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Retiring with class

I retired today. My boss stayed on the phone with me until 5 PM when I went from a boss and friend relationship to just friends. She and the staff were blown away from my retirement email which you will find below. She even gave me half a year's bonus and an offer to work a few hours a day if I wanted to. We have been together for over 20 years and she has financed my ideas for mutal profite. She even let me work at home 3 days a week for a generous full weeks salary and 25% of the net profit for the ideas I had to increase our revenue.  She has been the only boss I had who did not screw me over with false promises. This was my email to the staff. I thought I would feel happy but I do not. I already am missing the routine I had for so many years and a chance to be creative and productive. I do not want to work. My health deterioated due to stress and since I gave notice all my health problems have either gone away or are almost gone. I know it is best that I do not work because I am a perfectionist who not only needs a plan B but also a plan C&D. I am very hands on like to do what others say cannot be done. 


Hello Everyone,

As most of you know, tomorrow is my last day with XXXX. I will be riding off into the proverbial sunset to ultimately throw my energy and time into who-knows-what.

In the short term I will be focusing on enjoying my free time and doing all those things that I have put off until retirement. To all of the wonderful people whom I have had the opportunity to work with over the past 20+ years - Thank You.

The times shared, friendships forged and the successes which we have enjoyed have been an extraordinary part of my life. I am very proud of what we have achieved and they have been times I will never forget.

Importantly, the decision to leave has been entirely of my own making. The time is simply right for me to disconnect myself from the XXXX Network and Government Regulations after a very long career in this business.


I wish all of you every success for the future. I believe that XXXX will continue to grow and prosper, and I trust that each one of you will be happy and fulfilled here as I have been. Keep up the good work; youโ€™ve been a wonderful team to work with.


Thanks for everything, I shall miss you.

Retiring is trading one boss for the one you married.
Regular Contributor

In one of my best-ever decisions, I retired from full-time corporate work at age 56 and started my own consulting business in chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science. Today, at age 71, I am semi-retired and have consulting clients on 3 continents. I work from my home, never have to travel, and enjoy family, friends, golfing; have started writing a few novels and also a science book for kids.  I've just received a Who's Who Lifetime Achievement Award for my accomplishments as a Ph.D. research scientist, inventor, educator and international consultant. Most importantly, my wife and I are quite healthy and take no prescription meds. So, we're enjoying what, for us is the ideal retirement.  

Regular Contributor

I just have a small US retirement, but ended up in Nepal, where even medical doctors do not always earn more. It's a great life and has allowed me to learn to share from my heart without asking for anything back, just to accept and not have to live by my old tapes.


I know a lot of Americans like Latin America, but even that is too expensive for me. People think places like Nepal are too archaic when it comes to medical care and perhaps the government isn't stable enough. I find the medical and dental to be fine if you know where to go and the government is pro-tourist. They know how much tourism brings and they don't want to lose money due to international scandals.


I find Nepal is a retiree's paradise and have been blogging about it for a long time now at my blog site.

Periodic Contributor

I have been retired 18 years, but have volunteered at a local and well-known museum, sung in a church choir, worked part-time as a counselor at two community colleges, and taken a number of classes through OLLI.  I also swim 5-7 days a week.  I am beginning to slow down at 80, but just beginning....So called retirement has been wonderful since I have never really retired, but done things I love.

Periodic Contributor

I have been retired 18 years, but have volunteered at a local and well-known museum, sung in a church choir, worked part-time as a counselor at two community colleges, and taken a number of classes through OLLI.  I also swim 5-7 days a week.  I am beginning to slow down at 80, but just beginning....

Regular Contributor

I've been dreaming of my retirement for years.  My retirement date is Feb. 2021, but we bought a small second home in a 55+ community in Florida 4-1/2 years ago, when the market was low, in anticipation of either being snow birds when we retire or moving full-time to Florida.  It was a great decision, as I could not afford to buy my home today because it's doubled in price. 


I am looking forward to having leisurely mornings, spending lots of time on the beach, enjoying my husband going off to play golf, and socializing with friends.  My biggest goal will be to maintain regular contact with my grandson back in New York.  I will also look for an opportunity to volunteer and try to make a positive difference in my community.  


I KNOW I will love it.  I love all my time off work, and spending time with family and friends is what I want to do with the years remaining to me.  We'll have a modest lifestyle, but I think we'll be okay.




Live long -- die quick

Social Butterfly

Iโ€™m already retired with class!

Trusted Contributor

Sounds like a great measly pension (for which I am, nevertheless GRATEFUL) and Social Security (what they'll let me keep of both) are all I'll get - or need!  Really, once I'm done working, I'm done...not there just yet, tho...

Retired Community Manager

Congratulations, @VinnyD983161. Best wishes for a fulfilling retirement!

Honored Social Butterfly

It's nice that you ended your career on a high note, but you've already realized the effects the stress of your job caused, that have gone away!


If you're creating & motivated, many small non-profits would love to have someone like you as either a part-time employee or volunteer. It's a great outlet for someone's creativity, since you often have to create systems to organize their operation .. and it their organizational culture isn't productive or healthy for you, it's easy enough to leave.


I retired almost 16 years at age 50; the facility had been bought my another company, and life for everyone was turned upside down. My family situation had changed, and I needed to spend more time at home as a caregiver. While that was stressful, I loved the time flexibility I had! Now I'm happy to be a volunteer, able to stay as long as it's creative & I feel productive .. or I leave!

Registered on Online Community since 2007!
Regular Contributor

I actually had worked for a non-profit but learned that there was no profit because the guys at the top paid themselves big money which left little for all else. That soured me on non profits.

Volunteer work would be a better option for me and I am lucky to live in a very large retirement community of over 125,000 people and there are plenty of groups that do volunteer work. As a Vietnam vet who came home with some mental problems, I am particularly drawn to helping retired vets. I also like animals.

However for now, I am just trying to adjust to not waking up to an alarm clock or keeping track of what day of the week it is or what time to go to bed.
Retiring is trading one boss for the one you married.
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