Page contentsPage contents Editorial policy An editorial policy is indispensable for your website. It should provide authors and editors with guidance on how to handle the content of the website on the basis of its objective and mission and of the demands of its target audience. In summary, an editorial policy must provide the online providers/editors with guidance on the objective of the website the target audiences and main communication messages to convey the article and style policy the thematic/organisational structure and content aggregation approach and levels the rules and procedures regarding the provision, approval, and use of content the users’ feedback collection, management and analysis Editorial style guidelines Once you have an editorial policy in place, guidelines on editorial style and content authorisation procedures can be drawn up and distributed to everyone who is adding content to the site. This will guarantee a coherent presentation of information within the website. Editorial style will also have to be individually adapted to the target audience and to the degree of specialisation of each level of the website. Write for your readers. Writing for the web differs from writing for printed publications and content cannot simply be transferred from paper to net without being adjusted. Texts should be short and concise and navigation to related text obvious and quick. Web editing service Directorate-General Translation (DGT) offers an editing service that will optimise your content for online reading before you publish it on an EU website. References Style guideLanguage policy (EU login required)Interinstitutional style guideCommission style guide (EU login required) Contact and support Need further assistance on this topic? Please contact the team in charge of Europa Domain Management (EU Login required).