AARP Eye Center
SCAM SCAM SCAM!!! What kind of contractor doesn't know the building codes where he is working, has his cell phone turned off for payment issues (His words)
All Remodelling & Construction LLC (914) 426-6717 Monclair NJ
Sierra Crest Roofing (914) 426-6717 Yonkers
Empire Home Improvements (914) 426-6717 Clifton NJ
AC AIRDUCT CLEA (caller ID out of space) (914) 426-6717
This business is not BBB Accredited
Web site boasts of multiple excellent reviews although only 2 "TESTIMONIALS" are shown, and niethier is from this decade. When you try to see additional reviews, you are returned to the homepage. Quite a few photos, which, by the way, could have been downloaded from any number of realestate sites as there are no comments, no locations,, nothing to indicate that the work was done by this company AARP Member Name withheld in fear of repercussions and retaliation
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