective legal protection and access to justice2022 annual report on the application of the Charter - A thriving civic space for upholding fundamental rights in the EU2021 annual report on the application of the Charter - Protecting fundamental rights in the digital ageNo Charter report was published in 2019, as the Commission adopted its Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter in the EU.The following reports on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights were issued under the Commission’s previous Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Union:2018 annual report on the application of the Charter2017 annual report on the application of the Charter2016 annual report on the application of the Charter2015 annual report on the application of the Charter2014 annual report on the application of the Charter2013 annual report on the application of the Charter2012 annual report on the application of the Charter2011 annual report on the application of the Charter2010 annual report on the application of the Charter