This page contains brief summaries of new rules, or changes to rules, proposed by the agency.
Disclaimer: These rule summaries are provided on proposed rules in accordance with Government Code, Section 2001.023 (c) and (d). The proposed rule is not the final rule adopted by the agency. The adopted provisions of the rule may differ from the proposed rule based on public comments received during the proposal period.
The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts proposes amendments to Rule 7.198 concerning the Texas ABLE Advisory Committee.
The proposed amendments expand the categories of individuals permitted to serve on the committee to include individuals in the business, legal and veteran communities. They also reduce the number of members present to constitute a quorum and provide additional flexibility to the Comptroller in appointing replacement members to the committee and to the presiding officer in determining meeting dates.
Regla 7.198: Comité Asesor del Programa ABLE
El Contralor de Cuentas Públicas de Texas propone enmiendas a la Regla 7.198 relativa al Comité Asesor del Texas ABLE.
Las enmiendas propuestas amplían las categorías de personas a las que se les permite formar parte del comité para incluir personas de las comunidades empresarial, jurídica y de veteranos. También reducen el número de miembros presentes para constituir quórum y brindan flexibilidad adicional al Contralor para nombrar miembros sustitutos del comité y al presidente para determinar las fechas de las reuniones.