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Honored Social Butterfly

Clemson Tigers

Here in S. C. we are celebrating the win of the National Championship.  Our Tigers did not disappoint us, making it a run away game.


Dabo Swinney has ties to Alabama as has several coaches for Clemson.  When I was just out of school, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for Head Coach Frank Howard at Clemson. Coach Howard became head coach when Neely retired.  He nominated himself and seconded the nomination so the story goes.  He went to Alabama on an academic scholarship.  This is surprising to some because he played the country bumpkin act so well.  He was brilliant.  His story was he came to Clemson walking barefoot on barbed wire carrying a bobcat under each arm.   He was a great man and taught me so many life lessons.  That job probably opened doors for me in the years that followed.


Here are some tidbits of information.  Dabo is a fine Christian man who promotes his love of God and family.  He doesn't waver on this.  His real name is William Christopher.  He said he didn't know his real name until 3rd grade.  His brother called him, "Dat Boy" and later this would become Dabo.


If you love football as I do, this is the place to be.  The parade will be Sat. morning and I hope to bundle up in the cold and be on the streets in Clemson for a good spot.


We have a 19 year old Quarterback who is also a strong Christian.  Trevor Lawrence is following God's plan for his life and I see huge success for this very mature and most impressive 19 year old.  Hope later if he wants, he will be a first round draft choice as Charlie Waters was when I was at Clemson.


Yep, life is good in the South.

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