Featured topics: identity-based encryption (IBE), attribute-based encryption (ABE) and broadcast encryption
Structure: welcome; 3 invited talks; panel conversation.
Date and time: February 9th (Thursday), 2023, 12:00–15:50 EST
Location/format: virtual event over Webex video conference
Attendance: open and free to the public, upon registration (attendees can pose questions via chat / Q&A functionality)
Registration direct link: https://nist-secure.webex.com/weblink/register/r92f4ffc27fc2534733799ac4161f454e
Event schedule, Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5):
List of invited speakers or panelists:
List of bios (provided by the speakers/panelists):
About STPPA: In the "Special Topics on Privacy and Public Auditability" series, the NIST privacy-enhancing cryptography (PEC) project hosts talks on various interconnected topics related to privacy and public auditability. The goal is to convey basic technical background, incite curiosity, suggest research questions and discuss applications, with an emphasis on the role of cryptographic tools.
Selected Presentations | |
February 9, 2023 | Type |
12:00 PM
STPPA5 Welcome Luís T. A. N. Brandão - NIST/Strativia A brief presentation introducing the context of the PEC project and the STPPA series, and then giving details about the STPPA5 event: motivating the featured topics, presenting the schedule, and describing some logistic details about the virtual webinar. |
Presentation |
12:10 PM
Identity Based Encryption: an Overview Dan Boneh - Stanford University Identity Based Encryption: an Overview |
Presentation |
1:00 PM
Attribute-Based Encryption, Variants, and Pairing-Based Instantiations Melissa Chase - Microsoft Research Abstract: In traditional public key encryption systems, a message is encrypted under a particular public key, with the guarantee that it can only be decrypted by the party holding the corresponding secret key. Attribute based encryption (ABE), introduced by Sahai and Waters, instead allows us to use attributes to determine who has the power to decrypt. This talk will describe ABE and some of it’s variants along with the current state of the art in pairing-based instantiations. |
Presentation |
2:10 PM
Attribute-Based and Broadcast Encryption from Lattices Hoeteck Wee - NTT Research Abstract. I will provide a quick overview of the state-of-the-art lattice-based ABE and broadcast encryption schemes. |
Presentation |
3:00 PM
STPPA5 panel conversation on IBE, ABE and broadcast encryption René Peralta - NIST Luís T. A. N. Brandão - NIST/Strativia Angela Robinson - NIST Dan Boneh - Stanford University Melissa Chase - Microsoft Research Hoeteck Wee - NTT Research Tanya Verma - Cloudflare Panelists: Dan Boneh (Stanford University), Melissa Chase (Microsoft Research), Tanya Verma (Cloudflare), Hoeteck Wee (NTT Research). Moderators: The NIST-PEC team: Luís Brandão, René Peralta, Angela Robinson. Abstract. The panel conversation builds on the three invited talks at STPPA5, whose featured topics included identity-based encryption (IBE), attribute-based encryption (ABE) and broadcast encryption. The panel allows a further dive on reflections of use-cases for privacy and public auditability, feasibility and adoptability, quantum resistance versus unsafety, and challenges and opportunities for future development of recommendations, guidelines or standards. |
Panel |
Starts: February 09, 2023 - 12:00 PM EST
Ends: February 09, 2023 - 04:00 PM EST
Format: Virtual Type: Webinar
Attendance Type: Open to public
Audience Type: Industry,Government,Academia,Other
Security and Privacy: cryptography