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Price limiting automobiles

Sometimes the perk of having an SUV that sits up very high in the air as it gives the driver the ability to see a full grown adult straight in the eye WITHOUT having to look upward that it is very expensive to own one.  I have been bugging politicians to tell these automakers to put a limit on how much they can charge for these kind of vehicles.  There are many non-profit organizations out there who has employees who would love to own something that sits up high in the air but can't afford one.  And sometimes all they could afford is a small 4-door sedan.  A Nissan Murano may be the only affordable SUV on the market as it does sit higher than  a 4-door sedan but doesn't sit as high as a Mercedes Benz G wagon.  I have written to my congresswoman to come up with a bill that would have a vehicle that has an overall height of 75 to 82 inches, but would cost no more than a vehicle that has an overall height of 63 to 69 inches.  I happen to be one of those who likes to sit up high.  

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