The Citizens’ Dialogues was an initiative launched in September 2012 to engage you - the public - in EU decision-making processes. This was done by inviting citizens to a series of debates with European Commissioners and other EU decision-makers, such as members of the European Parliament, national, regional and local politicians.A predecessor to the Conference on the Future of Europe, and later to Citizens’ Panels, its aim was to involve people directly, by letting them have their say about what is happening in the European Union. Debates públicos sobre las políticas de la UE Los Diálogos con los Ciudadanos son debates públicos con comisarios europeos, otros responsables de la UE (como los diputados al Parlamento Europeo) y políticos nacionales, regionales y locales. Al consistir en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas, brindan la oportunidad de plantear interrogantes a los políticos de la UE, trasladarles observaciones y señalarles de qué modo afectan a la ciudadanía las políticas de la UE. Los participantes también pueden manifestar sus ideas sobre el futuro de Europa. Los actos se celebran en ciudades de toda la UE, son de participación libre y gratuita y frecuentemente se transmiten en directo por internet. Además, se puede participar en los debates por Twitter con la etiqueta #EUdialogues. Ciudades y fechas de los próximos Diálogos con los Ciudadanos. Enlaces relacionados European citizens' panelsConferencia sobre el Futuro de EuropaBetter regulation - Have your sayIniciativa Ciudadana Europea
The Citizens’ Dialogues was an initiative launched in September 2012 to engage you - the public - in EU decision-making processes. This was done by inviting citizens to a series of debates with European Commissioners and other EU decision-makers, such as members of the European Parliament, national, regional and local politicians.A predecessor to the Conference on the Future of Europe, and later to Citizens’ Panels, its aim was to involve people directly, by letting them have their say about what is happening in the European Union.