Hello ,
i just install new citrix ferm on 7.6 VDA
On all other servers i have no issue but with the new servers, i don't see the ICA Session only
i try to resolve that using the citrix fix and alternative : https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX127151
without succes
for information : i can see on local the ica session on the perfmon but still no data on Splunk
did splunk have a cli commande for show raw data before sending it ?
i use this stanza
interval = 30
object = (Session ICA|ICA Session)
counters = *
instances = *
index = xd_perfmon
disabled = 0
mode = multikv
did someone else encounter this issue ?
If someone have found a solution i will apreciate if we can share that here
or try together to resolve that ^^
Thank you !
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