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Tender opportunities - Digital Services

On-going and closed procurement procedures in Digital Services


As a follow up to the  on the future procurement approach for ICT Professional Services held on 17 December, the lead contracting authority is hereby publishing the presentation shared with the attendees. Particular attention is drawn to the additional details shared about the upcoming open call for tender MAIA, which complements the information previously shared in the Prior Information Notice and in the subsequent news article The European Commission prepares an interinstitutional open procedure for IT Professional Services - European Commission.

  • General publications
  • 19 December 2024
Market Awareness Session

Join the session on the future procurement approach for ICT Professional Services on 17 December

The Directorate-General for Digital Services (DIGIT), acting as the lead contracting authority for ICT Professional Services within the European Commission and as a key player serving other European Union Institutions, Bodies, and Agencies (EUIBAs), invites all interested economic operators to participate in an awareness session dedicated to upcoming public procurement opportunities in this domain.

This session aims to provide clarity on the upcoming procurement approach, designed to enhance the capacity of contract beneficiaries to:

  • Adapt to the continuous evolution of technologies shaping the ICT landscape.
  • Access services that deliver optimal value for money tailored to their specific needs.
  • Benefit from a diverse range of economic operators, encompassing a variety of sizes and areas of expertise.
  • Utilize a centralized point of purchase for EUIBAs.

The new procurement approach introduces innovative practices intended to significantly enhance competition among economic operators, with the aim of gradually replacing several existing procurement procedures in the ICT Professional Services domain.

During the session, DIGIT will:

  • Outline the transformative nature of this approach as it pertains to DIGIT’s role as contracting authority.
  • Present a preliminary deployment timeline for the new approach.
  • Explain how upcoming procurement procedures align with this strategy and its phased implementation.

DIGIT acknowledges that the new approach—shifting from awarding large framework contracts to a limited number of economic operators—requires clear communication to ensure transparency. In this regard, DIGIT will share relevant information on how economic operators can prepare for these future opportunities. 

The session will also highlight how the call for tenders ‘MAIA’ is positioned in relations to this approach (see Prior Information Notice ).

Important notice: the contracting authority will not answer any question prior to this session. 

Following this session, economic operators will be able to provide their feedback via email at DIGIT-PROSERV-CONTRACTS-ADVISORYatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-PROSERV-CONTRACTS-ADVISORY[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

DIGIT does not commit to respond individually to each piece of feedback provided through this consultation and reserves the right to follow-up with a company for potential clarifications according to the nature of its feedback or publish further information at a later stage.

The awareness session will take place on Tuesday 17 December from 14:30 to 16:00 CET via Webex. Each economic operator/company should be represented by max. two people.

How to register: Each economic operator that intends to participate to the session will need to provide information on the company (full legal name, place of registration, contact details, etc.) through the dedicated registration form on EU Survey


In case of technical issues during registration, please contact DIGIT-PROSERV-CONTRACTS-ADVISORYatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-PROSERV-CONTRACTS-ADVISORY[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Deadline for registrations: 16 December, 17:00 CET

The link to the meeting will be distributed before the session.


· All information provided by the contracting authority during this market consultation is purely indicative and is intended for preliminary informational purposes only.

· The information shared does not constitute a commitment, a promise, or a legal obligation on the part of the contracting authority to proceed in any specific manner.

· All details, including but not limited to scopes, estimates, and procedures, are subject to change at the discretion of the contracting authority without prior notice.

· No right, claim, or reliance can be derived or asserted based on the information shared in this consultation.

· Economic operators should not construe any information provided during this consultation as grounds for any claim or expectation of entering into a contractual relationship with the contracting authority.


Market consultations procurement privacy notice

Market surveys on the future replacement solution for the TESTA network (SECOND PHASE OF THE EU-IXP MARKET CONSULTATION)


EU Interconnectivity and eXchange Platform (EU-IXP)

The purpose of this preliminary market consultation is to gather feedback from economic operators potentially interested in participating as tenderers in public procurement procedures for the provision of the multiple ICT service elements to implement the successor of the TESTA network (Trans-European Services for Telematics between administrations).

The new approach regarding trans-European network service offering marks a fundamental shift from the current situation. The aim is to thus replace the current TESTA with a new trans-European network – EU Interconnectivity and eXchange Platform (EU-IXP).

Survey #1: Backbone services

The overall scope of this survey is related to the 'Underlay service’ and can be further broken down into different components such as:

  • PoP (Point of Presence): A point-of-presence (PoP) is a point or physical location where two or more networks build a connection from one place to the rest of the network. Typically, the PoP would be considered as the demarcation point between the local loop and the backbone service.
  • Backbone: A backbone network is a robust, high-speed network that links multiple local networks into a single wide-area network. Typically, the backbone will interconnect all the PoPs in the network.
  • Field services: This is a hands-on and onsite service taking care of the installation and initial (physical) setup of the connectivity.
  • Operational services: This is an overall service managing the backbone service, providing portal (API) services and managing the connectivity between the backbone service and the local loops in the PoPs.

Link: Backbone services survey


Survey #2: Customer network services

The overall scope of this survey is related to the 'Overlay service’ and can be further broken down into different components such as:

  • Customer Premises Equipment (CPE): This equipment (physical/virtual) connects the customer's internal network with the service provider's network. The CPE should provide the required network overlay function as described above. 
  • Field services: This is a hands-on, onsite service that takes care of the installation and initial setup of the connectivity.
  • Operational services: This is an overall service that manages the overlay service, provides portal (API) services, and manages connectivity to the local loop and internal network equipment (LAN).

Link: Customer network services survey

Questions regarding the surveys can be submitted through email at: DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTRE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

The deadline to reply to the surveys is 22 July 2024, 12:00 CEST.

In addition, following the publication of the two surveys, two dedicated sessions will be organised by DIGIT to answer questions arising from the surveys:

  • Wednesday 3rd of July from 14:00 to 14:30 CEST – Survey #1: Backbone services.
  • Wednesday 3rd of July from 15:00 to 15:30 CEST – Survey #2: Customer Network services.

For registration to one or both dedicated sessions, please send your request to be invited to the email address: DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTRE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

Deadline for registrations: 2nd of July, 12:00 CEST.

Each economic operator that intends to participate to the session(s) will need to provide information on the company (full legal name, place of registration) and ICT sector in which the company is active (telecommunication/internet/cloud service provider or network integration/operation managed service provider), and up to two contact persons (name, role within the organisation and email address) for participation. The link(s) to the meeting(s) will be distributed before the session(s). 

Please note that participating in the dedicated sessions is not a requirement for submitting your answers to the survey(s). This is for informational purposes only. 

The contracting authority does not intend to respond individually to each piece of feedback provided through this consultation, but reserves the right to follow-up with a company for potential clarifications or publish further information following the market consultation.


  • All information provided by the contracting authority during this market consultation is purely indicative and is intended for preliminary informational purposes only. 
  • The information shared does not constitute a commitment, a promise, or a legal obligation on the part of the contracting authority to proceed in any specific manner. 
  • All details, including but not limited to scopes, estimates, and procedures, are subject to change at the discretion of the contracting authority without prior notice. 
  • No right, claim, or reliance can be derived or asserted based on the information shared in this consultation. 
  • Economic operators should not construe any information provided during this consultation as grounds for any claim or expectation of entering into a contractual relationship with the contracting authority. 


General publications25 June 2024
Market consultations procurement privacy notice



Market consultation on the future replacement solution for the TESTA network [FIRST PHASE - CLOSED]

EU Interconnectivity and eXchange Platform (EU-IXP)

The purpose of this preliminary market consultation is to gather feedback from economic operators potentially interested in participating as tenderers in public procurement procedures for the provision of the multiple ICT service elements to implement the successor of the TESTA network (Trans-European Services for Telematics between administrations).

The new approach regarding trans-European network service offering marks a fundamental shift from the current situation. The aim is to thus replace the current TESTA with a new trans-European network – EU Interconnectivity and eXchange Platform (EU-IXP). 

For more details on the new strategy, please consult  

  • General publications
  • 1 March 2024
EU-IXP Strategy

The strategy will also be presented in two dedicated virtual sessions organized by DIGIT as follows:

  • Wednesday 20th March from 10:00 to 12:00 CET - aiming the discussion more on connectivity services
  • Friday 22nd March from 10:00 to 12:00 CET - aiming the discussion more on IT network management services

Indeed, considering the scope of the new solution foreseen, two separate sessions will be organized with the different categories of concerned parties - the first session with interested telecommunication/internet/cloud service providers and the next one with interested network integration/operation managed service providers.

For registration to the dedicated session(s), please send your request to be invited to the email address: DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTRE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Deadline for registrations: 15 March 2024, 12:00 CET

Each economic operator that intends to participate to the session(s) will need to provide information on the company (full legal name, place of registration and ICT sector in which the company is active (telecommunication/internet/cloud service provider or network integration/operation managed service provider), and one contact person (name, role within the organisation and email address) for participation. The link(s) to the meeting(s) will be distributed before the session(s). Please note that the content shared during the two sessions will be identical, consequently companies are requested to request registration to one ICT sector only, without prejudice on their right to finally participate in all the different procurement procedures being organised in the frame of EU-IXP.

The economic operators will be welcome to provide initial feedback on the new strategy during the sessions and in writing, after the sessions.

The contracting authority does not intend to respond individually to each piece of feedback provided through this consultation but reserves the right to follow-up with a company for potential clarifications or publish further information following the market consultation.


General publications15 March 2024
Privacy statement - EU-IXP


General publications25 March 2024
EU-IXP strategy presented to IT market




SURVEY on Cybersecurity Professional Services acquisition - Cloud II DPS 2

DIGIT is conducting a preliminary consultation survey among economic operators in the context of the upcoming competition for the acquisition of Cybersecurity Professional Services.


Cloud III pre-market consultation

In the context of the upcoming procurement procedure for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform services (Cloud III Dynamic Purchasing System), DIGIT is conducting a preliminary market consultation to gather feedback from potentially interested tenderers (see also Prior Information Notice 2023/S 066-197497 and its corrigendum 2023/S 149-475873).


SURVEY on software licence and related services acquisition - "DPS for software SIDE III" [CLOSED]

DIGIT is conducting a short market survey among economic operators in the context of the upcoming procurement procedure for the acquisition of software licences and related services.


SURVEY on IT and Cybersecurity End-user Equipment - DPS for IT Supplies [CLOSED]

DIGIT is conducting a preliminary survey among economic operators on the future procurement procedure for the acquisition of IT and Cybersecurity End-user Equipment.


For further information on the procedure, please consult the relevant Corrigendum - PIN - Acquisition of printing, copying and scanning as a service (Princesse III) published on 24/06/2022, which updates the  section II of the PIN related to Mobile and other IT Equipment (MEQ V) -  (Notice number in the OJ/S: 2022/S 120-336898)


Revisiting DIGIT-TM Framework Contract – August 2020 [CLOSED]

For further information, please, consult the relevant Prior Information Notice (PIN): 2020/S 150-366672.The deadline for submission of answers is 18 September 2020.



Trans-European Services for Telematics between Administrations (TESTA) – upcoming market consultation

DIGIT will conduct in Q1 2024 a preliminary market consultation to gather feedback from economic operators in the context of the future replacement solution for the TESTA network.

Currently, the TESTA network is provided under TESTA-ng. TESTA-ng is a project developed in the form of a network service on the basis of article 3 of Decision 922/2009/EC, in order to support the development of projects of common interest and to provide a secure and reliable communication platform for exchange of data between the public administrations. TESTA-ng is the successor of “sTESTA” (Secure Trans-European Network Services for Telematics between Administrations) network service established under the IDABC programme which was succeeded by the ISA and ISA2 programme.

TESTA-ng is a secure and highly available infrastructure which supports sensitive pan-European information exchanges between public authorities requiring guaranteed service levels for network availability, confidentiality, and integrity.


Open calls for tenders - ongoing

Find all open calls for tenders from the Directorate-General for Informatics on eTendering


Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)

Find all Dynamic Purchasing Systems from the Directorate-General for Informatics on TED

For advanced search, use the following search filters:

  • Type of document: Dynamic purchasing system
  • European Institutions: European Commission
  • Authority name: “Directorate-General for Informatics”

For expert search, use the following Expert query:

  • HA = [EC] AND AU = [“Directorate-General for Informatics”] AND TD = [Y]


List of all Dynamic Purchasing Systems from the Directorate-General for Informatics on Negometrix/Mercell:

Dynamic Purchasing System for Cloud Services (CLOUD III DPS - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0031)

PROSERV DPS for IT Professional Services (DIGIT/2024/DPS/0001)

Contract notice in TED:

PROSERV DPS in Mercell

Telecommunication Services Dynamic Purchasing System (TELCO DPS - DIGIT/2022/DPS/0019)

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for IT Supplies (DPS ITS - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0002)

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for software (DPS SIDE III - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0001)


Closed Calls for tenders

Find closed calls for tenders from the Directorate-General for Informatics on eTendering


Open calls for tenders and DPS - contract award notices


DPS ITS Q4 2024 Part 1 and Part 2





CLOUD II DPS 1 Q1 2023

CLOUD II DPS 1 Q2 2023

CLOUD II DPS 2 S1 2023

CLOUD II DPS 2 Q3 2023



Open procedures:

Benchmarking, Advisory and Consultancy Services in Information and Communication Technology (BEACON) – Lot 1

Benchmarking, Advisory and Consultancy Services in Information and Communication Technology (BEACON) – Lot 2



CLOUD II DPS 2 Q3 2022



Open procedures:

External and Internet Connectivity Services (EXICON)

Network Managed Services III (NMS III)

Acquisition of Networking, Telecom and Videoconferencing Equipment and Related Services (Natacha IV)

Mobile Telephony Services (MTS IV)



CLOUD II DPS 1 Q1 2021

CLOUD II DPS 2 Q1 2021

CLOUD II DPS 2 Q2 2021

CLOUD II DPS 2 Q3 2021

CLOUD II DPS 2 Q4 2021


DPS for IT Consultancy:

DPS for IT Consultancy in the field of Digital Workplace Solutions Q1 2021:

2021/S 055-135113

2021/S 088-226769


DPS for IT Consultancy in the field of Digital Workplace Solutions Q2 2021:

2021/S 151-398628

2021/S 151-398627


Modifications of contracts:

Modifications of contracts as set out in point (c) of Article 172(3) of the Financial Regulation



Open procedures:

Telephone Operators Call Centre (TOP III)

End-User Support Services — Service Mode (EUSS-SM)

External Service Provision in Service Mode for Development, Consultancy and Support in the Field of Information Systems (DIGIT-SM)



CLOUD II DPS 1 Q1 2020

CLOUD II DPS 1 Q2 2020

CLOUD II DPS 1 Q4 2020


DPS for IT Consultancy:

DPS for IT Consultancy in the Field of Digital Workplace Solutions Q4 2020


Modifications of contracts:

Modifications of contracts as set out in point (c) of Article 172(3) of the Financial Regulation



Carrier services infrastructure II (CSI II)

Specialised IT Consultancy Services (SITCO)



Datacentre Infrastructure Solutions (DIS)

Open Source Software audits via Bug Bounties for the EU Institutions (OSS-BB)

External service provision ‘extra muros’ in fixed price and quoted time and means for development, consultancy and support in the field of information systems (DIGIT-XM)

Software for Innovation, Diversity and Evolution II (SIDE II)

DIGIT-TM - External service provision in Time and Means for development, consultancy and support in the field of Information

Advice, Benchmarking and Consulting services in information and communication technology (ABC IV)

PrinCESSe II — Lot 2 — acquisition of personal printers, group A3 printers, document scanners, non-reference and channel devices, and their options, extensions, and consumables


Before 2018

Information concerning contract award notices published before 2018 can be found by using the search function on Ted.



Modifications of contractsas set out in point (c) of Article 114a(3) of the Financial Regulation


Negotiated procedures for middle and low value contracts between €15,000 and €144,000


Ex ante publicity for a negotiated procedure for middle value contract for legal analysis and revision of standard contractual documents used in the field of information and communication technology (ICT)

Ex ante publicity for a negotiated procedure for low value contract for EU-FOSSA 2 - Hackathons

Ex ante publicity for a negotiated procedure for provision of fixed telephony services for the European Commission SRSS, HOME, ECHO and ECFIN Athens office (ATH Office).


December 2017

Ex ante publicity for a negotiated procedure for low value contract for a study concerning the optimal IT solution delivery model to achieve the EPSO Vision 2020


June 2017

Negotiated procedure for low-value contract for the performance of a "bug-bounty" activity on open-source software 


April 2017

Negotiated procedure for low value contract for organization of a one day event for a maximum of 450 participants


The information published in this section is to provide ex-ante publicity for procurement procedures of DG DIGIT whose estimated value is between €15,000.01 and €144,000 for supplies and services.

A summary notice with additional information about the kind of the middle or low value contracts that will be launched, will be published on this page at the latest two weeks before they are launched.

You can express an interest by sending an e-mail to the address indicated and providing the name and contact details of the interested party. Submitting an expression of interest shall not convey any legal right or create a legitimate expectation of award of contract.
Processing your reply to an ex-ante advertisement will involve the recording and processing of personal data (such as your name, address and other contact details).

Such data will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
You are entitled to obtain access to your personal data on request. Details concerning the processing of personal data are available on the privacy statement.
You have the right of recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor for matters relating to the processing of your personal data.
Any queries concerning the processing of your personal data can be addressed to the data controller by using the e-mail address DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu and by indicating the reference of the ex-ante advertisement.

General Terms and Conditions for Information Technologies Contracts

General Terms and Conditions for ITCs

IPR clauses for inclusion in FWC for ICT services and supplies

This article, elaborated in 2021, is intended to be included in the special conditions of the Framework Contracts (“FWCs”) governing the delivery of services or supplies in the field of information and communication technologies. It covers the intellectual property-related aspects of these contracts.

An explanation on the applicability of the article in relation to other intellectual property clauses included in the Special or General conditions of the FWCs or the “General terms and Conditions for Information Technologies Contracts” (“GTCs”) is included in the article itself.

As per the FWC, Special conditions take precedence over the General conditions, while General conditions take precedence over GTCs, when these are included as part of the FWC. The order of priority of provisions is further clarified in the Special conditions.