Page contentsPage contents Projects funded by the EU budget cover a wide variety of areas and topics. Their impacts are all around us and their effect on our lives are felt daily.There is one main platform where you can find information on EU-funded projects and its results:Funding and tender opportunities portalTo find projects and results on specific topics consult the list below. Several topics are further broken down into more specific subsections to help you navigate.The projects below refer to funding programmes from the previous long-term budget, which ran from 2014 to 2020. In the current Multiannual Financial Framework some of them have been combined or replaced by a new generation of programmes. For a full overview of current funding opportunities please consult the EU funding programmes page.Research and innovationHorizon dashboard: detailed and interactive information on proposals, funded projects and results, including country- and organisation-specific performanceHorizon Results Platform: information on EU-funded research projects and how to invest in themInnovation success storiesCORDIS databaseResults from the predecessor programme (Horizon 2020)Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS): a fund supporting research projects in the coal and steel sectors.List of funded projects from 2014-2020Nuclear fusionEuratom Research and Training Programme: a programme to improve nuclear safety, security and radiation protection.ITER: a large-scale experiment designed to prove the scientific and technical viability of fusion as a new energy source.Fusion spin-offs: examples of advances made on fusion research in disciplines ranging from medical technology and environment to astrophysics and material sciencesNuclear fusion research results on CORDIS databaseBusiness and economyEconomyEuropean Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI): macroeconomic impact and breakdown by countryScoreboards of EFSI projectsInfrastructures, networks, and transportConnecting Europe Facility: an EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness in the field of transport, energy and digital services.results on transport infrastructure projectsresults on energy projects and actionsresults on telecom projectsSmall and medium-sized EnterprisesCOSME: programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEsCOSME data hubList of projects funded by COSME from 2014-2020SpaceEUSpace project portfolio: overview of space-related projectsCopernicus – EU’s earth observation programme: use casesGalileo satellite: project portfolioEuropean Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service: market segmentsEnergy, climate change and environmentLife Programme: the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate actionBest projects and LIFE awardsLIFE Public Database: search projects and documentsLIFE in European countries: country-specific materialsLIFE Programme 2014-2020 data hub: info on projects and results from predecessor programmeHorizon and other programmesThe data hubs page of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) includes the link to the Horizon 2020 environment and resources data hub, and will feature the projects supported by the Just Transition Mechanism and the Innovation Fund once available.Regional and urban developmentKohesio portal: database of EU co-funded projects and related beneficiaries funded in the 2014-2020 programming periodRegional policy projectsEuropean Structural and Investment Funds - Open Data PlatformBeneficiaries of European Union Cohesion Policy for the period data on projects and beneficiaries of European Union cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programmes since 2000Ten-T projects: find information on projects that ensure the cohesion, interconnection and interoperability of the trans-European transport networkThe EU budget also finances programmes targeted for specific purposes or communities, such as the Technical Support Instrument assisting Member States in designing and implementing growth-enhancing and inclusive reforms, or the aid programme for the Turkish Cypriot community.Employment, inclusion and social affairsEuropean Social Fund Plus (ESF+): the EU’s main instrument for investing in peopleEuropean Structural and Investment Funds - Open Data PlatformESF+ databaseFood, farming and fisheriesAgricultureCommon Agricultural Policy (CAP)project database of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)project results on promotion of agricultural productssupport for information measures relating to the CAPFisheriesEuropean Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF): the EU’s maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020the EMFF data hubthe Maritime data hubthe list of funded projects in the funding & tender opportunities portalrecipients of EU funding under the EMFF and its successor, the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)examples of good practices from the European Fisheries Areas Network (FARNET)Education and cultureEducation and youthErasmus+: The EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in EuropeErasmus+ Project Results PlatformFunding & tender opportunities portalEuropean Solidarity Corps: A programme that helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country.European Solidarity Corps Projects platformCultureCreative Europe: The European Commission's programme for providing support to the cultural and audiovisual sectors.Creative Europe project databaseFunding & tender opportunities portalCitizenship, justice and fundamental rightsCitizens, Equality, Rights and Values: A programme for the period 2021-2027 that merges two programmes: Europe for Citizens and Rights, Equality and Citizenship.Europe for Citizens funded projectsFunding & tenders opportunities portalJustice Programme: Contributes to strengthening democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights.Funding & tender opportunities portalAid and development cooperationCivil protectionUnion Civil Protection Mechanism: A mechanism that co-finances projects that support Member and Participating States’ efforts in the field of disaster preparedness and prevention.projects from the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (2014-2020) on Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection pageFunding & tenders opportunities portal.Aid and development cooperationNeighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument: An instrument that channels the biggest share of external action funds, with a budget of €79.5 billion.EU Aid Explorer databaseInternational partnerships projectsMigration and securityInternal Security Fund: A fund that helps to ensure a high level of security in the Union.List of ISF Police projects, a predecessor of the programme, on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities PortalIntegrated Border Management Fund: A fund that helps to ensure strong and effective European integrated border management at the external borders and supports the common visa policy.List of ISF Borders and Visa projects, a predecessor of the programme, on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities PortalList of awarded projects of ISF Borders and Visa Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund: A fund that promotes the efficient management of migration flowsFunding and Tenders Opportunities PortalHealthEU4Health: A programme that builds on the positive results of the 3rd Health programme, and seeks to strengthen healthcare systems’ resilience.Funding & tender opportunities portalStatisticsEurostat: Calls for proposals in the field of European statistics are managed by Eurostat and grants are awarded directly to national statistical institutes and other relevant national authorities.the up-to-date list of institutes and authorities is available on Eurostat’s websiteFunding and tender opportunities portal Related links Funding opportunities portalEU funding programmesHow to applyFunding by topicWhat Europe does for me (European Parliament)