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My Settings

  • How do I set my viewing preferences?

    You can customize the look and behavior of the community in many ways, including time zone and language preference, text size, menu behavior, message order, and privacy settings.

    To set your viewing preferences:

    1. Sign in to the community.
    2. Go to My Settings > Preferences.
    3. Click through the various preference tabs and make the changes you want.
    4. Click Save on each tab where you make changes.
  • How do I change the image (avatar) next to my name?

    Changing your avatar is an easy way to personalize your community identity. You can change your avatar as often as you like. Your current avatar appears at the top of the Avatar page.

    To change your avatar:

    1. Sign in to your community account.
    2. Go to My Settings > Avatars.
    3. Choose a new avatar in one of these ways:
      • Choose an avatar from the Community collection. (Choose an avatar collection and click the avatar your want.)
      • Use an image from your Image Gallery. (Click From Image Gallery and click the image you want.) You can only use this option if you have uploaded images that have been approved.
      • If you have been granted permission, use your Facebook profile photo as your avatar. (Click From Facebook and click Set Avatar.
      • If you have been granted permission, use an image from the web. (Click From the Web and enter the URL for the image. Then, click Set Avatar.
  • How do I tell other community members about me?

    You can tell other community members as much or as little about yourself as you want. You can enter a short biography, your location, your interests, or anything else (within community guidelines, of course).

    To tell other community members about yourself:

    1. Sign in to your community account.
    2. Go to My Settings > Personal Profile > Personal Information.
    3. Enter information about yourself in the Biography field. You can also enter your name, location, company info, and any other information you want to share.
    4. Click Save.

    By default, all community users can see this information.

    To display your info only to people on your Friends List:

    1. Click Preferences > Privacy.
    2. Set show private information in profile to to friends only.
    3. Click Save.
  • What is my Friends List and how do I add people?

    Your Friends List is a way to create your own community within a community.

    Depending on your privacy settings, the people on your Friends List can see your biography, other personal information, or online status. If you send private messages, you can choose friends from a list instead of typing their user names.

    Note: Your Friends List is available only if your community supports private messages.

    To add people to your Friends List:

    1. Sign in to the community.
    2. Click the user name of a friend to see the friend's About user name page.
    3. Click Add user name to Friends.

    Note: You can remove a person from your Friend's List by clicking "Remove from Friends". Additionally, you can click "Ignore" to prevent specific users from contacting you.

  • What is a Profile Card and how do I create one?

    Your profile card displays information about yourself and your community achievements. You can include your avatar, kudos count, community rank, post count, and latest post. You can also create badges for Blogger and Wordpress.

    To create a profile card:

    1. Sign in to your community account.
    2. Go to My Settings > Personal > Profile Cards.
    3. Click Display your profile card on your posts.
    4. Choose one of the themes provided or, if you can upload images without moderator approval, click Browse to choose a background image.
    5. Click the items you want to display on your card.
      The Preview shows you what your card will look like.
    6. Click Save.

    To create a Blogger card:

    1. Sign in to your community account.
    2. Go to My Settings > Personal > Profile Cards > Blogger Profile Card.
    3. Choose one of the themes provided or, if you can upload images without moderator approval, click Browse to choose a background image.
    4. Click the items you want to display on your badge.
      The Preview shows you what your badge will look like.
    5. Click Upload to Blogger.
    6. Follow Blogger's instructions for incorporating the card.

    To create a Wordpress or web site card:

    1. Sign in to your community account.
    2. Go to My Settings > Personal > Profile Cards.
    3. Click Wordpress Profile Card or Website Profile Card.
    4. Choose one of the themes provided or, if you can upload images without moderator approval, click Browse to choose a background image.
    5. Click the items you want to display on your card.
      The Preview shows you what your card will look like.
    6. Copy the URL (for Wordpress) or code (for website) at the bottom of the page and paste it on your Wordpress or web site page.