Splunk Search

Create a dashboard with timepicker for a field with date/time


Hi All,

I have a search query that allows me to pull results from an index summary.
One of the fields is a time/date field.

The data is pull from a database and is a schedule so the time in this field is not the indexed field.

I would like to search on the time field and have the below query which allows me to do this.

However i would like to move this into a dashboard and have a timepicker.

Is this possible to do this?

I need to have a time picker to grab the correct index summary data, then again for the field.


index=summary sourcetype=prod source=service
DESCR="Central Extra"
| dedup SI_START,NAME,DESCR | eval sTime=strptime(SI_START,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| sort 0 -sTime
| eval eventday=strptime(SI_START,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| bucket eventday span=1d

| eval eventday=strftime(eventday,"%Y-%m-%d")

| eval eventday1=strptime(eventday,"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval min_Date=strptime("2023-10-11","%Y-%m-%d")
| eval max_Date=strptime("2023-10-14","%Y-%m-%d")
| where (eventday1 >= min_Date AND eventday1 < max_Date)

| eval record=substr(CODE, -14, 1)
| eval record=case(record==1,"YES", record==0,"NO")

| stats
count(eval(record="YES")) as events_record
count(record) as events
| eval percentage_record=(events/events_record)*100
| fillnull value=0 percentage_record
| search percentage_record<100
| sort +percentage_record -events




Labels (3)
0 Karma
1 Solution

|eval reltimeearl = if(isnum($time.earliest$),$time.earliest$,relative_time(now(),"$time.earliest$"))
|eval reltimelate = if(isnum($time.latest$),$time.latest$,if("$time.latest$"=="now",now(),relative_time(now(),"$time.latest$")))

View solution in original post


solved it by adding relgap to the end of the stats command

 | stats sum(Percentage_Rec) as Rec1 by description key relgap
0 Karma


HI ITWhisperer,

I have used the statement you gave and it works well and have used it to get the gap between the days as i wish to use this in an average

  |eval reltimeearl = if(isnum(1698796800),1698796800,relative_time(now(),"1698796800"))
 |eval reltimelate = if(isnum(1699056000),1699056000,if("1699056000"=="now",now(),relative_time(now(),"1699056000")))

  | where sTime>reltimeearl AND sTime<=reltimelate
 |eval relgap=(tonumber(reltimelate-reltimeearl)/86400)
 | stats sum(Percentage_Rec) as Rec1 by description key

 | eval Av_Rec=(Rec1/relgap)
| table description Rec1


 This does not work as the relgap is not processed.
Looking at the fields when in Verbose mode - i can see a count against this value.
As a test i did dedup relgap so the count=1.
However this still does not pass to the eval statement.

Can you see why? 

just using a value of 3 works...

eval Av_Rec=(Rec1/3)
0 Karma


Great that works when using between - but not for Last XXX, i get this error;
 Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected ).

Could you please explain why this works.

This is OK, as ideally i would like to only have the option on the time picker of DATE RANGE -- BETWEEN.

I think i need to make a css file for this to work - do you know if its possible to do this without css?

0 Karma


interestingly this works if i use the Last xxx option in presets, but nothing is shown when using a between option.
The data from the token in the 'process' section does always give a time;
however, i cannot convert this to Epoch...

0 Karma

|eval reltimeearl = if(isnum($time.earliest$),$time.earliest$,relative_time(now(),"$time.earliest$"))
|eval reltimelate = if(isnum($time.latest$),$time.latest$,if("$time.latest$"=="now",now(),relative_time(now(),"$time.latest$")))


This is some experimenting I have done following the youtube video above.
There is some other work as i would like to get the gap between any date ranges to be used in an average calculation, once i have this timepicker issue sorted.

      <eval token="toearliest">strptime("$job.earliestTime$","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N+%z")</eval>
      <eval token="tolatest">strptime("$job.latestTime$","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N+%Z")</eval>
      <eval token="tokgap"></eval>(($job.latestTime$-$job.earliestTime$)/86400)
      <set token="jobearliest">$job.earliestTime$</set>
      <set token="joblatest">$job.latestTime$</set>
  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="time" token="time">

        <title>token values</title>
            | makeresults |eval timeTokenearliest="$time.earliest$" |eval timeTokenlatest="$time.latest$" |eval gap=timeTokenlatest-timeTokenearliest   
            |eval jobearliest = "$jobearliest$"
            |eval joblatest = "$joblatest$"
            |eval toearliest ="$toearliest$"
            |eval tolatest ="$tolatest$"
            |eval gapday = tostring(gap,"duration")
            |eval gapday1 = gap/86400 
            |eval reltimeearl = relative_time(now(),"$time.earliest$")
            |eval reltimelate = relative_time(now(),"$time.latest$")
            |table _time reltimeearl reltimelate timeTokenearliest timeTokenlatest gap gapday gapday1 tokgap jobearliest joblatest toearliest tolatest
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>


0 Karma


The relative_time function doesn't appear to work with the string "now" so change this line to compensate

|eval reltimelate = if("$time.latest$"=="now",now(),relative_time(now(),"$time.latest$"))


Splunk Enterprise



0 Karma


If I recall correctly, I had issues with earlier versions of Splunk, however, I am unable to reproduce any errors at the moment. Please share your dashboard source code in a code block </>


Hey ITWhisperer
as my results come from an index summary, would i need to have a separate timepicker to get the index summary date?

or can i also use timepicker=_time?

0 Karma


I am not sure what you mean, you can use the same timepicker if you want, it depends on how you want your dashboard to work.


Assuming your timepicker is called timepicker and you want to use sTime to filter your events, try something like this

index=summary sourcetype=prod source=service
DESCR="Central Extra"
| dedup SI_START,NAME,DESCR | eval sTime=strptime(SI_START,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| where relative_time(now(),$timepicker.earliest$) <= sTime AND relative_time(now(),$timepicker.latest$) > sTime



I have tried your solution and for relative time and i dont get any results if i use it within a dash board, I only get the earliest_time when selecting Last xxxx eg last 30days.
I wanted to see what it looked like so ran

| makeresults |eval timeTokenearliest="$time.earliest$" |eval timeTokenlatest="$time.latest$" |eval gap=timeTokenlatest-timeTokenearliest   
            |eval reltimeearl = relative_time(now(),"$time.earliest$")
            |eval reltimelate = relative_time(now(),"$time.latest$")
            |table _time reltimeearl reltimelate 

I have tried to use, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzEb7Q-fuXs&t=649s, however i have found that the dashboard does not like the following eval statement;

I get the reult of NaN

the %z in the strptime is now not valid!!

      <eval token="toearliest">strptime("$job.earliestTime$","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N+%z")</eval>
      <eval token="tolatest">strptime("$job.latestTime$","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N+%Z")</eval>
      <eval token="tokgap"></eval>(($job.latestTime$-$job.earliestTime$)/86400)
      <set token="jobearliest">$job.earliestTime$</set>
      <set token="joblatest">$job.latestTime$</set>

Has anybody else encountered this issue and found a solution?

0 Karma


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