I'm in the process of creating a small Splunk installation and I would like to know from where I would download the syslog-ng Linux Ubuntu installation for version 20.x.
One option is use SC4S https://splunk.github.io/splunk-connect-for-syslog/main/
Hi @danielbb ,
is it mandatory to use syslog-ng?
you should already have rsyslog in your system, that's the evolution of syslog-ng and almost the same.
That's gorgeous @gcusello, I see the process running -
syslog 930 1 0 Jan03 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
Thank you very much!
Where is the default configuration/data mount point?
Hi @danielbb ,
as you can read at https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/index.html the default configuration is at
/etc/rsyslog.conf but usually the conf files are in a subfolder defined in the above file at the folder /etc/rsyslog.d.