Confluence 6.1.0 beta release notes


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9 March 2017

Atlassian presents Confluence 6.1.0-rc1. This is the first public release candidate for Confluence 6.1 and a snapshot of our work in progress, primarily focused on providing add-on developers an opportunity to test their add-ons and make any required changes in advance of an official release.

Confluence 6.1.0-rc1 is available to download now.

Development releases are not production ready. Development releases are snapshots of the ongoing Confluence development process. While we try to keep these releases stable, they have not undergone the same degree of testing as a full release, and could contain features that are incomplete or may change or be removed before the next full release.

No upgrade path. Because development releases represent work in progress, we cannot provide a supported upgrade path between development releases, or from any development release to a final release. You may not be able to migrate any data you store in a Confluence development release to a future Confluence release.

Atlassian does not provide support for development releases.



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Highlights of 6.1.0-rc1

Released 9 March

Confluence 6.1 is almost ready for takeoff!  

You can also now take our new Cloud Formation Template for a spin. It's the fastest way to get Confluence Data Center up and running in AWS. Head to Preparing for Confluence 6.1 for all the details. 

Highlights of 6.1.0-beta2 

Released 17 February

SAML single sign-on comes to Data Center

More and more organizations are turning to SAML for secure, single sign-on for the tools they use every day. Give your team a simple, convenient way to sign in by connecting Confluence Data Center to your SAML 2.0 identity provider. 

It's quick and easy to configure, and we support a wide range of identity providers, including OneLogin, Okta, PingIdentity, Bitium, Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services and Microsoft Azure Active Directory. You should be able to connect other identity providers too, so long as they use the SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile, with HTTP POST binding. 

SAML single sign-on is already available for JIRA Data Center and Bitbucket Data Center, so now's the time to bring all your Data Center applications under one authentication umbrella. 


Deploy Confluence Data Center on AWS in minutes

Want instant scalability, quick setup, and painless administration of your Data Center cluster? We want you to have that too. That's why we've worked with Amazon to develop a new Quick Start that makes deploying Confluence Data Center 6.1 on Amazon Web Services (AWS) a breeze.

The Quick Start helps you set up an entire Confluence Data Center cluster, complete with load balancer and database, in minutes. Here's an overview of the architecture:

Easy set up

By using the Quick Start to deploy Confluence Data Center in a new or existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you get your Confluence and Synchrony nodes, database, and load balancer all configured and ready to use in minutes. If you're new to AWS, the step-by-step Quick Start Guide will assist you through the whole process.

Effortless scale

Your Confluence and Synchrony nodes are installed on EC2 instances in auto-scaling groups. This means it's simple to increase capacity as your organization grows. By specifying scaling policies you can even launch or terminate instances as demand on your application increases or decreases—administering your cluster has never been easier. 

Straightforward costs and licensing

All you need is an Amazon account and a Confluence Data Center license to deploy Confluence on AWS using the Quick Start. You're responsible for the cost of the AWS services, but there are no additional costs or licenses required for using the Quick Start.

The Quick Start will be available at shortly after Confluence 6.1 is released.


Re-energize your team with Team Playbook blueprints

For Atlassian, the mission to unleash the potential in every team starts at home. We've developed a playbook that changed the way our teams work. If you like the sound of the Atlassian Team Playbook but aren't sure how to get started, the Team Playbook blueprints are here to help. Each blueprint links back to the Team Playbook website for more information on how to complete the play. 

Health monitor

Running a health monitor is your team's chance assess yourselves against eight attributes common amongst healthy teams and make a plan to address your weak spots. The blueprint provides everything you need to run the health monitor for three different types of teams: software teams, leadership teams and service teams.

Experience canvas

The experience canvas play, much loved by Atlassian designers, helps clarify the problem your project is trying to solve, who you're solving it for, and what success looks like. You start with a hypothesis and see where it leads you. The blueprint makes sharing your work with your team and other stakeholders a piece of cake. 

DACI decision

Projects and big initiatives involve lots of decisions. DACI is a framework that helps you to make decisions efficiently and effectively by define the roles and responsibilities of everyone who needs to be involved. It's like the current decisions blueprint on steroids, for when making the right decision really matters.

Project poster

The project poster helps your team get on the same page and build confidence in your approach before jumping to execution mode. The blueprint helps your team understand the problem, share ideas, and define what success looks like. It's also great for communicating the most important details to your wider organization. 


Collaborative editing keeps getting better

If you're already using collaborative editing we hope you're loving being on the same page with your team and getting more done. 

Confluence 6.1 has a veritable bucket full of fixes, performance improvements, and some nifty changes that make getting people collaborating in your environment much easier:

  • You no longer need to make changes to your reverse proxy configuration to use the internal Synchrony proxy. It just works, right out of the box. This improvement did involve a change to the setenv.bat / and server.xml files, so if you have any additional customisations in those files, you'll need to re-add them after upgrade (and not overwrite the files themselves). 
  • Automated fallback to XHR means that if a user cannot connect to Confluence via WebSockets, they can still edit pages, hassle free. 

If you upgraded to Confluence 6.0 but had to turn collaborative editing off because of infrastructure or environmental problems, we urge you to give it another try in 6.1. It'll be worth it, we promise. 


Safe startup to the rescue

You can now start Confluence Server from the command line with all user installed add-ons disabled or selected add-ons disabled. This can be useful for troubleshooting problems with your site, particularly if you are unable to start Confluence after an upgrade for example. 


Show me...

To temporarily disable all non-system add-ons:

$ ./ --disable-all-addons
 > start-confluence.bat /disablealladdons


To temporarily disable specific add-ons, specify the add-on key (for example com.atlassian.test.plugin). You can disable multiple add-ons using a colon-separated list.

$ ./ --disable-addons=com.atlassian.test.plugin
> start-confluence.bat /disableaddon=com.atlassian.test.plugin

These parameters are applied at startup only; they do not persist after a restart. You should still use UPM if you want to permanently disable an add-on.

This is a Confluence Server feature. These parameters do not work with Confluence Data Center.


New Chinese (simplified) language pack

We now bundle an official Chinese (simplified) language pack. This brings the total number of language packs available, right out of the box, to 10! 


Infrastructure changes

Head to Preparing for Confluence 6.1 to find out about changes that will impact add-on developers. 

Supported platform changes

We've made no changes to our supported platforms in this beta release. 

Known issues

Confluence 6.1.0-beta2 has no known issues.

Last modified on May 9, 2017

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