Latest news and developments Press release15 January 2025Commission sends Supplementary Statement of Objections to Lufthansa to prevent harm to Frankfurt-New York air passengersPress release28 November 2024Commission fines Pierre Cardin and its licensee Ahlers €5.7 million for restricting cross-border sales of clothingPress release25 November 2024Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Corning over possible anticompetitive practices related to cover glass for electronic devicesPress release22 November 2024Commission publishes findings of evaluation of the EU competition rules on technology transfer agreementsPress release18 November 2024Commission carries out unannounced antitrust inspections in the data centre construction sector Press release14 November 2024Commission fines Meta €797.72 million over abusive practices benefitting Facebook Marketplace1 min readPress release6 November 2024Commission opens antitrust investigation into possible anticompetitive practices by Corning over cover glass for electronic devicesSee all the Competition news More information sources Press material from the Commission Spokesperson's serviceOfficial Journal - access to European Union lawCompetition case search toolFollow DG Competition on X > Subscribe to Competition weekly e-news 5 NOVEMBER 2024Cartels cases statistics 16 DECEMBER 2024Timeline for Mergers and Antitrust policy reviews 2020-2024 2 OCTOBER 2023Infographic - Competition enforcement in antitrust and cartels 21 DECEMBER 2023Infographic - Competition Policy - 2023 at a glance
Press release15 January 2025Commission sends Supplementary Statement of Objections to Lufthansa to prevent harm to Frankfurt-New York air passengers
Press release28 November 2024Commission fines Pierre Cardin and its licensee Ahlers €5.7 million for restricting cross-border sales of clothing
Press release25 November 2024Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Corning over possible anticompetitive practices related to cover glass for electronic devices
Press release22 November 2024Commission publishes findings of evaluation of the EU competition rules on technology transfer agreements
Press release18 November 2024Commission carries out unannounced antitrust inspections in the data centre construction sector
Press release14 November 2024Commission fines Meta €797.72 million over abusive practices benefitting Facebook Marketplace1 min read
Press release6 November 2024Commission opens antitrust investigation into possible anticompetitive practices by Corning over cover glass for electronic devices