Page contentsPage contents Chapter 1 – General principles of ‘better regulation’ * TOOL #1. Principles, procedures & exceptions TOOL #2. The regulatory fitness programme (REFIT) and the Fit for Future Platform TOOL #3. Role of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board TOOL #4. Evidence-informed policymaking TOOL #5. Legal basis, subsidiarity and proportionality TOOL #6. Planning and validation of initiatives Chapter 2 – How to carry out an impact assessment * TOOL #7. What is an impact assessment and when it is necessary TOOL #8. What steps should be followed for an impact assessment? TOOL #9. Spending programmes, financial instruments and budgetary guarantee TOOL #10. Treaty-based social partner consultations and initiatives TOOL #11. Format of the impact assessment report TOOL #12. How to apply proportionality to impact assessments TOOL #13. How to analyse problems TOOL #14. Risk assessment and management TOOL #15. How to set objectives TOOL #16. How to identify policy options TOOL #17. The choice of policy instruments Chapter 3 – Identifying impacts in evaluations, fitness checks and impact assessments TOOL #18. Identification of impacts TOOL #19. Sustainable development goals TOOL #20. Strategic foresight for impact assessments and evaluations TOOL #21. Sectoral competitiveness TOOL #22. Research and innovation TOOL #23. The ‘SME test’ TOOL #24. Competition TOOL #25. Internal market TOOL #26. Prevention of fraud TOOL #27. External trade and investment TOOL #28. Digital-ready policymaking TOOL #29. Fundamental rights, including the promotion of equality TOOL #30. Employment, working conditions, income distribution, social protection and inclusion TOOL #31. Education and training, culture and youth (ETCY) TOOL #32. Health impacts TOOL #33. Consumers TOOL #34. Territorial impacts TOOL #35. Developing countries TOOL #36. Environmental impacts TOOL #37. Customs enforcement of sectoral prohibitions and restrictions at EU borders Chapter 4 – Compliance, implementation and preparing proposals TOOL #38. Compliance promotion and verification tools TOOL #39. Compliance assessment: explanatory documents, transposition and conformity checks TOOL #40. Drafting the explanatory memorandum TOOL #41. Guidance documents containing legal interpretation of EU law TOOL #42. Delegated and implementing acts Chapter 5 – Monitoring the application of interventions TOOL #43. Monitoring arrangements and indicators TOOL #44. Legal provisions on monitoring and evaluation Chapter 6 – How to carry out an evaluation and fitness check TOOL #45. What is an evaluation and when it is required TOOL #46. Designing the evaluation TOOL #47. Evaluation criteria and questions TOOL #48. Conducting the evaluation TOOL #49. Format of the evaluation report TOOL #50. ‘Back-to-back’ evaluations and impact assessments Chapter 7 – Stakeholder consultation TOOL #51. Consulting stakeholders TOOL #52. Consultation strategy TOOL #53. Conducting consultation activities TOOL #54. Analysing data and informing policymaking TOOL #55. Horizontal matters – publication of responses, data protection, access to documents and transparency register Chapter 8 – Methodologies for analysing impacts in impact assessments, evaluations and fitness checks TOOL #56. Typology of costs and benefits TOOL #57. Methods to assess costs and benefits TOOL #58. EU Standard Cost Model TOOL #59. Cost estimates and the ‘one in, one out’ approach TOOL #60. Baselines TOOL #61. Simulation models TOOL #62. Multi-criteria decision analysis TOOL #63. Cost-benefit analysis TOOL #64. Discount factors TOOL #65. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis TOOL #66. Life cycle assessment TOOL #67. Data identification for evaluation and impact assessment TOOL #68. Methods for evaluating causal effects TOOL #69. Emerging methods and policy instruments Appendix – Competitiveness check * * indicates new or updated elements Related links Better regulation: guidelines and toolbox