Hi I have implemented ignoreOlderThan for 7 days , I want to verify it if its working or not ? Is their any query or any place in DMC where i can validate that its working ?
you can look for event timestamps:
if you are getting events older than 7 days so it's not working.
you could check
... | timechart span=1d count
If you have events older than 7 days before making this configuration then check for the count if it's increasing or it's constant.
that way you could determine if ignoreOlderThan is working or not.
you can look for event timestamps:
if you are getting events older than 7 days so it's not working.
you could check
... | timechart span=1d count
If you have events older than 7 days before making this configuration then check for the count if it's increasing or it's constant.
that way you could determine if ignoreOlderThan is working or not.
thanks after making the change i will validate.
sure, let me know.
@mayurr98 hi i amde the change yesterday for ignore older than 14 days after implementing it i can see the data over 30 days coming and didnt see any effect of it my settings are below:
disabled = false
start_from = oldest
current_only = 1
checkpointInterval = 5
index = wineventlog
ignoreOlderThan = 14d
after adding these settings i run this query for 30 days |tstats count WHERE index=wineventlog by _time span=1d and i can see the data of 30 days not sure why its not working ?
Did you change these settings or it's a new input that you wrote?
was this input already there and then you added ignoreOlderThan
@mayur98 yes this input is already there and i just added ignoreolderthan and change the current_only = 0 to 1
Yeah, so the already indexed data won't get affected. this attribute only affects from the time you make the change.
ok got it , but is their any way that we can verify it that its working properly ?
yeah. so whatever is ingested will remain constant after this change. So for example, if x number events are already indexed then it won't increase. It will remain the same. you need to look at those numbers and see if they are changing or not.
sure thanks mayur i can see the change