Page contentsPage contents Purpose The purpose of implementing clear names and labels, together with metadata, is to make information easy to find. Guidelines use names and labels that are recognisable be specific and clear – ensuring names and labels are unambiguous make names and labels easy for users to ‘scan’ avoid labels in the form of a question – this can ‘bury’ what the content is about avoid using jargon and, while it can be a challenge, avoid using acronyms [they can be very organisation-centric – not all of your users may be familiar with the acronym]. Please see also Style guide User research such as surveys can be very helpful in understanding the terms with which users refer to content on a particular subject. Apply this learning to ensure names and labels are recognisable, and meaningful and that they describe the content. Check proposed labels using, for example, a Treejack test that will help confirm that labels match users' expectations. Website analytics and search logs – which show the terms on which users are searching for information on your website – can support user research and also help you define names and labels. Contact and support Need further assistance on this topic? Please contact the team in charge of Europa Domain Management (EU Login required)