Funds raised through NextGenerationEU green bonds finance climate-relevant measures from the national Recovery and Resilience plans (RRPs) – roadmaps to spending funds under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Strict processes ensure that measures to be financed via NextGenerationEU green bonds comply with the highest standards. All measures must fulfil criteria required by the Recovery and Resilience Facility rules. Each has passed an assessment to be in line with investor expectations, and is effectively implemented as can be seen from the fact that it is achieving its milestones and targets and no issues are found in the risk-based audit system in place. The objective of the current NextGenerationEU Green Bond Dashboard is to provide full transparency about how the financing raised from NextGenerationEU green bonds is invested. It does so by providing a real-time overview of the measures and related expenditures that receive financing from the green bonds. This data will further reassure investors that the Commission is issuing green bonds in line with the highest standards and best market practices. The dashboard will be updated regularly, as soon as new information is available. When new or revised plans are approved - which affect the list of measures that receive financing from NextGenerationEU green bonds, updates will also be made, both to add new measures or remove measures that could no longer receive financing. For information about the Recovery and Resilience Plans and overall size of disbursements made so far, click here. For an overview of the NextGenerationEU transactions data to date, click here. To find out more about the use and impact of NextGenerationEU green bond proceeds, check out our NextGenerationEU green bond impact and allocation reports here.